women and marriage

.....Perhaps if more "civilian" wives had that knowledge, there would be a lot less unhappy husbands. Originally Posted by Valerie
Oh Val, if you weren't already taken.....
Having some experience with relationships with a provider I would say it's not recommended. I know it would take a special couple to make it thru the obvious problems. If monogamy is something you want as I always do in any committed relationship then I would recommend not getting married. I do not want to portray any fault with being a provider as I continue to see them But I would not marry one based on my experience. And yes both times I had a relationship they could not remain monogamous. Just my opinion and maybe the fault is all mine but as always I am honest on the boards. Originally Posted by burkalini
Well I am sure you're not alone. Many men have made attempts to have relationships with not only escorts but with strippers as well. Women in the Adult Entertainment Industry generally wouldn't make for a desireable mate. As men I don't think we are wired emotionally to handle our mates promisicuity even if it is part of her job. But on the flip side, I think if an Escort or a Stripper decided for herself that she wanted to leave the Adult Entertainment Industry and pursue a conventional vocation and date and enter into committed relationships with even the possibility of marriage then I don't think she would be any less faithful than women who have never been involved in the Adult Entertainment Industry.
burkalini's Avatar
Well I am sure you're not alone. Many men have made attempts to have relationships with not only escorts but with strippers as well. Women in the Adult Entertainment Industry generally wouldn't make for a desireable mate. As men I don't think we are wired emotionally to handle our mates promisicuity even if it is part of her job. But on the flip side, I think if an Escort or a Stripper decided for herself that she wanted to leave the Adult Entertainment Industry and pursue a conventional vocation and date and enter into committed relationships with even the possibility of marriage then I don't think she would be any less faithful than women who have never been involved in the Adult Entertainment Industry. Originally Posted by acp5762

Both of the providers I was in a relationship with quit the business while they were with me. They cheated on me with another guy on a non provider meeting. They just didn't want monogamy. I can't really get mad at them when they have the type of background they do but I sure don't recommend you marry them. I think they just get used to having many men pursue them and get used to the attention.
I agree with Valerie, if more wives know what it takes to satify her husband. In my case, I have an ATF that I see off and on. We both know our situation ( She has a BF and kids). If I was young and close to her age, ( I am many years older than her but we have good chemistry berween us) I would marry her and hope we both happily stay married. In my opinion, ECCIE ladies are human beings and has same needs and wants as civilian ladies and civilian wives.
Mature Companion's Avatar
Wives? May Yes & maybe no.
It's all about how folks COMMUNICATE with each other, while in a relationship!! Communication comes in all forms.

If only ONE person waters the relationship & the other doesn't. Then don't expect the person doing the watering, to keep you happy & be a good partner. Selfishness doesn't work in a relationship.
If your NOT keeping them happy in return. Be it through love, respect, understanding, attention (so on and so forth). Then that person is going to grow weary of you and start to unlove you & pull away And seek love,happiness & attention elsewhere.

So yes, men & women here in this adult hobby. Are capable of being good spouses. IF they want to.

does anyone think the girls on eccie would make good wifes Originally Posted by watertender
whitechocolate's Avatar
Actually, providers can and do make excellent wives. As in any marriage, it depends on the woman and the man so can't generalize based on job title even if it is a sexual one.
Both of the providers I was in a relationship with quit the business while they were with me. They cheated on me with another guy on a non provider meeting. They just didn't want monogamy. I can't really get mad at them when they have the type of background they do but I sure don't recommend you marry them. I think they just get used to having many men pursue them and get used to the attention. Originally Posted by burkalini
Well I am sure of that. I did work with a guy once that married a stripper. She had already quit the buisness when they met. He told me she was a great wife. He claims he screwed things up by drinking to much. So I guess ones milage varies.
Cheating wives are not foreign to marriages outside of the hobby. Cheating goes on and the job title does not define than any more than it defines a monogamous relationship.

Good marriages require much more than just faithfulness. Many faithful couples live in the same house without any marriage relationship.

The op question seems to imply that relationships are based only on what the individuals did before they marry, a gross oversimplification.

What makes a "good wife?" Guess that is another thread. I'm feeding a troll for now.

Fixed that for ya.

Us? Good wives?...Oh of course not, after all we are just a bunch of hookers with no goals, no lives, no children, no teeth, people skills, etc.....

Come on! Don't be a knob... You've asked a ridiculous question, if anything providers would probably make better wives, on the simple fact that we know what men want and how to give it to them....Perhaps if more "civilian" wives had that knowledge, there would be a lot less unhappy husbands. Originally Posted by Valerie
burkalini's Avatar
Actually, providers can and do make excellent wives. As in any marriage, it depends on the woman and the man so can't generalize based on job title even if it is a sexual one. Originally Posted by whitechocolate
White not trying to start any drama with your reply but with what experience do you make your statement. I made mine with true experienience and from other fellow hobbyist that have experienced the same. I would say Dallas Rain has a good marriage because both partners are not monogamous and agree to do so. Ohter than than I know of about 10 that have not worked out at all. So if we go by survey it's 0 for 10. I'm sure there are exceptions but in general it just doesn't work.
whitechocolate's Avatar
I speak from personal experience and also experience counseling others in similar situations. There are many in open marriages(providers and none providers) that have great relationships. I will admit, it takes exceptional partners on both sides to make sure the marriage and their partners remain a priority.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-27-2011, 09:06 AM
does anyone think the girls on eccie would make good wifes Originally Posted by watertender
I wanted to wait a while before jumping in on this one. I thought I had posted last night but obviously messed up something along the way.

Fundamentally I think too many people forget that the ladies and men in this business are fundamentally people. There are good ones and bad, ones who are/want to be monogamous when in a relationship, and those that aren’t/don’t want to be.

A lot of the ladies I’ve gotten to know would gladly stop working if they found the right guy, but have no intention of doing so until they are sure he’s “the right guy”. Others have no desire to stop ether because they enjoy the lifestyle, the job, the flexibility, or whatever other reason.

I’ve seen ladies I think would make good wives and some I am not too sure about. I know two who I’d be happy to have as a spouse, one I’ve purposed to (twice). I’ve seen some get married and it’s worked out just fine—others I’ve seen have not worked out.

Last I looked, and I have done some close up observation, the ladies here are members of the same human race as those in the "real world". The sooner we stop trying to categorize them as something else, the better. I'm glad to see the majority of the replies seem reasoned.
Still Looking's Avatar
Wonder what that might cost? Has any one done the math?