If Dr Mengele Had A Daughter..........

LexusLover's Avatar
Why don't you post the whole transcript in context. Originally Posted by WTF
Why? Can't you hear? I doubt the WHOLE tape was played anyway ....

.... do you want to hear the part where she wants to eat the videographer's pussy?

Or what?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
In the distant future, people will look back and say the same thing virtually every other civilized country in the world says today:

"It is absolutely unbelievable that this country has tied itself up in knots over this issue for the last 40 years."

"It's absolutely unbelievable that the same people who claim to have so much sympathy for the unborn have virtually none for the living."

"It's absolutely unbelievable that a bunch of fat, old, white conservative republicans think they have the right to tell a woman what to do with her body." Originally Posted by timpage

This old, fat, white republican is appalled by abortion...


This old, fat, white republican thinks that there should be NO taxpayer funding for abortion;

Angela McGlowan opposed abortion as an attack black people;

I think Timmie has his head firmly planted in his ass.

40 years? The issue here is that human body parts are being sold which is, and has been, against federal law. This is not an old issue, this is a new issue and you sound like someone defending the Munich laws.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-22-2015, 01:20 PM
Why? Can't you hear? I doubt the WHOLE tape was played anyway ....

.... do you want to hear the part where she wants to eat the videographer's pussy?

Or what? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yes...I heard fine. But if the full transcript is written , you will see what was meant in context. PPH said some low number and the undercover RWW goons kept egging her on so they could pay more!

Of course if you believe that any stage of abortion is murder, then this video should not bother you any more than any abortion.
lustylad's Avatar
Things haven't been going the RWWipes' way the past few months and they obviously feel threatened by the sane majority of Americans. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Oh, you mean the overwhelming 84% of Americans who oppose late-term abortions? Is that the "sane majority" you are talking about, dipshitter emeritus?


"According to the national survey, 84% of Americans want significant restrictions on abortion, and would limit abortions to, at most, the first three months of pregnancy. This includes almost 7 in 10 (69 percent) who identify themselves as 'pro-choice' who support such abortion limits and oppose late-term abortions."

lustylad's Avatar
Yes...I heard fine. But if the full transcript is written, you will see what was meant in context. PPH said some low number and the undercover RWW goons kept egging her on so they could pay more! Originally Posted by WTF

There is no "context" that could possibly make this woman's behavior less repugnant, let alone morally defensible.... they "egged her on" - what the fuck does that mean? Who brought up the Lamborghini?

The "goons" are not the people who made the video. The goons are the morally numb miscreants on this board and elsewhere who would defend a woman who eagerly harvests and trades fetal body parts for lunch and a Lamborghini!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-22-2015, 03:43 PM
There is no "context" that could possibly make this woman's behavior less repugnant, let alone morally defensible.... they "egged her on" - what the fuck does that mean? Who brought up the Lamborghini?

The "goons" are not the people who made the video. The goons are the morally numb miscreants on this board and elsewhere who would defend a woman who eagerly harvests and trades fetal body parts for lunch and a Lamborghini!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
OMG you are one lying dumbfucker.

The Lamborghini was clearly a fucking joke.

She said 40 bucks but these RWW tiddlywinks said, "No we want to pay more!"
Even then the old fucking lady said she would have to check and see what the rate was.

Look, I think you fuckers do not understand the difference between donation and selling something for profit. Let me give you an example.

If I were to cut down and Oak tree on some woman's yard that she paid me to cut down and then burn and you came along and asked me to cut it up in cords for firewood and I said that would cost me an extra 40 bucks and I can only sell it to you for forty fucking bucks and the wood is not wasted in a bonfire but instead used as firewood at your house....I really haven't sold you shit for profit. I've really just done you a favor.

Now if you were a tree lover....why the fuck would you be crying about the wood being sold for no profit as firewood when your real problem is that you do not want the tree taken down at all. You hate loggers and think that all tree's should never be cut down.

In this case it is not even a tree being cut down but a fucking acorn nobody wanted!

If you are so worried about abortion , start some home for preggo chicks where you promise to house and feed and clothe and educate their children. Maybe there will be no women wanting then to have an abortion.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-22-2015, 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Play the whole thing in context....fuck this is like talking to the Deliverance families from West Virginia.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-22-2015, 03:52 PM
Oh, you mean the overwhelming 84% of Americans who oppose late-term abortions? Is that the "sane majority" you are talking about, dipshitter emeritus?


