OMG i was not arrested

Wayward's Avatar
Best wishes Max and don't let the board gossip get you down, deal with life and we will all be waiting for your return when ever that might be.
dearhunter's Avatar
There is nothing wrong with asking for a little good karma....I will say a prayer for you....I hope
good for you.....fuck the naysayers.....and not in a good way (ok, maybe that is bad karma).
surcher's Avatar
Take care of yourself sweetheart. I'm sure the prayers for you will be answered and you'll come back to us again with that zest for life we know is in you.
Hope all is well with you soon cutie...
The G.O.A.T's Avatar
Hope everything works out for you, and yes karma is a bitch for those that start rumors.
Congrats on the weight loss, though I'm sure you'd prefer it be under better circumstances.

Whatever you decide, make the choice that you feel is best for you and run with it. I never got the chance to meet you, but I've seen you as nothing short of a standup individual. Best of luck. I' an atheist, but I'll make an exception and send out a prayer for you.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
uuugh...I wish you the best and all but can we leave out the whole "believe in prayer"/"pray for me" stuff. It just feels a little awkward reading it from this board. Originally Posted by coefficient
That's OK. Even though I don't agree with you, I agree with your right to state your opinion. A little Voltaire to start the day off with is OK.

Even so, say one of your kids is in a horrific car crash and is knocking on deaths door. Go ahead and post here and ask for some moral support and a prayer. That's also OK, even though I'm not the most religious guy in the world, sometimes speaking to the person upstairs can cause considerable relief.

I do find it rather sad that you confuse people within the hobby to be basically bad people without a rite to post about prayer. It tells me what you really think about the men and women in this thing of ours.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 02-19-2011, 01:10 PM
That's OK. Even though I don't agree with you, I agree with your right to state your opinion. A little Voltaire to start the day off with is OK.

Even so, say one of your kids is in a horrific car crash and is knocking on deaths door. Go ahead and post here and ask for some moral support and a prayer. That's also OK, even though I'm not the most religious guy in the world, sometimes speaking to the person upstairs can cause considerable relief.

I do find it rather sad that you confuse people within the hobby to be basically bad people without a rite to post about prayer. It tells me what you really think about the men and women in this thing of ours. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Very good post, D_J.
dearhunter's Avatar
Christ hung out with whores, thieves and bums.........lucky for us, he didn't hold it against them.

Any solice that Max can receive is worth while....why judge the source in her time of need......I'm just saying.
Very good post DJ & DH...and again Max, keep your head up. Everything will be fine chica
eve's Avatar
  • eve
  • 02-19-2011, 07:02 PM
Love you max!!!! Hope all get better!!
Dear Hunter, the big catch was he ask them all to repent, which in all likely hood ment for the whores to stop whoreing, the thieves to stop stealing, and for the bums to get a job.
sharkman29's Avatar
Good luck Max!!
dearhunter's Avatar
Dear Hunter, the big catch was he ask them all to repent, which in all likely hood ment for the whores to stop whoreing, the thieves to stop stealing, and for the bums to get a job. Originally Posted by Jackie S
If Christ signs up for icky, Max can go straight to him and cut out the middle man.......until then, how about I give her a little support in her time of need.
beautifulbailey's Avatar

I really wish you the best. I know you will make it through what ever it is you are going through honey.