The Federal Reserve System and JFK

TheDaliLama's Avatar

Democrat John Wilkes Booth assassinates President Abraham Lincoln for freeing the slaves.
Hmmm... lemme do the math, grade school back in '63... so you're now collecting SS/Medicare and still hooking?

Wow... ain't this a great country, folks? Originally Posted by lustylad
So did the school teacher have to recount that tragic event back in '63...?

Democrat John Wilkes Booth assassinates President Abraham Lincoln for freeing the slaves. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Also, I think it was because he favored the greenback dollar. See this:

Abraham Lincoln-(1809-1865) the 16th President of the U.S.-Assassinated while in Office.

In his First Inaugural Address, Lincoln made a point to discuss the role of Capital and Labor. Significant national issues were, at that time, in the first official speech, immediately after a Presidential Election.
Lincoln spoke on finances and government: "In his First Annual Message to Congress, December 3, 1861, Abraham Lincoln stated: "Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed, if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration. Capital has its rights, which are as worthy of protection as any other rights."
President Lincoln needed money to finance the Civil War, and the international bankers offered him loans at 24-36% interest. Lincoln balked at their demands because he didn't want to plunge the nation into such a huge debt. Lincoln approached Congress about passing a law to authorize the printing of U.S. Treasury Notes. Lincoln said "We gave the people of this Republic the greatest blessing they ever had - their own paper money to pay their debts..." Lincoln printed over 400 million "Greenbacks" (debt and interest-free) and paid the soldiers, U.S. government employees, and bought war supplies. The international bankers didn't like it and wanted Lincoln to borrow the money from them, so that the American people would owe tremendous interest on the loan. Lincoln's solution made this seem ridiculous. Shortly after Lincoln's death, the government revoked the Greenback law which ended Lincoln's debt-free, interest-free money. A new national banking act was enacted and all currency became interest-bearing, debt instruments, again.

Excerpt from People Who Opposed a Central Bank:
Some people can't see the truth even when it's in plain sight. He probably didn't even read the link I posted anyway. I've seen so many documentaries and read so many articles (based on fact) about Kennedy's life that cannot possibly be ignored. I truly believe he was assassinated by elite powers in control. I know he was. He was a leader for the people and most Americans know that. That's why everyone mourned his death and truly felt a great loss. Even my school teacher was crying when she told us he had been assassinated. Originally Posted by SassySue
Yes our Government killed Kennedy. That's not a big discovery anymore. Anyone who still thinks Oswald climbed up into a sixth story window and did the shooting is just plain ignorant.

Yes our Government killed Kennedy. That's not a big discovery anymore. Anyone who still thinks Oswald climbed up into a sixth story window and did the shooting is just plain ignorant.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Government kills people and Kennedy
Yes our Government killed Kennedy. That's not a big discovery anymore. Anyone who still thinks Oswald climbed up into a sixth story window and did the shooting is just plain ignorant.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Yes, Jim, and check out the link in my last post. Quite interesting how the central banking system is involved in all this and it goes way back to England, and the Rothschild family. All the presidents that wanted to keep the greenback dollar died mysteriously or were assassinated. How can that be a coincidence? Kennedy was assassinated just five months after issuing this executive order:
I B Hankering's Avatar
Also, I think it was because he favored the greenback dollar. See this:

Abraham Lincoln-(1809-1865) the 16th President of the U.S.-Assassinated while in Office.

In his First Inaugural Address, Lincoln made a point to discuss the role of Capital and Labor. Significant national issues were, at that time, in the first official speech, immediately after a Presidential Election.
Lincoln spoke on finances and government: "In his First Annual Message to Congress, December 3, 1861, Abraham Lincoln stated: "Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed, if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration. Capital has its rights, which are as worthy of protection as any other rights."
President Lincoln needed money to finance the Civil War, and the international bankers offered him loans at 24-36% interest. Lincoln balked at their demands because he didn't want to plunge the nation into such a huge debt. Lincoln approached Congress about passing a law to authorize the printing of U.S. Treasury Notes. Lincoln said "We gave the people of this Republic the greatest blessing they ever had - their own paper money to pay their debts..." Lincoln printed over 400 million "Greenbacks" (debt and interest-free) and paid the soldiers, U.S. government employees, and bought war supplies. The international bankers didn't like it and wanted Lincoln to borrow the money from them, so that the American people would owe tremendous interest on the loan. Lincoln's solution made this seem ridiculous. Shortly after Lincoln's death, the government revoked the Greenback law which ended Lincoln's debt-free, interest-free money. A new national banking act was enacted and all currency became interest-bearing, debt instruments, again.

