Should I or should I not?

Horsemancummeth's Avatar
Truckertom. have you looked at the poll results.It is 20-2 against you getting flowers. Dont you think this would apply to the gift also. Think of it like this. Would you want your daughter in this type of relationship, or going thru what you are.............just a thought.
Damn where can I find a man to buy me some roses.....must be a shortage or something.

PS the roses were pretty, should you get them for the person everybody is talking about, not my business. But the roses are very pretty.

Some ladies have all the luck.
  • MRMR
  • 02-25-2011, 12:01 PM
I know you do not want to hear it but it maybe time to take a step back give it some time. At this point save the money.
Good Luck to you.
Guest032213's Avatar
All i can say is WOW! lol
Merlin's Wand's Avatar
Speaking as someone who has trouble letting go and has taken several serious beatings along the way . . . this will not work. It may likely even piss her off (don't ask me to explain - I can't).