"According to the national survey, 84% of Americans want significant restrictions on abortion, and would limit abortions to, at most, the first three months of pregnancy. This includes almost 7 in 10 (69 percent) who identify themselves as 'pro-choice' who support such abortion limits and oppose late-term abortions."

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Yes... I would like to outlaw late term abortions too.

But just like the gun lobby will not allow any new restrictions , this lobby is strong enough to also not want to go down what they consider a slippery slope.

You are a gay little fucker but you are smart enough to understand how realpolitik works.
gfejunkie's Avatar
This has to be her. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Naah. A Mengele would be happy with a Volkswagen.

This bitch wants a fuckin' Lamborghini!
lustylad's Avatar
If I were to cut down an Oak tree on some woman's yard.... Originally Posted by WTF
So if we asked your mother back when you were in her womb if the future WTFagboy was no more valuable than an acorn or an oak tree or a chicken, would she have agreed with your facile analogies?

And since you've already demonstrated your moral obtuseness, why not go all in? Why don't you endorse organ harvesting of holocaust victims? Genocide may be repugnant, but hey, at least some good would come out of it that way. I mean, we all support the advancement of medical science, right Dr. Mengele???

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-22-2015, 06:04 PM
So if we asked your mother back when you were in her womb if the future WTFagboy was no more valuable than an acorn or an oak tree or a chicken, would she have agreed with your facile analogies?
Originally Posted by lustylad
Had your mother made the wise choice to abort you, I would not be wasting my time having to explain the most simple of things. You can not miss something you never had. Jesus fucking H Christ. For all we know some sweet German aborted the next Hitler thirty years ago and saved us all from WWIII.

And since you've already demonstrated your moral obtuseness, why not go all in? Why don't you endorse organ harvesting of holocaust victims? Genocide may be repugnant, but hey, at least some good would come out of it that way. I mean, we all support the advancement of medical science, right Dr. Mengele???

. Originally Posted by lustylad
You still do not get it do you snaggletooth. The folks on my side to not see abortion as murder/genocide (at least not the first trimester) . I get it, you do but when the fuck are you going to just say you want to ban all abortions, just like the gun fuckers should say that want to ban all guns. Same fucking thing. You fuckers do not want to compromise.

ps...Don't you think holocaust victims are a bit late to the organ donor party?
lustylad's Avatar
Had your mother made the wise choice to abort you, I would not be wasting my time having to explain the most simple of things. Originally Posted by WTF
As usual, you are side-stepping the question. I know how my mother would answer it. Too bad you're not sure about your mother's response. It must have been very hard to grow up wondering if your own mother valued you more highly than a chicken or an acorn or a caterpillar.

For all we know some sweet German aborted the next Hitler thirty years ago and saved us all from WWIII. Originally Posted by WTF
Lamest pro-abortion argument ever! If we really want to make sure we won't see another Hitler, let's kill all the little German boys that weren't aborted, too!

You still do not get it do you snaggletooth. The folks on my side do not see abortion as murder/genocide (at least not the first trimester).... when the fuck are you going to just say you want to ban all abortions,.... You fuckers do not want to compromise. Originally Posted by WTF
Oh, I get it all right... to you libtards, abortion is no worse than roasting an acorn or plucking a chicken. Others find it morally corrosive to the society we live in. I don't cling to any illusions about banning all abortions, but if nobody draws the line somewhere you libtards will let the moral corrosion grow and grow unchecked. You're already so numb you can blithely talk about the price of an embryo liver over a glass of cabernet.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If I were to cut down and Oak tree on some woman's yard that she paid me to cut down and then burn and you came along and asked me to cut it up in cords for firewood and I said that would cost me an extra 40 bucks and I can only sell it to you for forty fucking bucks and the wood is not wasted in a bonfire but instead used as firewood at your house....I really haven't sold you shit for profit. I've really just done you a favor. Originally Posted by WTF
According to the law, that $40 plus whatever the woman paid you is reportable income. Failure to report it is tax evasion. You did no one a favor, you made $40+ . You truly are an idiot, WPF
Naah. A Mengele would be happy with a Volkswagen.

This bitch wants a fuckin' Lamborghini! Originally Posted by gfejunkie

for fiscal year 2011 planned parenthood claims in their annual report to have performed(?) 333,964 abortions

lets say they average 2 tissue recoveries (they speak in euphemisms, its organ harvestings) per abortion at $100 dollars each

that's $66,792,800 per year- that buys a few lamborghini's

its a revenue growth profit area, and bonus opportunities for the employees