Lead Astray By Pussy

One of the biggest cases of a powerful man going to extremes to garnish the favors of a beautiful Woman was King David.

He saw Bathsheba bathing on the roof, and the little head took over. Even when he was told that she was the wife of one of his most loyal Generals, (Uriah the Hittite), he still confused being in love with a hard dick. Went so far as to have Uriah set up in battle to be killed so he could take his wife.

This has been going on since the dawn of time, and it sure won't stop tomorrow. Men crave women, and will do just about anything to fill that craving.
Is this the same David who slew goliath?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Yes, he is the same David who slew Goliath with a slingshot. David also had his good points and he later regretted how the stole the other man's wife, but her beauty overcame his better judgment.

That exactly is my point. Even strong and responsible men can have their better judgment overcome by pussy as history shows.

As far as personal responsibility goes, that is really the only weapon we have and for the humor-impaired, my post was intended to be a tongue-in-cheek commentary, but personal responsibility is weak in many and needs to be supported by education.

I think personal responsibility was one of the main arguments the tobacco industry used to lobby against the proposed law to put a warning label on cigarettes.

It took an act of congress to finally put a warning label on cigarettes, but it was necessary to educate the masses who were mesmerized by Madison Avenue.

Beautiful women mesmerize the masses with their beauty and many men are led astray for a different purpose, but in similar fashion.

I doubt there will ever be a warning label put on pussy, but I think few would dispute the need for some sort of educational program to warn men about the dangers pussy can bring to their lives.

Is this the same David who slew goliath? Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Political sex scandals are about much more than just people getting caught with their pants down. To many, they suggest that these people cannot be trusted. If they lie about having an affair, if they break marriage vows, then how can they be trusted on other issues? In some cases, these scandals are so damaging, they can destroy careers, or even bring down governments. Here are 10 of the most shocking and salacious political sex scandals in history.

Top Ten Political Sex Scandals

The Mark Foley scandal, which broke in late September 2006, centers on soliciting e-mails and sexually explicit instant messages sent by Mark Foley, a Republican Congressman from Florida, to teenaged boys who had formerly served as congressional pages. Investigation was closed by the FLDE on September 19, 2008 citing insufficient evidence to pursue criminal charges.The scandal has grown to encompass the response of Republican congressional leaders to previous complaints about Foley's contacts with the pages and inconsistencies in the leaders' public statements.There are also allegations that a second Republican Congressman, Jim Kolbe, had improper conduct with at least two youths, a 16-year old page and a recently graduated page.

The scandal led to Foley's resignation from Congress on September 29, 2006. In some quarters, the scandal is believed to have contributed to the Republican Party's loss of control over Congress in the November 7, 2006 election, as well as the end of House Speaker Dennis Hastert's leadership of the House Republicans. Kirk Fordham, chief of staff to Rep. Tom Reynolds and former chief of staff for Foley, also resigned as a result of the scandal.

The questionable conversations, which took place between 1995 and 2005, are under investigation by the FBI for possible criminal violations. In September 2008, Florida officials investigating Foley decided not to charge him, citing a lack of evidence and the expiration of the statute of limitations. The House Ethics Committee is investigating the response of the House Republican leadership and their staff to earlier warnings of Foley's conduct.In early October 2006, two news organizations quoted anonymous former pages saying they had sexual liaisons with Foley after turning 18 and 21.

Foley was chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, which introduced legislation targeting sexual predators and created stricter guidelines for tracking them.

No.9 - Larry Craig in the airport bathroom

The Larry Craig scandal was an incident that began on June 11, 2007, with the arrest of Larry Craig, a former Republican Senator from Idaho, for lewd conduct in the men's restroom at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. Craig later entered a guilty plea to a lesser charge of disorderly conduct on August 8.As a result of the controversy surrounding his arrest and subsequent guilty plea, Senator Craig announced his intention to resign from the Senate at a news conference on September 1, which was to become effective on September 30. After failing to withdraw his guilty plea, on October 4, Craig released a statement refusing to resign as senator for Idaho.

No.8 - Eliot Spitzer and the expensive prostitute

The instant this story broke, Eliot Spitzer was a dead man walking. As a tough-talking New York governor, Spitzer had pledged to crack down on corruption, and had built a reputation as a no-nonsense, holier-than-thou family man. Ironically, it was his decision to allow the use of phone taps in investigations that led to his downfall, as financial irregularities in his accounts were red flagged. This unraveled a story of his frequent dalliances with an escort agency, where he was referred to as “Client 9.” He was called a hypocrite and a liar, and his political career may never be salvaged.

