just a friendly reminder....

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
See. Positive attitude. That's half the battle mama. Head up, shoulders back! Atta girl! You're makin' me proud.....

Whew! Sorry girl. I got caught up in the moment Originally Posted by onehitwonder
i think i needed to hear that thanks
onehitwonder's Avatar
Call anytime. That's what I'm here for. It's my matural instinct. :-)
st929's Avatar
  • st929
  • 08-13-2010, 08:21 PM
All I can say to any provider who I am lucky enough to get to see .... don't waste the time making yourself up. My perfect date greets me at the door fresh from a shower with water droplets still on her body which is wrapped in a white mens dress shirt. But then again thats just me.

Oh I've never not shown up at an appointment, but in my limited time in the hobby I've experienced one NCNS and one "emergency" with no call back to reschedule.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
oh yessss i love when i am requested fresh out of the shower
Lauren Lane's Avatar
1. Female version of blue balls... A tingly feeling in our netherregions that makes us squirm and cross and recross and does not subside until the appropriate apparatus is installed. Such apparatus could come in any form.

2. Excuse I got tonight... Something I had for lunch is coming out of both ends. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, good thing I was already at HH when I read this so it did not sear into my brain as much as it would have sober.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
1. Female version of blue balls... A tingly feeling in our netherregions that makes us squirm and cross and recross and does not subside until the appropriate apparatus is installed. Such apparatus could come in any form. Originally Posted by Lauren Lane

yessssssssss that is it alright!!
yes i got the "something came up, ill try to reschedule with u tomorrow" a few times.

why go through screening countless emails & texts only to cancel last min?
My money is on the ole Plan B, C and D thing. I don't subscribe to that theory of booking to avoid flakes but it seems to be a pretty popular way to avoid blueballs.

Sorry it happened to you, Jules.

Just FYI, I want to help a lady step out of the shower. Those things can be dangerous!
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
NCNS and last minuted cancels are frustrating and sorry you've had a run with it lately. If you have the time to hang out at your incall, you could try posting in the ISO forum should that happen again. There's a chance someone you've already screened or is easy screening (P411) will come see you if that occurs.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
NCNS and last minuted cancels are frustrating and sorry you've had a run with it lately. If you have the time to hang out at your incall, you could try posting in the ISO forum should that happen again. There's a chance someone you've already screened or is easy screening (P411) will come see you if that occurs. Originally Posted by M A X

ive thought about doing that before but i didnt want to get jumped on for posing a "threAD" LOL

thanks for all the responses today is a new day for new action, have a good weekend everyone

Sorry for your trials and tribulations, but it happens on both sides. Happened to me yesterday, you simply deal and move on.

I took the $$ I saved, and acquired a couple of new trinkets for my motorcycle...

Hope today is better for you!

ive thought about doing that before but i didnt want to get jumped on for posing a "threAD" LOL

thanks for all the responses today is a new day for new action, have a good weekend everyone Originally Posted by 214JULES
Too bad there isn't a special section where ladies could make daily posts like this for the last minute gents who are looking for someone in the next hour. It would help match supply with demand.
pmdelites's Avatar
so, blueballs is an equal opportunity bummer

sorry jules that you got stood up. regardles of the effort one goes thru to get be there for an appt, it can be frustrating and irritating. deal w/ the individual as you deem appropriate. then, as others have said, pick up and move on.