For Those Who Think Trump Didn't Act Quickly Enough During The COVID-19 Pandemic...

Chung Tran's Avatar
So, you’re admitting this fiasco is China’s fault. I’m shocked that you admitted it. Originally Posted by bambino
why are you shocked?

I have always been the most anti-China guy on this Board.
bambino's Avatar
why are you shocked?

I have always been the most anti-China guy on this Board. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
No you haven’t. You blamed Trump. No other leader in the world. Why? This isn’t Trumps fault, or Macrons or anyone else’s. It’s the ChiComs fault. NOBODY else’s. You got that Tran? Wise up.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No you haven’t. You blamed Trump. No other leader in the world. Why? This isn’t Trumps fault, or Macrons or anyone else’s. It’s the ChiComs fault. NOBODY else’s. You got that Tran? Wise up. Originally Posted by bambino

he's still blaming Trump. and Republicans. Evil Lord Trump killed people!

the Chinese fubared this up. they own it. it might be the straw that breaks their commie backs in the end.
Chung Tran's Avatar
No you haven’t. You blamed Trump. No other leader in the world. Why? This isn’t Trumps fault, or Macrons or anyone else’s. It’s the ChiComs fault. NOBODY else’s. You got that Tran? Wise up. Originally Posted by bambino
learn to read, Peggy Sue. I just said a few posts back, that this is China's fault. as usual you want to ascribe opinions to me, that I don't own, even when my position is in plain sight.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I noticed the Right-Wingers ignored this post. you are absolutely right.. and he should have shut down Europe faster. when he did, he gave 2 days notice, and Terminal D at DFW Airport was sardine-packed with people who fled Europe during those 2 days. great job mitigating the virus spreading!

also, Trump thought he could relax after banning China flights.. look at all the clips of him saying we have it under control, China did a great job stopping the virus, etc.. Fucker didn't have a Clue. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

I just put up a post with Dr. Fauci the so called leading expert on pandemics saying on Feb29 that Americans need not alter their behavior at this time but that could change and boy did it ever. So Trump depending on this leading expert should have know what the leading expert didn't know prior to March 1st? Come on man, you admit this is China's fault, that implies that China delayed and lied so what exactly was Trump supposed to do when his experts were telling him no need to fear the COVID-19 on March 1st?

No reasonable person can lay this at the feet of Trump. He gives an order for the CDC to make test kits and they fuck it up delaying testing. We needed a billion masks in order to be prepared for this pandemic. Were there a billion masks when Trump took over from Obama? Obama went through H1N1 and we lost over 12,000 Americans and yet the billion masks and PPE's were not made for the next pandemic and that's Trump's fault?

My only complaint against Trump is the same one I have always had, he says really stupid, ill timed things that do not help his cause but I believe he "did" everything in his power to mitigate what was happening but the politics just can't be left out of this. That's the problem.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Poor Trump. Everybody’s is outs to get him. The world is shit down and he spends two hours trading barbs with reporters on live TV every day.

I don’t blame anybody for the virus. But I do think Trump’s government fucked it up for yous seven ways to Sunday because he is more concerned with his numbers than his responsibility to the people. I don’t think he could tell yous the name of the ministries responsible for public health in his own country, or who runs them. So he honestly had no clue. If he was warned, it went in one ear and out the other because he is incapable of focusing on anything that isn’t him.

I agreed with yous. Trump has done everything he is capable of doing. Not because he’s up against long odds, but because he’s a fucking moron.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
learn to read, Peggy Sue. I just said a few posts back, that this is China's fault. as usual you want to ascribe opinions to me, that I don't own, even when my position is in plain sight. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Trump is good!

I just put up a post with Dr. Fauci the so called leading expert on pandemics saying on Feb29 that Americans need not alter their behavior at this time but that could change and boy did it ever. So Trump depending on this leading expert should have know what the leading expert didn't know prior to March 1st? Come on man, you admit this is China's fault, that implies that China delayed and lied so what exactly was Trump supposed to do when his experts were telling him no need to fear the COVID-19 on March 1st?

No reasonable person can lay this at the feet of Trump. He gives an order for the CDC to make test kits and they fuck it up delaying testing. We needed a billion masks in order to be prepared for this pandemic. Were there a billion masks when Trump took over from Obama? Obama went through H1N1 and we lost over 12,000 Americans and yet the billion masks and PPE's were not made for the next pandemic and that's Trump's fault?

My only complaint against Trump is the same one I have always had, he says really stupid, ill timed things that do not help his cause but I believe he "did" everything in his power to mitigate what was happening but the politics just can't be left out of this. That's the problem. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Trump is great!

Poor Trump. Everybody’s is outs to get him. The world is shit down and he spends two hours trading barbs with reporters on live TV every day.

