This is my reality. Not what Tiny Gambino wants you to think of me.

L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 06-15-2016, 07:21 AM
If things a few people say about you on an escort board bother you so much and have that big of an impact, there is zero excuse for not having them on ignore.
Why do you make the choice of reading posts that you know will upset you? Makes no sense.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Everybody who can read and follows this board, knows Tony hammers on everyone.

Personally, I think posting this thread was a very bad idea. It's opens you up to a lot of pot shots from people who like to take pot shots at you anyway.

The best thing you can do it make rent space in your head very very very expensive from now on.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Damn. The endgame of a troll cometh.
Internet trolls are narcissists, psychopaths, and sadists. Trolls will lie, exaggerate, hijack threads and attempt to offend (insult you) to get a response, which is their end game. You will never convince the trolls that they are wrong in their thinking, they are just having their fun at your expense.

There are way more trolls and drama queens than just Gambino on this board in Dallas. Speaking from experience on this matter and after all this time and countless points by the mods, including bans on point totals for responding to the baiting posts of trolls, recently, I have come to realize that it is best to not only not respond to their posts, but also not even making posts such as the one starting of this thread to prove anything.

IMO, no one has anything to prove on this whore board, except in the instance when actual strong accusations get made. Facts speak for themselves and trolls like Gambino, Boltfan, Lucas McCain and THN do not ever have any, so if you got the facts in your corner, fuck what others think and say with their theorized assumptive bullshit. The guys with lots of posts who do not have or have very little reviews for the time they have been on this, a review board, speaks volumes about their trolling ways.

They only have the power you give to them. Just go about your business and do what you do. The trolls will not go away even if you put them on ignore, but having their type of fun with you will diminish greatly and probably be fewer and farther between.

Do not let others effect your life nor the way or how you hobby. If someone is gullible enough to fall for a troll's bullshit about you without question getting told what to think, then they are not worth seeing or even wasting your time on, much less trying to convince them otherwise.
TheEccie214's Avatar
I am just not quite strong enough or self confident enough to take being slandered and not do anything about it. I am too worried that I'll step back and my phone won't ring and it won't ring again and I lose everything I've worked so hard for.

Stay off the boards... that's what makes my phone ring... I can't survive off iffy unreliable backpage I don't want to.

I am tired of fighting I am tired of defending myself the same shit over and over and over.

I am sensitive. I care and I care deeply. At least this shit hasn't turned me to stone. It would be easier but who wants to see a stone cold bitch?

Kendall thank you and I'm going to try you and Grace's advice... I'm going to try....Thank you. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
You've mentioned before about the self confidence. Girl, people are paying to be with you and fuck you, sounds pretty damn empowering to me. I cannot put myself in your situation to imagine your struggles, but I think the best thing for you is the ignore button and finding friends and a life outside of the hobby. Not saying to leave the hobby, but to have a life outside of it.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
You've mentioned before about the self confidence. Girl, people are paying to be with you and fuck you, sounds pretty damn empowering to me. I cannot put myself in your situation to imagine your struggles, but I think the best thing for you is the ignore button and finding friends and a life outside of the hobby. Not saying to leave the hobby, but to have a life outside of it. Originally Posted by TheEccie214

Hit the nail on the head.

I'm starting to like you more and more Eccie214.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I've given you this speech via PM.. so now I'm going to give it to you out here. Stop spending so much time and energy on someone who will never spend a dime on you and stop thinking that material things are going to elevate your status. There are 2 things most people here don't care about--- trolls and how much money a hook has. They aren't going to pay attention to either one.

No-- his posts don't affect your income. Your past, however, does. Most everything that has been said has been mentioned in your very old drama threads. Some people have the ability to get past that and see you're making changes-- hell, even I've complimented your more recent choices and actions-- and others are just going to feel like you're too much of a risk even now. That is life and that is what happens when you allow yourself to get dragged under for a little while.

I'll say it here-- gents... if you're concerned about seeing Kitty due to the drama you've seen--- give her a shot. From what I can see, she has put most if not all the drama behind her and is doing a good job of rebuilding her life. Concerned about her "real looks"? Ask her for a short video-- she has always been willing to oblige. Originally Posted by GracePreston
Perfect response. I agree.

I am in total agreement with Grace and should have heeded her advice and not given him the time of day. You started this threAD and it will not go in the direction you want it to. Yes, Eccie is how you pay your bills but you make it much more than that and the trolls see this. You have given them more than enough ammunition to send you into a spiraling downfall because you are entirely too emotional. You should have just come back with a new and refreshed outlook and stayed off the boards and out of the discussions. You TRY way too hard and it backfires on you every time. I truly hate that for you. I am going to suggest that you stop responding on this thread or any other thread trying to defend yourself. Just because bait is laid doesn't mean you have to take it. Just do you Kitty. Leave the Eccie wolves to themselves. Btw, I think it's great that you have gotten things back on just need to make use of the ignore option now. Originally Posted by Kendall4U

The ignore button works, try it Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
I had NEVER used the ignore button until last Fall. There were members that were giving me grief, and a few that weren't but were getting on my last nerve.

So for a few months, well, actually until a few months ago ... I had 3-5 people on ignore for awhile.

Now, I do not. However, putting people on ignore is empowering. It's great. And it'll give you some breathing room and helps you to ignore certain folks.

