Carla Sweets- No

Boltfan's Avatar
Good thing you didn't "loan" her your Malibu or a Kenwood.... Originally Posted by phildo
OBSG - we like to bust your chops but I've been there too - trying to help someone in need and then they forget. All this says to me is you have a big heart, nothing to be embarrassed about there.
  • EZ.
  • 11-03-2014, 06:24 PM
OBSG - we like to bust your chops but I've been there too - trying to help someone in need and then they forget. All this says to me is you have a big heart, nothing to be embarrassed about there. Originally Posted by EasyLover214
Hal-10000's Avatar
+1 Originally Posted by OldLRRP
Both of the above....+1

carla_sweets's Avatar
notice i offered his money back. this isnt about helping its about being anal lmao good day
Lucas McCain's Avatar
notice i offered his money back. this isnt about helping its about being anal lmao good day Originally Posted by carla_sweets
This to the OP...If she offered you your money back and you declined, shut the fuck up with your whining because she would rather pay you back than fuck you. Get over it and stop acting like a bitch.
carla_sweets's Avatar
thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you lucas.... +1000 points
As I clearly said, she did indeed offer my money back. And, as I clearly said, I preferred another session as that way we both got what we wanted. Carla accepted that offer to provide a session instead of giving me my money back. She could have said no to the reschedule and I would have come gotten the cash. Also, given the circumstances at the time I went up there, I think her giving me money back would have placed a real hardship on her. Forgive me for being compassionate. Unless she was lying to me about why she contacted me for help. No, that could not be it. If she cares to explain why she contacted me in the first place that is up to her. I am trying to respect her personal space by not giving those details. And they really are not germane to the end result.

So, we are right back to she was to provide a session but did not do so even knowing I was expecting one on the first trip there. She did not tell me when I arrived there would be no session. Instead, she waited till after I helped her with her errands and spent the session fee for this little piece of information to come out. Then, when she agreed to provide a makeup session she failed to do so by constantly rescheduling and breaking appointments.

I think I have fairly conveyed what happened. I could have posted a far different thread. I could have made it as negative as possible. If you feel reporting a provider who takes your money and fails to provide a session, then reneges over and over on a makeup session is whining, so be it. My error was trusting a provider I had seen several times and allowing my good nature to not allow me to be a hard ass about getting my money back when she informed me there would be no session.

Carla, tell me where and I will come get my money. You can keep what I spent on your groceries and other stuff. The $160 I gave you in cash will be enough. Then I can add to this thread you did so.

Until then, buyer beware
ManSlut's Avatar
notice i offered his money back. this isnt about helping its about being anal lmao good day Originally Posted by carla_sweets
Carla, perhaps you'd like to explain what's 'anal' about not appreciating being RIPPED OFF? We all knew your 'Communication is key' threAD was a Crock-of-Shit!

And Lucious McCain, most of the time we don't give a fuck about your opinions, and this is another one...How 'bout you pay for some pussy once and tell us about it?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Thanks GirlSlut, how about I do what I want to do; and you stop being a sensitive little girl about posts that I can't even remember. Get over it, bitch....It's not that serious.
ManSlut, thank you very much for making the point.

I am trying to keep this from becoming another drama filled attack thread. I have reported the incident as fairly and honestly as I can. She has not disputed what I reported. Some will agree I was taken advantage of. Some will not. Unless Carla has more information to add, lets let it go at that, please
carla_sweets's Avatar
whats so "ripped off" about a refund i mean hes acting like he gave me lots of money he gave me 160 then after the fact says he deserves a 90 minute session. uuuuummmmm no thanks babe... i offered a refund he declined so he ripped himself off...
carla_sweets's Avatar
btw manslut i dont even know you nor have ever seen you so your opinion doesnt count doll.. xoxoxo Smooches
carla_sweets's Avatar
oh now you want to come and get your money back because i have a point huh? feel silly? I OFFERED YOU YOUR MONEY BACK AND YOU DECLINED. im not gonna chase anybody down and MAKE them take a refund... you shouldve came and got it before you decided to post a slandering thread. this was uncalled for and childish when the fact of the matter is I OFFERED so post what you will sir im done, xoxoxo GOODBYE
carla_sweets's Avatar
and to the rest of you male cheerleaders YOUR TEAM LOST. he was WRONG to even start this when he was offered a refund something that many guys do not get from other providers... put your pom poms away and find another way to spend your mornings