Illusion of Passion - How much is enough?

pmdelites's Avatar
We all want some level of passion demonstrated by providers, but what's the minimum acceptable level? ... Pretty much for me it's about at least giving the illusion (real or imagined) that she actually enjoys my company.

So fellow ECCIEers, what's the bottom line as far as IOP for you; and ladies, how good are you at making us think you're actually happy to see us? Originally Posted by Wheretonow
see down below for my response.

I truly enjoy when I am in the company of a sweet gent and it shows! Originally Posted by Alecia
this is a part of it for me - that while i am there, the woman [as best as i can tell] truly enjoys my company and my interactions with her. [and if she likes my jokes, all the better ]

I like a lot of passionate kissing and affectionate touching. Doesn't have to be DFK but do it like you mean it. When in missionary, look me in the eye and again kiss me passionately like you mean it. Make me at least think you are enjoying being with me and even like me. Want to "role play"? Act like you are a hot and horny GF that is really happy to finally see and make out with me again. Originally Posted by grnhrn
well kissing is a nice to have, but it is not something that moves a woman off my g-visit-her-again list.

i can agree with the objects of these sentences, just would rather not say them imperatively - she should do this or do that. see below for why i say that.

if she acts likes she enjoys the consultation, she racks up positive points on my mental "should i visit her again" scorecard.

For me the passion of a session means she pays attention to me, loves to hug and touch all over, enjoys DFK with me for real, looks into my eyes like I am the only one in her life, at least for the next hour.
... Originally Posted by elgato111
this is getting closer to what i believe.

when i arrive, i'm hoping [not expecting] that she will care about me enough as a potential returning client to do the best she can to make me want to return and consult with her again.
does she enjoy talking w/ me about various things?
does she caress or kiss or touch me that's stimulating?
does she perform various activities and appear to enjoy them?

once i've consulted w/ her a time or two...
does she perform various activities that she remembers i really enjoy, even if it's not her most favorite activity? [not that i'm asking her to subvert herself to my desires]
does she sometimes let me run the show knowing that i will respect her boundaries?
does she tolerate my time-challenged-ness and let me stay my consulting time even if i'm few mins late in arriving? knowing that i will depart when needed to accomodate her schedule?

if it appears that she enjoys my being there...
if i enjoyed my time interacting w/ her [based on pre-sesson TCB, appearance, activities, location, etc.]

then i'll add her to my gvha list.

i dont want nor need an illusion or fantasy.
i just want an open and honest live person-to-person intimate interaction.

which sometimes is just a quick down and funky consultation session where very little of the above applies [and i have a few women i consult w/ like this] - just do it to it and be on my way.

and if there is anything in my behavior that she doesnt like or appreciate or enjoy, then i would appreciate her telling me so that either i change it [which i have done before] or we say our goodbyes.

sometimes, i have let the woman know [afterwards via email in the nicest way i could express myself] why i didnt feel it was an open and honest live person-to-person intimate interaction [with specifics and possible suggestions]. in most of those cases, i received nothing but hellfire and damnation from the woman saying i was spineless piece of shit who wouldnt "man up" and tell it to her face and that she didnt fucking need my damn money in the first place.
well, ok i didnt tell it to her face, but damn!!! anyhoo, they were off my gvha list even before i finished reading their full-bore blasts.

so, illusion? not really.
give me a real interaction where we have delites!
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 07-29-2011, 05:40 PM
I think I do a damn good job at giving my clients the illusion that they are looking for....
You guys that have taken the time to come and see me, you know it really means a lot
to me and I hope it shows... So yes I do love showing you my gratitude for choosing me...
The guys that know me, know that I am a very sensual and passionate kisser rather it be
DFK or LK.... And that to me is a starting point of the illusion, its like the lighter fluid that
helps start that fire....
Fawn, HELL YES, it shows! Sensual and passionate kisser....OMG yes!
One of the best...if not the providing the most amazing illusion of passion I have seen in my 4+ years of this hobby life...
Illusion of passion is good as long as you can handle it and don't get it twisted Originally Posted by berkleigh
Thats a very good Point Berk Because,
I could fall in love with that ass of yours.
I entertain gentlemen I anticipate will be enjoyable. It may not be true love, but it is truly passionate and fun!
Anybody in here looking for Cinderella is in the wrong place.

Anybody in here looking for Cinderella for an hour is in the right place. Getting Cinderella for an hour is the challenge.