As Expected, the 'Infrastructure' Bill Is Packed with Liberal Absurdities

Jacuzzme's Avatar
He may have a master plan. Give the moderate Democrats what they want on this, and maybe they won't pass a massive $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill.
That would require democrats to fulfill a moral obligation, which they would not because they’re amoral.
That would require democrats to fulfill a moral obligation, which they would not because they’re amoral. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Ya republicans define morality. lololololololololololololololo lololololololololololololololo lololololololololololololololo lololololololololololololololo lololololololololololololololo lololololololololololololololo lololololololololololololololo lol

How about you "assure" us with some details?

Oh, you don't have time to read the whole bill but you can "assure" us that Republicans put in non-infrastructure stuff?

"If" 80-90% is infrastructure related? So, you don't know that for sure either? You really don't give a damn how stupid you sound, do you.

Signed "Not Re-assured". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Na I'll let you do some research and report back. You trumplicans need lots of research practice. Need some training in critical thought also....
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Ya republicans define morality. lololololololololololololololo lololololololololololololololo lololololololololololololololo lololololololololololololololo lololololololololololololololo lololololololololololololololo lololololololololololololololo lol

lol Originally Posted by royamcr
Moreso than others for certain.
  • oeb11
  • 08-03-2021, 02:10 PM
You are a fool to think that the republicans aren't getting something out of this. I don't have time to go through the whole bill. If 80-90% of it is infrastructure related, and the other 10-20% is pork, that is a successful bill. Originally Posted by royamcr

As usual - deflection denial, and shirking responsibility for one's own posts , 'r'

If One chooses to state a Point - and refuse to document because of ''lack of time' - it simply shows teh usual DPST avoidance of exposing any rational support for one's points - other than teh Marxist manifesto - which One does not want to quote.

DPSTs exhibit criminal disregard of america and its' economy with the DPST hyperpork socialization of America through their legislation.

So - feel free to prove your points - but DPST's never DO!
its' why DPSTs cannot be ever taken seriously.

Their marxist narrative is what matters - "Uber Alles"

Thank you - 'r'!

BTW - stop the needless insulting, name-calling in your posts. Be civil - for a change/.
if 'r' and fellow DPSTsever exhibits true critical thought - rather than second grade 'Noooo" responses - i will give due credit.
Rounds of bill Amendments are forthcoming. These are going to be things that Republicans want out of this to vote yay on it.

Stop with your constant DPST insults, until then you can fuck off with your whining about insults.

As usual - deflection denial, and shirking responsibility for one's own posts , 'r'

If One chooses to state a Point - and refuse to document because of ''lack of time' - it simply shows teh usual DPST avoidance of exposing any rational support for one's points - other than teh Marxist manifesto - which One does not want to quote.

DPSTs exhibit criminal disregard of america and its' economy with the DPST hyperpork socialization of America through their legislation.

So - feel free to prove your points - but DPST's never DO!
its' why DPSTs cannot be ever taken seriously.

Their marxist narrative is what matters - "Uber Alles"

Thank you - 'r'!

BTW - stop the needless insulting, name-calling in your posts. Be civil - for a change/.
if 'r' and fellow DPSTsever exhibits true critical thought - rather than second grade 'Noooo" responses - i will give due credit. Originally Posted by oeb11
  • oeb11
  • 08-03-2021, 04:21 PM
Rounds of bill Amendments are forthcoming. These are going to be things that Republicans want out of this to vote yay on it.

Stop with your constant DPST insults, until then you can fuck off with your whining about insults. Originally Posted by royamcr

Democrat-Progressive-Socialist -Totalitarian - an 'acronym, 'r' - for DPST
and every word is presentable to Ladies in an old folks home.


If you have a problem with teh acronym - DPST - an accurate description of your political party - /r/ - please RTM the Moderator.

Please Do so

Meanwhile - i scrupulously avoid the name-calling, insults, and derogative wording you and other DPST's use continually in your posts.

but - after all - we can only expect one thing from DPST's - Hypocrisy and Marxist narrative uber alles
DPSTs feel it is their right to demonize republicans and conservatives as racist and subhuman .

i do not regard you as a subhuman - as you view others of a different POV
Nonetheless - the DPST party is teh most institutionally Racist organization ever - except teh CCP - even out hating teh KKK , and slavery of black Peoples. .

Quote - rep Clyburn today referred to republicans as 'the enemy" - setting the stage for another jump in goebbels type racist and sub-humanizing rhetoric and beliefs among the DPSTs
HedonistForever's Avatar
Na I'll let you do some research and report back. You trumplicans need lots of research practice. Need some training in critical thought also.... Originally Posted by royamcr
No surprise that you didn't do any research before making all the dumb statements you made. Me, I do research on literally every topic I debate. I don't make up numbers and "assure" you they are correct.

So here you go from a source that will be hard for you to deny.

According to the GOP, "Only 7% of the bill's spending is for what Americans traditionally think of as infrastructure."

The GOP claim that just 7% of the bill's spending applies to infrastructure is misleading. That being said, the debate over what technically counts as infrastructure is a real one, and much of the bill's spending falls outside even the broadest of definitions.
There goes your 80 to 90%

Biden's plan includes $621 billion for transportation, $400 billion for homecare service, $300 billion for manufacturing and $180 billion for research and development.
Under their "traditional" definition of infrastructure, the GOP email limits what counts as infrastructure spending to include the $115 billion the plan allocates for modernizing highways, roads and main streets, $25 billion to airports and $17 billion for inland waterways, ports and ferries.
However, Biden's plan also calls for $85 billion to modernize public transit, $80 billion for Amtrak, $50 billion to safeguard critical infrastructure and $20 billion to improve road safety. The GOP email does not provide an explanation for why those investments are not considered part of infrastructure.
If we include the aforementioned $235 billion additional funding for transportation infrastructure, plus the $126 billion for building housing units, the $112 billion to build public schools and improve community college facilities, the $111 billion for water infrastructure, the $100 billion for digital infrastructure and the $100 billion for power infrastructure, infrastructure accounts for about 30% of the $2.65 trillion plan as announced by the White House.
The Republicans could have fairly argued that a majority of the funds aren't going directly to infrastructure projects but the 7% number relies on a the GOP's own narrow definition of infrastructure.
So even the broadest defintion of true infrastructure, this bills comes in at about 30%. That leaves 70% that has nothing to do with infastructure.

So your statement fails miserable because you didn't do any research before shooting you big mouth off as is often the case with you but you don't care. You impress me as being one of those guys behind their keyboard, jerking off the the idea that you are pissing off a Conservative/ Republican by saying things you know aren't true, which in your case may not be the case and you just may be that ignorant or should I say "un-informed".

Biden wants to pump $400 billion to improve access to quality, affordable home or community-based care for the elderly and people with disabilities. It would expand a Medicaid program to make more services available and eliminate a backlog that prevents thousands from getting care.
It would also boost pay for care workers, who are disproportionately women of color and typically earn about $12 an hour.

A worthy goal? Perhaps but nothing to do with infrastructure under anybodies definition, well, any reasonable person's definition.

Just Under 6 Percent of Biden's Infrastructure Plan Goes to Roads and Bridges

"There would be bipartisan support for a serious, targeted infrastructure plan," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell tweeted Wednesday. "Unfortunately, less than 6% of this massive White House proposal would go to roads and bridges. It would spend more on electric cars than on roads, bridges, ports, airports, and waterways combined."

The package is focused on job creation, traditional infrastructure spending, and investment in many other things that stand to redefine infrastructure as a political issue, such as funding for care workers, as well as incentives for childcare to be provided at American workplaces.

The current plan isn't 2.65 trillion genius. It is more like 550 billion.

Infrastructure is way more than just roads and bridges.

You can't tell me that Republican states aren't benefitting from this, there would be no GOP support at all if that is the case.

Got to admit, trumptards are furious this is getting done. It is lovely.
HedonistForever's Avatar
The current plan isn't 2.65 trillion genius. It is more like 550 billion.

After months of work, U.S. senators unveil $1 trillion infrastructure bill

Infrastructure is way more than just roads and bridges.

But it sure as hell isn't child care and Medicaid and a tonof other crap that isn't infrastructure.

You can't tell me that Republican states aren't benefitting from this, there would be no GOP support at all if that is the case.

Maybe that's because I never said any such thing. Republicans were always on board for "actual infrastructure".

Got to admit, trumptards are furious this is getting done. It is lovely. Originally Posted by royamcr

And the Progressive Left is pissed that it isn't enough. Yeah, pissed off opposition can be quite lovely.
Only one that is pissed is the Orange turd and the trumptaricans that worship him.

Dems will slam all they want into the upcoming Reconciliation bill. Only need 51 votes to pass that.
winn dixie's Avatar
Only one that is pissed is the Orange turd and the trumptaricans that worship him.

Dems will slam all they want into the upcoming Reconciliation bill. Only need 51 votes to pass that. Originally Posted by royamcr
Chill. No reason to get so worked up. Not healthy. When you use the phrase "fuck off" you are pretty much conceding the argument!
rexdutchman's Avatar
All I know is puddens 10 Trillion in 7 months but Shhhh we just gonna print mo money
  • Tiny
  • 08-04-2021, 08:00 AM
The current plan isn't 2.65 trillion genius. It is more like 550 billion.

Infrastructure is way more than just roads and bridges.

You can't tell me that Republican states aren't benefitting from this, there would be no GOP support at all if that is the case.

Got to admit, trumptards are furious this is getting done. It is lovely. Originally Posted by royamcr
I think Trump would be all for it if it could be branded as his idea. McConnell and earlier Ryan were the ones protecting the taxpayer’s purse. Now no one is.
  • oeb11
  • 08-04-2021, 09:54 AM
No sense even trying to reason with certain DPST posters - all

Impossible to have any reasonable debate with the DPST posters - we all know them
they do not debate rationally based on facts, Truth, and reality

they refuse to document their outlandish assertions
they name-call , insult, use derision and aspersions as personal attacks in place of reasoned debate.

i suggest they simply be placed on Ignore by all their targets of their nonsense.
They are a waste of time and effort.