No.7 - Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings

As the third president of the United States and principal author of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson is one of the most brilliant incumbents of the Oval Office. During his first term, a disgruntled office-seeker named James Callender claimed that Jefferson kept a slave named Sally as his concubine, and had several children by her. While Jefferson was by this time a widower, it was nonetheless a massive revelation. Fortunately for Jefferson, he did not live in the age of the 24-hour news cycle and the internet, otherwise this scandal would have been even higher up this list.

No.6 - Silvio Berlusconi

If one candidate on our list deserves to be likened to Teflon, Berlusconi is it. Despite months of lurid allegations surrounding his private life, he has continued to serve as the Italian prime minister. The catalog of revelations include taped telephone calls allegedly between him and a call girl, claims that dozens of young women were paid to attend parties at his official residence and one girl claims Berlusconi offered her a seat at the European parliament. His wife began divorce proceedings, stating: "I cannot stay with a man who frequents minors.” He has so far managed to laugh it off, merely saying: “I’m no saint.” Thanks for the clarification on that one, Silvio.

No.5 - Gary Hart and Donna Rice

As the overwhelming favorite for the Democratic nomination in the 1987 election, Gary Hart was the rising star of American politics. Despite being dogged by rumors that he was having an extramarital affair, Hart famously challenged the press to follow him around. They did, and a woman was caught leaving his house. A little while later, and a photo of him with the same woman sitting on his lap emerged. A week later Hart dropped out of the race, leaving Michael Dukakis a free run to the nomination, and in so doing changed the course of American politics over the last 20 years.

No.4 - Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky

The Lewinsky scandal was a political sex scandal emerging from a sexual relationship between United States President Bill Clinton and a 22-year-old White House intern, Monica Lewinsky. The news of this extra-marital affair and the resulting investigation eventually led to the impeachment of President Clinton in 1998 by the U.S. House of Representatives and his subsequent acquittal on all impeachment charges (of perjury and obstruction of justice) in a 21-day Senate trial.

In 1995, Monica Lewinsky, a graduate of Lewis & Clark College, was hired to work as an intern at the White House during Clinton's first term, and began a personal relationship with him later that year. As Lewinsky's relationship with Clinton became more distant and she left the White House to work at The Pentagon, Lewinsky confided details of her feelings and Clinton's behavior to her friend and Defense department co-worker Linda Tripp, who secretly recorded their telephone conversations. When Tripp discovered in January 1998 that Lewinsky had signed an affidavit in the Paula Jones case denying a relationship with Clinton, she delivered the tapes to Kenneth Starr, the Independent Counsel who was investigating Clinton on other matters, including the Whitewater scandal, Filegate, and Travelgate. During the grand jury testimony Clinton was guarded, and argued, "It depends on what the meaning of the word is is".

The wide reporting of the scandal led to criticism of the press for over-coverage. The scandal is sometimes referred to as "Monicagate", "Lewinskygate", "Tailgate", "Sexgate", and "Zippergate", following the "gate" nickname construction popular at the time.

No.3 - Moshe Katsav's rape and harrassment trial

Moshe Katsav (Hebrew: משה קצב‎, Persian: موسى قصاب Mūsā Qasāb), born 5 December 1945) is a former President of Israel and member of the Knesset.

The end of his term of President was marked by controversy, and from 25 January 2007 until his resignation on 1 July 2007, he was on a leave of absence amid impending charges of crimes stemming from his alleged rape of one female subordinate which were later dropped, but still later resumed, as well as the sexual harassment of others.

No.2 - Jeremy Thorpe

John Jeremy Thorpe (born 29 April 1929) is a British politician, who was leader of the Liberal Party from 1967 to 1976. He lost his position, as well as his seat in Parliament, after he was accused of conspiring to murder a man who claimed to be a former lover, of which charges he was acquitted.

No.1 - The Profumo Affair

The Profumo Affair was a 1963 political scandal in the United Kingdom that is named after the then Secretary of State for War, John Profumo. The Profumo affair developed after Profumo had a brief relationship with a showgirl named Christine Keeler, who was also reputedly the mistress of a known Russian spy, and then lied in the House of Commons when he was questioned about it. The scandal forced Profumo to resign and also severely damaged the reputation of Prime Minister Harold Macmillan's government. Macmillan himself would resign a few months later owing to ill health.

it was the most shocking revelation imaginable. The prime minister resigned the following year, and his party could not recover from the scandal. It also changed the way the media covered political sex scandals, and shattered the illusion of politicians being bastions of integrity. By bringing down an entire government, this is a deserved winner.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-04-2011, 01:20 PM
As far as personal responsibility goes, that is really the only weapon we have and for the humor-impaired, my post was intended to be a tongue-in-cheek commentary, but personal responsibility is weak in many and needs to be supported by education.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
There was nothing humorous about your post. It was simply a reference to someone who fucked around and got his ass in a sling as a result. As I stated before, had he behaved himself he would not be in the situation he is in. He made his choice on his own and he will have to take responsibility for it.

