Is there any link between the Hen House and "Trafficking"?

The Cock Connoisseur's Avatar
When the Rooster came back he started his agency, build himself a hen coop and gathered his chickens that were running around awhile back with out a tag and put them in his little hen house. This was a little messy at the start because chickens like to run around, because that's what they do. From time to time a hen likes to play the chicken run game and sometimes a chicken from another coop will find her way into the Rooster's house, So that's what we have here [/COLOR] Originally Posted by CIFER
Omg...This is hilarious!!!
Whispers's Avatar
Omg...This is hilarious!!!
Originally Posted by Miss Glamazon Girl
All the way from North of the US to South Texas!

Did you pass through customs and declare everything m'amm?
The Cock Connoisseur's Avatar
Of course...
Whispers's Avatar
....... When the Rooster came back he started his agency, build himself a hen coop and gathered his chickens that were running around awhile back with out a tag and put them in his little hen house. This was a little messy at the start because chickens like to run around, because that's what they do. Originally Posted by CIFER

That's interesting...... How did the rooster get the chickens back under control and back in the Hen House?
  • 11-21-2015, 08:14 PM
That's interesting...... How did the rooster get the chickens back under control and back in the Hen House? Originally Posted by Whispers
That's easy, bro. Check this out.
The Cock Connoisseur's Avatar
That's interesting...... How did the rooster get the chickens back under control and back in the Hen House? Originally Posted by Whispers

Well,I'm not sure of the "HEN HOUSE"but I'm guessing, chickens/hens/roosters eat grains or chicken feed of some sort.That method could work,for actual chickens..
  • 11-21-2015, 08:21 PM
Omg...This is hilarious!!!
Originally Posted by Miss Glamazon Girl
I aim to please ma'am.
If I don't make girls cum at least I can make them laugh.
The Cock Connoisseur's Avatar
I aim to please ma'am.
If I don't make girls cum at least I can make them laugh. Originally Posted by CIFER conquered one...
Whispers's Avatar
That's easy, bro. Check this out. Originally Posted by CIFER
OK... I get it....... The Pimp has something delectable that all the chickens want (or maybe need?) and if they behave and come home to him he gives them their "treat".....

I should have know...... It's so typical

So long as he continues to supply them with their treats they will always come home and might not need a beating even.....

Thanks CIFER...... very valuable to know...... I tend to prefer my chickens to NOT be quite as needy or desirous of "treats".......
You guys need to get laid...
  • 11-21-2015, 10:38 PM
OK... I get it....... The Pimp has something delectable that all the chickens want (or maybe need?) and if they behave and come home to him he gives them their "treat".....

I should have know...... It's so typical

So long as he continues to supply them with their treats they will always come home and might not need a beating even.....

Thanks CIFER...... very valuable to know...... I tend to prefer my chickens to NOT be quite as needy or desirous of "treats"....... Originally Posted by Whispers
Seriously? You watch the video (you dense mofo ) Lol. I didn't even see it.

Whispers, I don't know why they choose to work with him, you are putting words in my mouth and I don't appreciate it. But if I had to guess, maybe they choose to work with him because there is a lot of a-holes that like to whisper too much crap and he keeps those guys away from the girls to protect them from those undesirable human beings. Think about that for more than a second, just try it. Try to see if you can arrange a meeting with the two sides of your brain and just tell the voices to be quiet for a minute or so and you will see how ridiculous you sound when you talk out of your ass.

See, I could explain this further but I just don't have the time or the crayons to do so. If I could just get my self to your level I could understand you, unfortunately I can't get my head that far up my ass. Sorry.
Whispers's Avatar
LOL.... Sorry man.... I only work with the material provided and that was just so damn easy.....

I didn't put words in your mouth... I just interpreted the explanation YOU provided in a manner that suited the story I was telling...

See... It's very easy to take things and spin them JUST a little and create plausible explanations that paint a very different picture than what reality might be....

Kind of like some here are doing with Luigi......

he has a valid concern and has raised some legitimate questions but people want to spin his inability to convey his thoughts as well as others and make it seem he is simply carrying out some sort of childish vendetta......

really.... he is rather amateur in how to really cast doubts and sulliy a reputation and he's being credited with that?

y'all better hope guys that know how to work the information to their advantage don't decide to have some fun here.... The board has some really good shit slingers that might not like Luigi getting a big head and thinking he's good at this....

But since you obviously understand the correlation made in the interpretation....... how do you know that is NOT an issue here?..... Lot's of girls in this business have SOME sort of monkey on their backs and a smart pimp knows how to help her keep that monkey fed in order to control her....

I know a gal here in Austin with a hell of a monkey on her back...... She has a Shoe fetish and a thing for Nordstrum Rack.... All I got to do is mention I might want to take her there adn the saliva flows and the panties get wet nad she's willing to do about anything....
Whispers's Avatar
Then again..... sometime the reality more closely resembles what some consider the spin....
Dang Whispers, you're as full of shit as a Christmas Turkey-Lol. My perception/observation of you was precisely correct-you enjoy stirring the pot to see what rises to the top & spewing B.S. in your posts.
Seriously? You watch the video (you dense mofo ) Lol. I didn't even see it.

Whispers, I don't know why they choose to work with him, you are putting words in my mouth and I don't appreciate it. But if I had to guess, maybe they choose to work with him because there is a lot of a-holes that like to whisper too much crap and he keeps those guys away from the girls to protect them from those undesirable human beings. Think about that for more than a second, just try it. Try to see if you can arrange a meeting with the two sides of your brain and just tell the voices to be quiet for a minute or so and you will see how ridiculous you sound when you talk out of your ass.

See, I could explain this further but I just don't have the time or the crayons to do so. If I could just get my self to your level I could understand you, unfortunately I can't get my head that far up my ass. Sorry. Originally Posted by CIFER
When you are joking about things like trafficking and forbidden topic, it's usually best to tell your readers you are joking.