I don’t blame anybody for the virus. But I do think Trump’s government fucked it up for yous seven ways to Sunday because he is more concerned with his numbers than his responsibility to the people. I don’t think he could tell yous the name of the ministries responsible for public health in his own country, or who runs them. So he honestly had no clue. If he was warned, it went in one ear and out the other because he is incapable of focusing on anything that isn’t him.

I agreed with yous. Trump has done everything he is capable of doing. Not because he’s up against long odds, but because he’s a fucking moron. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

Trump makes YR masturbate!

12blue4u's Avatar
The fact that states are having to bid against each other for items is asinine. When you declare a federal emergency that means you are in charge of certain aspects of a disaster. This is what GW2 did not understand until he finally put a general in charge to handle Katrina. This administration had plenty of warning they chose to ignore, make fun of it ( its a hoax by the dems, we only have 1 case) and listen to the fox idiots. Now it is try and push the blame game and pander to certain states to reopen there economies when we do not have enough tests to tell. Well unfortunately no one really cares about lives lost. I have lost my mother and 2 friends to this. 1 in upstate NY they did not have enough venotlators but not sure if that would help.
And Trump still owes me 12K which I will never see for my work on the windows at Mar-E-Largo. He fucked the architect with constant change orders, then refused to pay, tried to put lien on it, and just to many lawyers so we settled for $0.35 on the dollar. Asshole as far as I am concerned.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
You get a double.

The fact that states are having to bid against each other for items is asinine. When you declare a federal emergency that means you are in charge of certain aspects of a disaster. This is what GW2 did not understand until he finally put a general in charge to handle Katrina. This administration had plenty of warning they chose to ignore, make fun of it ( its a hoax by the dems, we only have 1 case) and listen to the fox idiots. Now it is try and push the blame game and pander to certain states to reopen there economies when we do not have enough tests to tell. Well unfortunately no one really cares about lives lost. I have lost my mother and 2 friends to this. 1 in upstate NY they did not have enough venotlators but not sure if that would help.
And Trump still owes me 12K which I will never see for my work on the windows at Mar-E-Largo. He fucked the architect with constant change orders, then refused to pay, tried to put lien on it, and just to many lawyers so we settled for $0.35 on the dollar. Asshole as far as I am concerned. Originally Posted by 12blue4u

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... The world is shit down ...I do think Trump’s government fucked it up for yous seven ways to Sunday ... Originally Posted by HoeHummer

So the entire world is in the shitter because China lied and people died. But Trump is the only bad dude on the entire planet. Does that mean when you crap out an Obammy and flush it down the john that it is Trump's fault too?
HoeHummer's Avatar
So the entire world is in the shitter because China lied and people died. But Trump is the only bad dude on the entire planet. Does that mean when you crap out an Obammy and flush it down the john that it is Trump's fault too? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Since yous put it that wa6, the answer is YES! Thanks for your sensible reply?

anyone catch morning joe the other morning?

there was mika, in her familiar scornful manner presenting a segment on evil uncaring conservatives

she showed a clip of various people, among them bill bennett

the segment was meant to shame the right as not just incorrect but evil at the same time

the people in the clips were saying that the panic around the corona virus was, in comparison to other causes of death, misplaced and unwarranted

she then showed a graph that had various colored lines representing the death curves of flus etc and the corona virus

there was a red line, which she said was the corona death went almost straight up, there was never a downturn in that line , while the other lines of death meandered and had slight spikes and then downturns

she showed them, the evil conservatives, and she put the lie to their despicable claims

then last night I caught a part of the daily presidential corona virus briefing

and the head of the cdc got up , and, lo and behold, he presented that self same graph mika had used

that made me sit up and pay attention

the only difference was the graph presented by the cdc guy was complete. it wasn't truncated and cut off showing only a portion as mika had done. the portion where the red line went almost straight was a complete set of data and showed the red line's downturn, something mika had not shown. the red line had a spike yes, but then it returned to abide near the other lines

but wait for it....

the shocker was this...the man from the cdc said the red line, the one mika presented as the corona line, the red line that she only showed going up at a steep ascent...he said it was a FLU line...YES HE SAID THE RED LINE WAS THE FLU LINE!

WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT MIKA IS, as is the rest of the left media

I pity the fools who listen to the left media
  • oeb11
  • 04-18-2020, 08:35 AM
Just more Goebbels propaganda from the Lying Fascist DPST's!!!
, because he’s a fucking moron. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Now you sound like Rex Tillerson.
lustylad's Avatar
And Trump still owes me 12K which I will never see for my work on the windows at Mar-E-Largo. He fucked the architect with constant change orders, then refused to pay, tried to put lien on it, and just to many lawyers so we settled for $0.35 on the dollar. Originally Posted by 12blue4u
I call bullshit. You're saying trumpy called a monger like you to drive all the way down from the Nebraska cornfields and install a lousy $18k worth of windows at his Florida mansion? Yeah.... THAT'S believable!

Don't they have window contractors in Florida?

Anything else you want to make up?