What if Trump is elected

Well all I can say is that this thread has definitely taken many turns but one thing that is consistent is the deafening silence of those on the left as to what their plans are if Trump is elected in November.
Personally, see no reason to leave the country, etc. The moderate left will simply ride it out like his last term and do what they can to thwart his extreme proposals and may be joined by some of the more rational right to do so. Depending on makeup of house and senate, could well be 4 years of stalemate...nothing new there. A lot may depend on the VP selection by both parties, since either President Biden or Ex-President Trump could die, become incapacitated, or be removed from office in a second term.
Ducbutter's Avatar
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
If Trump wins in 2024 life will go on for me with little negative impact. I did not cry "foul" in 2016 and I will not do so in 2024. As in 2020, there will be minimal election fraud which will not impact the election outcome. Trump will have won because Biden has not been as successful a POTUS as those who voted for him in 2020 had hoped. Trump did little for me in his 4 years in office and I doubt he will do much for me if he is elected later this year.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What if he’s convicted?
What if he’s convicted? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Try and stay on topic Yssup. If you have nothing to say then skip the thread.
Ripmany's Avatar
Trump and Biden both dumbass.
... When Trump Wins yet-again, I'm rather sure that He will
get the country in order... "Drill baby Drill" and prosperity
for Americans! ... And, of course - Equal Justice Under the Law.

... ALL Coming Soon! ... "Truth, Justice and the American Way!

### Salty
Lucas McCain's Avatar
My life won't change one iota if Trump is elected.

I made a goal when I was 16 that I would retire on my 50th birthday. I've recently bumped that down a few years since then. Whether it is Trump or Biden in office is irrelevant to me as far as my many other goals in life that I have yet to achieve but will.
biomed1's Avatar
To Remain On Topic . . .
#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.
Precious_b's Avatar
I would wish him well and uphold the American Democratic tradition of a peaceful transfer of power.

I think that is something that a few people who post in this section can't understand/fanthom/fairly respect.

....and that is the underpinnings of what is wrong.
txdot-guy's Avatar
... No surprise! ... TxDot is a fair-minded bloke who has good views and opinions sometimes... And I surely figured that he'd be one o' the lads to respond.

But the piss-poor economy WILL improve and America producing its-own energy again will quickly aid the DROP in prices and inflation.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I’m an American and a Texan who lives in one of the most democratic liberal leaning cities in Texas. I live under the assumption that my vote on a national and state level is probably wasted. Gerrymandering is rampant in Texas and it’s pushing Texas republicans to the extreme.

If Trump is elected in November I’ll continue to vote, donate to democratic candidates, campaign for democratic candidates and wait for the Texas republican party to implode. Because sooner or later it will. Right now it’s eating itself.

Be aware that if Trump is elected and enacts the anti immigrant policies he is espousing that in itself will push our economy into recession. I hate to burst your bubble but the only reason we are doing as well as we are now is the millions of illegal immigrants working and filling jobs that most Americans don’t want. The birth rate for Americans has been falling for years now mostly because of our aging population. To deal with the long term effects of our population shift we’ll need a robust immigration system to ensure that our economy continues.

You are also very wrong about our energy policies as well. Oil and gas production is at an all time high. Despite what people think Biden’s policies aren’t keeping us from producing oil and gas, however they are probably limiting future growth in the industry as a way of limiting greenhouse gases in the future.

If the plan is to reduce or eliminate petroleum production in the future why approve projects that have a lifetime of fifty or a hundred years.
... WHO sayes that "the plan" is to eliminate petroleum production??

See? ... That's the problem.

... And WHO is "doing well" NOW?? ... The country?? ...

Crikey! ... Nearly 75% of the country surely believes the country is
ON THE WRONG TRACK! ... Trump getting elected again will improve it!

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... WHO sayes that "the plan" is to eliminate petroleum production??

See? ... That's the problem.

... And WHO is "doing well" NOW?? ... The country?? ...

Crikey! ... Nearly 75% of the country surely believes the country is
ON THE WRONG TRACK! ... Trump getting elected again will improve it!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yet it isn’t. That’s the point.
txdot-guy's Avatar
... WHO sayes that "the plan" is to eliminate petroleum production??

See? ... That's the problem.

... And WHO is "doing well" NOW?? ... The country?? ...

Crikey! ... Nearly 75% of the country surely believes the country is
ON THE WRONG TRACK! ... Trump getting elected again will improve it!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Not eliminate per se but severely reduce is more like it. Who says, every signatory of the Paris climate agreement. Which includes the United States.