Hiring in Red States vs Hiring in Blue States

ICU 812's Avatar
There lot of jobs now in both but blue state pay. Originally Posted by Ripmany
And here is how they "pay" . . .and reduce the number of jobs out there.


Looks like there will be another big fire season in California.

I thought "renewable" and "green" everything was what the liberal left wanted. Here is a way to reduce the risk of wildfires that has zero fossil fuel use and is all natural . . .and liberal progressives want to do away with it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Japan has basically resorted to training and focusing efforts to increase the available labor pool, i.e via training and returning people that left the work force recently, who don't need training. Here, we are just not so inclined. From a recent article:
...“In Japan, the [labor] market is working as it’s supposed to work,” said Mark Krikorian, the director of the Center for Immigration Studies. He continued:
[Japan’s] tight labor market is prompting [business] efforts to draw more people into the world of work — which is what we should want. But what we’re doing [in the United States] is ignoring the social forces that are prompting Americans to drop out of the labor market and are just importing [foreign] replacements.
The replacement of Americans in their own society is the predictable result of establishment policy, but not an up-front purpose, he said:
I don’t mean this [replacement policy] in the kind of conspiratorial “Replacement Theory” sense. It is that the implicit [establishment] response to the social problems that are causing drops in the labor force participation rate is to say to troubled Americans, “Here’s your welfare check and your fentanyl, go to a trailer park, we’re going to import somebody else to do the work.”

It’s appalling and immoral … They’re just giving up on Americans, and figuring the immigrants will replace them because they’re somehow better...
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Education isn't shit without wisdom and common sense. I am from one of the bluest states, Illinois. I find some of my most educated relatives aren't so wise. Wisdom is what really counts to truly get along in this world. Originally Posted by Levianon17
There is a high correlation between education and higher income. "Wisdom" is hard to measure but it is certainly important. Level of education is easy to measure.

There is a high correlation between education and higher income. "Wisdom" is hard to measure but it is certainly important. Level of education is easy to measure.

https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C...ey5KmYZujoM4WM Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Maybe. Whatever you do for a living and what ever your level of education is you wouldn't be compensated anymore in a Blue State than you would in Texas right now. In fact in some Blue States such as Illinois you would burn up what little extra you might make in taxes mainly property taxes. That's if you could actually find a job in your chosen field.