Nationalizing the Hobby

National Sexual and Fetish Welfare Administration? (The NSFW Admin, of course)

Federal Association of Comfort, Intimacy, And Lust? (FACIAL)

Department of Erotic Ecstasy, Pornographic Titillation, Heavy Raunch, Orgasms, And Tricks? (DEEPTHROAT)

(please don't kill me) Originally Posted by Six of Jericho

I could be wrong, but I don't think there actually is a federal law against prostitution. Originally Posted by pjorourke
There are indeed such laws, most notorious among them the Mann Act.
discreetgent's Avatar
1. Mann Act only is in force when crossing state lines. There is no federal statute if it is all in the same state.

2. The Feds (Bush II administration) already went after medical marijuana and the Supreme Court ruled that Federal drug rules trumped state law. So even if Prop 19 passes, I don't see how that changes the Supreme Court ruling. ( )
1. Mann Act only is in force when crossing state lines. There is no federal statute if it is all in the same state.

2. The Feds (Bush II administration) already went after medical marijuana and the Supreme Court ruled that Federal drug rules trumped state law. So even if Prop 19 passes, I don't see how that changes the Supreme Court ruling. ( ) Originally Posted by discreetgent
1. Thanks DG

2. Was that the Roberts court?
Rudyard K's Avatar
I'm having a little problem following all this.

So, we're having a thread about nationalizing prostitution? In other words, legalizing it and having it run by the Federal government? And the pros and cons of such a theory?

Is that what we are talking about here?
discreetgent's Avatar
2. Was that the Roberts court? Originally Posted by pjorourke
2005 decision; it was still the Rehnquist Court. Not sure that the Roberts court would rule differently; of the current court Kennedy, Scalia, Ginsburg were with the majority, Thomas was in dissent.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I'm having a little problem following all this.

So, we're having a thread about nationalizing prostitution? In other words, legalizing it and having it run by the Federal government? And the pros and cons of such a theory?

Is that what we are talking about here? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Yeah Toots must be having quite a night...I can just imagine him sitting around thinking: "What if we put two of my favorite things, hookers and big government, together? It would be the best combination since peanut butter and jelly!"

Gryphon's Avatar
Legalization SI!
Nationalization NO!
Si se puede!
Yep, no way no how I'd register. As Ansley said, primarily for my privacy protection (regardless of legality this is a business that is not going to be considered normal and acceptable for a long time), and secondarily because I'm a loner, Dottie, a rebel: I like to set my own hours, rates, and other standards.

It would be nice to see consensual crimes decriminalized, but other than that, no thanks.

National Sexual and Fetish Welfare Administration? (The NSFW Admin, of course)

Federal Association of Comfort, Intimacy, And Lust? (FACIAL)

Department of Erotic Ecstasy, Pornographic Titillation, Heavy Raunch, Orgasms, And Tricks? (DEEPTHROAT)

(please don't kill me) Originally Posted by Six of Jericho
Yep, no way no how I'd register. As Ansley said, primarily for my privacy protection (regardless of legality this is a business that is not going to be considered normal and acceptable for a long time), and secondarily because I'm a loner, Dottie, a rebel: I like to set my own hours, rates, and other standards.

It would be nice to see consensual crimes decriminalized, but other than that, no thanks. Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
But should this *actually* go into effect, any provider not keeping records and operating UTR would attract attention of the IRS (RICO laws?). It just gets ugly.

Becareful what you wish for.
But should this *actually* go into effect, any provider not keeping records and operating UTR would attract attention of the IRS (RICO laws?). It just gets ugly. Originally Posted by SR Only
I should make clear: I've seen this proposal no place!! I just started the thread for a discussion.
Yep, no way no how I'd register. As Ansley said, primarily for my privacy protection (regardless of legality this is a business that is not going to be considered normal and acceptable for a long time), and secondarily because I'm a loner, Dottie, a rebel: I like to set my own hours, rates, and other standards.

It would be nice to see consensual crimes decriminalized, but other than that, no thanks.

Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
I couldn't agree more. A couple of years ago they attempted to make prostitution legalized/decriminalized in San Francisco .I believe it was prop 4. I managed to piss off an entire message board of providers( I have to stay off of the provider only boards) because I voiced my opinion that in the long run it may, or may not end up coming back to bite us.

In a perfect world it sounds great, but in the real one we would have to give up too much for very little in return.
But should this *actually* go into effect, any provider not keeping records and operating UTR would attract attention of the IRS (RICO laws?). It just gets ugly.

Be careful what you wish for. Originally Posted by SR Only
Do you mean if it were nationalized/otherwise regulated or simply decriminalized? If the former, I can see how that would be an issue. Not sure the latter necessarily follows (any more than having a large, primarily cash income does already attract IRS attention).
Decriminalized would be best. We could all move on with our lives staying UTR if so desired.
Realistically, I want you to think about your last visit to the dentist's office. Do you remember the hygienist's OSHA-required garb including safety glasses and gloves?

Coming soon to a provider near you!

Then, realize that the expense of keeping records, properly withholding from their own payroll, etc. would quickly drive most independents out of business.

As regulations mounted, soon only the largest commercial prostitution firms would be able to surmount the regulatory hurdles and stay profitable. Soon, they would have the money to buy expedient legislation that would make it all but impossible for anyone but them to be in the prostitution business. (For an example, check out licensing to grow and ship peanuts across state lines.)

Finally, as demand would far exceed the artificially reduced supply, prices would skyrocket. Prices to the company. The ladies would be earning about $50/hr max. Most of the really great providers would be off doing something else and we'd be left with crappy quality. When you called to get an appointment you'd get someone in India claiming to be named "Mary."

But there would also be a movement of guys claiming sex to be an entitlement. The near-monopoly corporations would agree to a nationalized system as it would guarantee payment and they could always hire illegal immigrants at below minimum wage to keep costs down.

A future presidential candidate would then promise the voting public "free pussy" to go along with their "free healthcare."

The system would be nationalized with the consent of those who were in the aboveground business. Penalties for below-ground ladies would be extremely steep as the government hates competition. LOL

The nationalized system would be filled with hacks, ne'er do wells and entitled layabouts who demonstrated all of the efficiency of the Department of Motor Vehicles, the intelligence of the prison system and the empathy of the IRS.

It would be the most effective method of abolishing prostitution ever conceived.