Excerpt from People Who Opposed a Central Bank:
Originally Posted by SassySue

Are you really that ditsy, little girl? In one post you purport to declaim the evils of fiat money because it has no intrinsic value: because it is not backed by gold or silver.

Then, in short order in another post, you ignorantly proclaim that Lincoln was killed by bankers because he intended to end the use of Greenbacks, which you -- and contrary to your other stated position on fiat money -- consider a godsend for the the common man.

Are you so ditsy that you not see and know that Lincoln's Greenbacks, like fiat money, were not backed by specie, little girl?

How can anyone take you seriously when you stupidly state you hold and argue such blatantly contrary positions, little girl?
lustylad's Avatar
Are you really that ditsy, little girl? ... Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Yep, she is!

The only consistency in her posts is 1) she is a victim, and 2) bankers are to blame for every evil in the world.

So bankers killed Lincoln to get rid of fiat money, and they killed JFK to protect fiat money.

Reminds me of how the libtards blamed the bankers for reckless lending causing the 2008 recession, then turned around and blamed them for the slow recovery because they weren't lending enough.
Are you really that ditsy, little girl? In one post you purport to declaim the evils of fiat money because it has no intrinsic value: because it is not backed by gold or silver.

Then, in short order in another post, you ignorantly proclaim that Lincoln was killed by bankers because he intended to end the use of Greenbacks, which you -- and contrary to your other stated position on fiat money -- consider a godsend for the the common man.

Are you so ditsy that you not see and know that Lincoln's Greenbacks, like fiat money, were not backed by specie, little girl?

How can anyone take you seriously when you stupidly state you hold and argue such blatantly contrary positions, little girl?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You misread my post. That's not what I said at all. I said Lincoln was assassinated because he was in favor of keeping the greenback dollar. After he was assassinated the central banking system abolished it. You didn't read the whole post or something. Dumbo. Go relax and have a beer or something.
This is all bullshit.

Anybody with half brain knows that Joe DiMaggio used the money he made off of the Mr. Coffee endorsement to fund, through Cuban contacts, Lee Harvey Oswalds assassination plans.

The reason? Kennedy and his smarmy little brother Bobby destroyed Marilyn Monroe.
This is all bullshit.

Anybody with half brain knows that Joe DiMaggio used the money he made off of the Mr. Coffee endorsement to fund, through Cuban contacts, Lee Harvey Oswalds assassination plans.

The reason? Kennedy and his smarmy little brother Bobby destroyed Marilyn Monroe. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Don't think so. She may have had some information they didn't want her to know about, but I think the real reason Kennedy was assassinated was because of the executive order I mentioned above. His assassination happened 5 months after he issued it. If you look at all of this information in context, it has to do with the greenback dollar and the Central Banking System. Goes way back. All the presidents that were against a Central Banking System and the debt that it incurred were either assassinated or mysteriously died. You have to read the whole page in my Post #18 to get the gist of it and evidently you didn't take the time to do that. Here's the executive order again that Kennedy did. Down toward the bottom, you will note, he was actually assassinated 5 months after he issued that order.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You misread my post. That's not what I said at all. I said Lincoln was assassinated because he was in favor of keeping the greenback dollar. After he was assassinated the central banking system abolished it. You didn't read the whole post or something. Dumbo. Go relax and have a beer or something. Originally Posted by SassySue
That doesn't change the fact that you ignorantly champion Lincoln's Greenbacks and afterwards, and contrarily, state that you think fiat money is bad. Lincoln's Greenbacks -- like fiat money -- were not backed by specie, little girl.
This is all bullshit.

Anybody with half brain knows that Joe DiMaggio used the money he made off of the Mr. Coffee endorsement to fund, through Cuban contacts, Lee Harvey Oswalds assassination plans.

The reason? Kennedy and his smarmy little brother Bobby destroyed Marilyn Monroe. Originally Posted by Jackie S
If that's was true why wasn't Joe DiMaggio charged with Conspiracy to commit murder?

If that's was true why wasn't Joe DiMaggio charged with Conspiracy to commit murder?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

Why didn't I think of that? Good point, Jim. By the way, there are many, many Americans who now believe it was that executive order that got Kennedy assassinated, not just me. At least, that was one of the main reasons. Remember, it's always about big money and this was about big banks.
Why didn't I think of that? Good point, Jim. By the way, there are many, many Americans who now believe it was that executive order that got Kennedy assassinated, not just me. At least, that was one of the main reasons. Remember, it's always about big money and this was about big banks. Originally Posted by SassySue
Here's something else you didn't think of nor did Jackie. In 1963 Joe DiMaggio hadn't made a single penny off any endorsements of the "Mr. Coffee" coffee maker because it wasn't marketed until 1972. I think he was just joking anyway.
