Musings on the escort industry

atlcomedy's Avatar
So, Colette, do you have a copy of the hobbyist's handbook, too? Been lookin' around for one, but can't seem to find it. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
WTF has a first edition, but I hear most of the pages stick together
WTF has a first edition, but I hear most of the pages stick together Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Must be one of them graphic novels.
So, Colette, do you have a copy of the hobbyist's handbook, too? Been lookin' around for one, but can't seem to find it. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
edited because atl's comment was so much funnier.
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
Greetings all!

My musings on the escort industry:

(1) It has reinforced the importance of having a good woman in my life. An escort is a poor substitute for the real thing. I think this is a paradoxical result given how society and the Religious Right demonize the industry.

(2) If you have to ask the question, “Is she worth it?”, then the answer is NO. The correct question to ask is, “Do I want to spend time with her?”

(3) Having a good experience starts with the Client. Treating the lady like a “piece of ass” will result in the lady treating the client as an ATM machine. Treat the lady like a person and it will take you far.

(4) A good experience means that at some level an emotional connection is reached. Otherwise, the experience is dehumanizing.

(5) An emotional connection does not mean that a personal relationship is sought or formed. Personal relationships are of the “real world” and the escort-client professional relationship is the stuff of dreams and fantasies. People need their dreams and fantasies. An emotional connection just means that the people involved acknowledge each other’s humanity - we are not machines.
(6) I’ve tried to assess whether my activities have been damaging to either the girls or to society in general. I don’t see it. I don’t understand why prostitution is illegal.

Just my thoughts. Originally Posted by Absinthe1912
I hear you brother, however #6 is mind boggling, though.

You both are two consenting adults engaging in consensual sex, how would such mutual agreement damage her, or even society for that matter?

You know what I love about the demimonde, the fact that I love men and money, (yes I said it!) and I get to have both at the same time without feeling any guilt for being a woman playing my part in a gentleman's world.

I made someone's day a little bit brighter, and in return he made me happy without neither of us feeling that the other took advantage. A win-win situation if you ask me.

What's capitalism without romance?
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
WTF has a first edition, but I hear most of the pages stick together Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well that's just WRONG and unprofessional. We are not allowed to have foul moods even if we do have a "bad day." It's rule #27, page 55 in the escorting handbook. And if we are in a foul mood, we have to learn to fake it. (as per rule #42, page 87).

Sheeesh, how do these ladies stay in business? Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
Maybe someday, you might let me take a peek inside the escort handbook.

I suspected there was one somewhere, but needed clearance to view it.

This particular girl was a very foul mood and when I told her that the place did not look like I expected, she got even more angry.

"What did you expect", she demanded? I expected soft music and candle light, I told her.

"Yeah?" She countered, "Well, who told you it was going to be like that?"

Damn! What a rude question!

If you want to sell the product, you have to present it in the best light.
ForumPoster's Avatar
My philosophy is, make the money, but don't let the money make you.

If for any reason one's having a bad day, don't see the client (companion). As simple as that.

If and when escorting feels like another 9-5 job, then it's time to close this chapter of one's life and find another hobby. Originally Posted by Nicolette Morgandy

This is actually why I keep my day job. This way being a provider is something that does not feel as a job.

Oh my goodness this thread takes me back to early part of this century, the Goddesses & all of their glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by atlcomedy
If we're going to go down that path then I'm going to have some popcorn and Jagermeister with Emily. lol Originally Posted by discreetgent
I don't get it... inside joke? Someone help the blond girl out and explain, please.
ANONONE's Avatar
Maybe this analogy may upset folks, but society is at best a collective, nervous, quirky, animal ready to split at the sinews at any given time, so why even bother caring what "they" think?

For instance, if we look at the raw definition of the word prostitution, it is the sale of your body for money. When an attractive woman skilled at sex decides to market those attributes for money we come up with all these descriptive words to call her. In the 1800's it was "soiled dove." You can fill in the blank with whatever the popular term is this decade. If a woman sells her body in private, we call her a XXXXX; if she does it in front of a camera, we call her a star.

Meanwhile, if a human that is particularly gifted at putting an inflated leather ball through an iron hoop we call it basketball. We pay the pros a hefty salary, and the even the amateurs can earn an education worth thousands. During this month offices everywhere will even lose productivity as people put more energy into their brackets than their spread sheets and even though gambling is illegal, we wink at it. Make no mistake, the athletes are still selling their bodies.

Isn't a plumber also a prostitute? They are selling their practical knowledge of fluid mechanics as well as the brute strength to fit pipes and a willingness to place their hands in places most folks prefer not to even think about. Hmmmmmm. . .

We might as well be sitting around and discussing Bill Cosby's favorite topic. . .

Why is there air?
My philosophy is, make the money, but don't let the money make you.

If for any reason one's having a bad day, don't see the client (companion). As simple as that.

If and when escorting feels like another 9-5 job, then it's time to close this chapter of one's life and find another hobby. Originally Posted by Nicolette Morgandy

Very true.
We might as well be sitting around and discussing Bill Cosby's favorite topic. . .

Why is there air? Originally Posted by ANONONE
Or, to use the vernacular...Why is there bullshit???
I can totally relate, to Nicolette's initial responce.
I believe in energy exchange...
I will add, the lighter fluid, but I need a match, or a lighter, for there to be flames.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I can totally relate, to Nicolette's initial responce.
I believe in energy exchange...
I will add, the lighter fluid, but I need a match, or a lighter, for there to be flames.
Originally Posted by Nina A. Ross
Keep it away from WTF. LOL.
People confuse prostitution with trafficking, rape, coercion, and sex-slavery. They think you can't have the first one without all the others. Originally Posted by Natalie
Oh my goodness this thread takes me back to early part of this century, the Goddesses & all of their glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by atlcomedy
To clarify, I wasn't commenting on exploitation and whether it happens or not—I was commenting on people hearing one word and thinking it's synonymous with other things they associate with it.

And aren't we still in the early part of this century?
atlcomedy's Avatar

And aren't we still in the early part of this century? Originally Posted by Natalie
Yes, I was referring to a few select posters on ASPD's HDH Board from say 2005-2009