Also, before you start throwing the "impaired" label around on others...


You might want to start with yourself first.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
There was nothing humorous about your post. It was simply a reference to someone who fucked around and got his ass in a sling as a result. As I stated before, had he behaved himself he would not be in the situation he is in. He made his choice on his own and he will have to take responsibility for it.

Also, before you start throwing the "impaired" label around on others...


You might want to start with yourself first. Originally Posted by Mokoa
pyramider's Avatar
He made his bed. Now he gets to lay in it. Originally Posted by Mokoa

Yeah butt does he always have to sleep in the wet spot?
Still Looking's Avatar
Funny how the moment some one mentions politics an argument ensues. Even when there isn't one!

I think I was about 20 when I took responsibility for my life and actions. Politicians and religious leaders taken down by Pussy? Warning labels? Hummm this won't take long!

If you drive a sports car and get a ticket the CAR took you down!?

I got the clap because the provider didn't have a cover, the pussy took you down!?

I was minding my own business having a beer with the guys and in walks this young thing wearing the shortest red dress. What was I to do? I lost my house, 401 K and only see my kids every other weekend. The pussy took me down!?

After dealing with the Red Dressed gal, turns out I had one to many beers and I get pulled over... DWI! The pussy & the cop took me down!?

I stole money to pay for my extra curricular pussy. I'm in jail because the pussy took me down!?

Now I’m not saying a 49 year old, red dress hotie hasn’t made me want to blow off work and jump the next plain to Arkansas. I just don’t do it! Let’s just say the devil made me do it and stop blaming pussy! It’s a lot more believable!
burner2157's Avatar
I hate most politicians but what John Edwards has been indicted and accused of is mild compared to what most crooked politicians get away with on a daily basis.I don't care really one way or the other what they do to him, but I have a little bit more respect for him at least trying to help his mistress out instead of just ignoring her like most of the other ones do even when they have a child with them.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
You cannot paint all men or all politicians with the same brush.

No matter how good any particular man or politician is for the country, there will always be a large cadre of entrenched enemies ready to pounce on him for whatever he does or does not do.

John Edwards is a good man who made an error of judgment and now his enemies are ready to rake him over the coals.

On the other hand, someone like Dominique Strauss Kahn of the IMF is a career predator who deserves punishment to the full extent of the law.

Either way, for good intentions or bad, it was pussy that got them into trouble.

. . . As alluring as pussy is it is still a dangerous commodity.
Still Looking's Avatar
The power of pussy... you can argue both sides of this one and be right!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-07-2011, 10:58 PM
John Edwards is a good man who made an error of judgment and now his enemies are ready to rake him over the coals. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
So, a man who fucks around behind his wife's back while she is in the hospital enduring aggressive cancer treatment is a good man to you?

Your sense of right and wrong is seriously misaligned.
This kind of thing is what is called a fatal flaw in literature. King Lear, Hamet, Othello, Macbeth...they all had fatal flaws. Heroes with fatal flaws. Like Clinton. Like Edwards.

These are generally folks that are admirable (you may not agree with them), but they exhibit a fatal flaw that impairs their admirable ability.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I do not think that natural desires can be categorized as "fatal flaws".

A healthy and virile man will have natural desires for the company of women and if he is attractive enough they will feel that attraction from him too.

That is how the world of sex works. It is built into the human system to ensure the propagation of the species.

John Kennedy had an attraction for Marylin Monroe and she for him, but they were discreet enough not to get caught.

John Edwards slipped up and got caught, but he did not molest the woman like DSK did and he did not text his dick to some teenage girl like Wiener did.

What John Edwards did was normal, but the world at large will judge him harshly.

I maintain, in the rabid voice of opposition, that he does not deserve such a harsh penalty as the justice system is planning for him.

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-10-2011, 12:10 AM
John Edwards slipped up and got caught, but he did not molest the woman like DSK did and he did not text his dick to some teenage girl like Wiener did. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Irrelevant. What Edwards did was still wrong.

What John Edwards did was normal, but the world at large will judge him harshly. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Normal? My God, I can barely believe my eyes!

He fucked around behind his wife's back while she was enduring aggressive treatment for cancer! This, according to you, is normal behavior?

I maintain, in the rabid voice of opposition, that he does not deserve such a harsh penalty as the justice system is planning for him. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Typical. Your weak attempt to defend him by explaining away his behavior has failed. So you no longer attack the issue, you attack the person instead.

Give it up. Your darling boy is just as bad as the rest of them. He should be treated as such.