Provider works at my job

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
I wonder if she has a rate for coffee breaks?
  • zebra
  • 08-25-2015, 11:05 PM
Do yourself a favor and take everyone's advise seriously. That is if you value your employment... Don't walk, run!


I'm fairly certain that trying to soliciting sex from one of your co-workers is probably covered in your company's Sexual Harassment Policy, and frowned upon. Originally Posted by Roger.Smith
That's cool lol. I think everybody is right it's sounds like you know the right thing to do. And it sounds like she has moved on if you can't find her anywhere online. But it'd be cool to work with a provider that still provides and fuck them too and it be a dirty little secret. I think it's a cool fantasy but if she doesn't provide anymore let it just be a fantasy. I'm sure a girl on here would role play with u 😜
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm fairly certain that trying to soliciting sex from one of your co-workers is probably covered in your company's Sexual Harassment Policy, and frowned upon. Originally Posted by Roger.Smith
years ago my District Manager was outlining the company sexual harassment policy in a meeting that covered different topics.. there was about 25 people present.. at one point she stopped and demonstrated an example of what could be considered harassment, picking me to "hit on" in her example.. I felt so weird, LOL..

and yes, move on.. there are hundreds of Providers around, don't shit where you work.
rcinokc's Avatar
Lots of great advice here, hopefully the OP is smart enough to follow it.
Its funny that every single post has the same thought in mnd. But i agree leave it alone!! Even if she was still a provider, i wouldnt approach her or make and appt because personal life and hobby life have to STAY separated. Only bad can come from this.
  • !VI!
  • 08-26-2015, 06:15 AM
please just let her do her thing,

don't event think about her in that light... infact you working with her will have her real world info... which could be dangerous for as much as it hurts your dick not to have sex with her....

for her safety and happiness please, just do your job
Plus you can't prove she is a provider. She could get your ass fired if you were to accuse her. Women in the work place carry big sticks these days.
  • Uncas
  • 08-26-2015, 07:45 AM
m let it lay:

1. its the right thing to do
2. blowing it up , exposing her or just letting her know you could back fire on you too and cause you a world of hurt
3. see #1
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Leave her alone. If you do fuck with her in anyway, I hope your balls get nailed to the wall.

EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE deserves to move on with privacy and respect. This applies to BOTH men and women.
Just put yourself in her shoes. What would you want? The Golden Rule, while simple, works pretty good.

Now what goes on in your head,,,a whole different story!

PS You have a much greater downside risk than she does.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Geezus fucking Christ!! Put the fucking fangs away.

Yeah, I agree that he shouldn't pursue it, but some of you have no fucking tact at all.

Here's why you shouldn't pursue it. It could expose your hobbying to your coworkers. That just doesn't need to happen, for any reason.

Just let it ride. Too many other hot chicks in town.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
-Fulfillment of a fantasy (possibly)
-You get a nut with a hot provider (possibly)

-You can get fired. (possibly)
-You can get named on a lawsuit. (possibly)
-You can be blackmailed. (possibly)
-She will get your real life information and destroy your family and work life. (possibly)

On a side note, I know a provider that told me a funny story. She was interviewing for an office job, and had already passed a first interview with a lower level HR clerk. Then, when she went to an interview of the HR manager, they recognized each other from a session they had the prior day. The shill in the room was bellow zero. She just said she would decline the job and he said it was a good idea for both of them.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Many years ago, and both parties are no longer around (I don't think!), a client told me that he recognized a lady (from her face photos) at a Boy Scout group that he was a part of in a different part of Texas.

And I TOLD him to leave her alone. That to introduce himself, and let her know that he knows her, was a really bad idea in a long line of bad ideas.

Well what did he do? He introduced himself. This man was like 6'5" and had a position of authority in the community.

He told me that she turned completely white as a sheet, swayed slightly, mumbled a hello and walked away.

Later, she contacted him and offered him ANYTHING if he wouldn't "out" her to her son's group.

I hated this guy after that and our "friendship" suffered because of it.

Perhaps I'm being mean but I cannot imagine that absolute horror that this lady felt when he walked up to her and said what he said. Not a graceful thing to do to another person.

Knowledge is power. Enjoy your little secret and keep that smile within. I do that ALL of the time!

Just my thoughts on it.

Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I think it is sad that this guy even CONSIDERED approaching her and hopefully he will totally leave her alone.

When it comes to real life, it needs to be left alone.

I've ran into hobbyist's in public while they were with their wives and I would NEVER EVER do anything to ever put their personal lives at risk.

But for some reason, there are those who doesn't seem to think that a provider should get the same respect as well.

My fangs DO come out when it comes to topics like this. Privacy should be respected, always.