You've mentioned before about the self confidence. Girl, people are paying to be with you and fuck you, sounds pretty damn empowering to me. I cannot put myself in your situation to imagine your struggles, but I think the best thing for you is the ignore button and finding friends and a life outside of the hobby. Not saying to leave the hobby, but to have a life outside of it. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
You've gotten some very good advice. But I would like to add one more thought.

I have pretty much always been in your corner, Kitty. And I can see where you've trying to get everything squared away in your life and well ... bravo for that.

But I would be very careful posting pictures even if they don't give identifying information. I know that you've posted pictures of you being in a hotel room in the past, but this is a bit different.

This is your HOME. And some people have an almost magical way of finding out/hacking where that picture was taken. Or you've just let people know too much about yourself. Your car, etc.

And like Grace mentioned, it really doesn't matter. People don't care about the personal stuff like one would think that they do.

Most people, generally, wish to know that you're doing alright ... and if they can see you for an appointment (or lunch or any type of rendezvous) and not get ripped off.

I would make a gentle suggestion. I'd ask a local moderator to remove all of those pictures except ... well, maybe the one of your cat. That is a very cute (cute!) kitty.

You know, kindof like yourself!

Best of luck to you!


P.S. A bit of a disclaimer: I've considered posting pictures of my dog, and cats, on Eccie in the past. They're cute and there have been a few ideas that I've had for topics, that include pictures of beloved family pets. However, I've not done so for the reasons I've listed above. So if you have those pics removed, consider having them ALL removed. Just an idea. Again ... take care and good luck to you!!!
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
If you REALLY have changed, Kitty, you WILL NOT post or respond anymore on this thread.

You've got some AMAZING advice on this thread and you would be very wise to take it.

Take care of you and keep on keeping on the NEW path. You're totally worth it.

Remember, old habits will only lead to old results.
Boltfan's Avatar
Grace did you read what he was saying last night? I feel pretty threatened and feel the need to protect myself. The fact that I have nice things, isn't that I seek to show off or am being materialistic. I am trying to show that I am responsible enough with my money to budget for nice things and am not some person with dependency issues or weak minded.

Eccie your style of trolling and people like Tony and Dorfy and totally different. You are not out for blood and they are. You have a heart and can be persuaded to right and wrong... do you think they care if they are right or wrong? No they just want my blood.

Grace I appreciate you speaking up for me. I am very concerned at this time and want very much to keep my head above water. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
It doesnt fucking matter what he was saying. Who cares what they want.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Well, I'm going to try the ignore button, I've had one solitary person on ignore for several years now... and now that I think about it... I'd forgotten about that meanie entirely so I guess I'll just go ahead and give my one lonely meanie some company in solitary confinement.

It's true. Who cares what they say. What you don't know can't hurt you right?

I appreciate the sincere and thoughtful advice everyone. Who would have thought Eccie214 turned out to be a considerate, compassionate and groovy person who is winning fans left and right.

David thank you for extending the olive branch and I appreciate the helpful insight... your trolls aren't my trolls but your advice is good solid advice. I can respect that.

Ms Whispers is always a gem "thank you" I think I can go to my attachments and take them down myself. You're so right someone connecting where I live and what I drive is an alert waiting to happen.

Life is still a learning experience whether you're 24 or 44 and I am going to live outside the box.

One of you asked me to take a picture holding up 3 fingers to prove I was real and not an old granny with outdated's the pic...

Originally Posted by KittyLamour
You should have also taken a 2nd pic with just 1 finger up and gave it to that same person as well because they deserve that for making such a request.
KittyLamour's Avatar
You should have also taken a 2nd pic with just 1 finger up and gave it to that same person as well because they deserve that for making such a request. Originally Posted by SteveOTX
Steve you are something else... but you know I like you. I really don't mind going the extra step to help someone feel secure about choosing to see me. Thank you for the thought though! xoxo
KittyLamour's Avatar
Personally, I think posting this thread was a very bad idea. It's opens you up to a lot of pot shots from people who like to take pot shots at you anyway. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
I'm actually glad I did cause I got a lot of advice I needed to hear. So far so good as far the pot shots go anyways! Keeping my fingers crossed!

If you REALLY have changed, Kitty, you WILL NOT post or respond anymore on this thread.

Remember, old habits will only lead to old results. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
Thank you for your advice Kaylee. I will be very selective with who and what I respond to.

Why would you say IF I REALLY have changed? Isn't it pretty obvious? I look better, I talk better, I live better and quite a few guys think I'm better BCD.
I have changed and changed drastically Kaylee. I've come up from absolutely nothing to having a comfy little existence for myself I never dreamed I'd ever achieve on my own. To go back to suffering behind losers has zero appeal to me. I would have to be stuck on stupid and stupid is one thing I know I'm not.
Invisible1's Avatar
KittyLamour, use the ignore;
Trolls will fade; and
Be gone forever more.
Post your ads;
Respond on threads; and
Never respond to Trolls;
B'cause they're off their meds.
KittyLamour's Avatar
KittyLamour, use the ignore;
Trolls will fade; and
Be gone forever more.
Post your ads;
Respond on threads; and
Never respond to Trolls;
B'cause they're off their meds. Originally Posted by Invisible1
:clapping��clapping::cla pping: