OTC erection help

[QUOTE=ahobbyist2;1055905272]Here is more of a overall solution that works for me-
You have to consider your overall health- I am more into taking vitamins and supplements to get better performance not only in the bedroom but feeling better everyday- and I can tell the difference in my energy if I skip a few days

Do some research on multi-vitamins and supplements to get your overall energy up- then as a "booster", I use maca (really recommend this) and have used horny goat weed

Many performance issues that I have had in the past were fixed by just getting the proper nutrients in my body[/QUOTE I relize some of the loss of libido is simply a numbers game ..seen a lot
My problems come from a little in each area ... a little anxiety ...a little loss of libido and a little slow on the pickup..although after going to a girl i really liked most of all that stuff went away..however I'm going to try Tribulus Terestis and 100 mg of Dhea (precursor to testosterone.) both are to raise testosterone.... The Viagra makes me flushed and nervous . and bad indigestion .the MACA didn't do much and the Horny Goat weed didn't do much I'm pretty sure some heavy excersize at the gym for a few months will help a lot too

Dude- Sometime the game just ends and moments that you used to have, or probably never had, cannot be recaptured, or brought to life. Be an adult, don't blame the black guy in DC and deal with life's realities. We're the same age and I have a bigger problem, as a 6'6" former basketball player, I can't dunk anymore. But I dunked for 40 years and that's a pretty good run, so move on my brother. Originally Posted by whatitiz13
...hell no dont give up, dont give in fight for it . i lost too many years of opportunity being a good guy now that i found availability i intend to give it my best shot !!
Guest010619's Avatar
Dude- Sometime the game just ends and moments that you used to have, or probably never had, cannot be recaptured, or brought to life. Be an adult, don't blame the black guy in DC and deal with life's realities. We're the same age and I have a bigger problem, as a 6'6" former basketball player, I can't dunk anymore. But I dunked for 40 years and that's a pretty good run, so move on my brother. Originally Posted by whatitiz13
Not true. Unless you stepped on a land mine.
Why end the fun?
Nik McPratt's Avatar
This Liquid Cia has peaked my interest. Anyone else have experience with it? Please share.
D33P5TROK3's Avatar
L-arganine take three to four pills and there you go. Look it up.find it in walmart walgreens gnc ask your pharmacist doctor about it.
I am currently trying these to git the testosterone levels up, and before a performance I have aquired some horny Goat weed as well as Maca... I'll let you know I have an appointment today
Raw Orchic ..this is a funny name for ground up bull testicles
Tribulus Terestis an Herb that is supposed to increase available Testosterone
DHEA ..is a precursor to many other hormones and does increase testosterone ,all around good stuf
The Horny Goat Weed and Maca are substances that I believe act like Viagra .. they help allow the blood vessels to open and allow blood to fill the pee-pee I have however noticed that none of these are really needed if you really like yer A utomatic T ransmission F luid and KNOW your gonna have some fun
SO the other day I took half a viagra some horny Goat weed and some maca ..but the clincher is the girl on the other end of the line was nice and easy to talk to Got an instant boner life is strange ! it only went away when i got closer to the Hotel and started getting nervous ... All in the head ( both of em)
In a lot of Texas adult video stores they have a variety of Viagra type pills in the glass cases
Before the FDA made them yank it from the shelves Vitalikor works like a charm!Luckily I was able to score a couple of years supply before it disappeared.
Stamina RX worked great for me, had an active ingredient similar if not identical to Cialis or Viagra. But I think the formula may have changed due to a lawsuit. Did the trick for me but did get flushed and mild headache as side effects.
The "Raw Orchic" 1000mg form www.iherb.com and the Tribulus Terestis www.puritan.com
seem to have done alright the most noted effect is BETTER MOOD These I'm going to take daily along with the DHEA to increase levels of testosterone.

The Horny Goat Weed and MACA I'm going to take before an encounter
tried out the whole combination yesterday ...no problems at all however i will admit that Viagra did a good job except for the ..flushing...acid reflux, and headache...yeah ..
Where does one aquire liquid cialis ?? Im going to try everything before i settle on one
Nik McPratt's Avatar
Google Liquid Cia and many choices pop up. I used CEM Products. There are others to choose,
there was a product called xzen 1200 that worked really really well for me but the FDA made them pull it from the shelf i eventually found it again now it goes by the name "one more knight" i have a number for it , it last for me about a week per pill a bottle of 6 runs around $40 , now a warning ...it claims no head aches but gives me a pretty bad one for a day or so unless i drink a ton of water and i did some research on it apearantly it caused a fellow to have a heart attack i think it raises your blood pressure only reason i still use it is because i had taken it many times before it got pulled and other then the head ache i was ok . it does give some super ass boners and quick recovery time
Googling some of this stuff can lead you to scammy/spammy places. I use both McAfee SiteAdvisor and WOT. If both are green, I proceed. Not perfect, but safer than going in totally blind.

Some advice: when trying something for the first time, don't go with the max dosage. I usually start with half, the day before the event. I might do the other half the day of the event, depending on how my stomach feels and how hard the morning wood is.

Just trying to help.
Most guys don't have true ED. It's usually low testosterone that is the culprit if psychological issues, poor health, other medications, etc... are ruled out. I'm not doing it now but I was doing androgel for a while then 1 cm (M.I.) of testosterone cypionate per week. WOW! Major increase in desire and an erection that felt like it would cut glass.

If looking for natural ways to increase turgidity of erections, you might try high doses of Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (A-AKG). Take at least double what it suggest about 3 hours before on an empty stomach. Then again say an hour and a half before. This is well tolerated by most and won't hurt kidney function. Just drink a bunch of water. This stuff naturally increases your NO2 acting like Viagra, cialis, etc... I like MRI NO2 black. It's great.

Plus, I agree with ahobbist2. I regularly take multi-vitamins and 200mg of DHEA. DHEA use to be illegal and you could only get it by scripts from your Doc or underground. It is a testosterone precursor. That combo works best for me. I also stay very fit, run marathons and follow crossfit.com routine, etc...

MACA, Yohimbi, horny goat weed, and alike seem to help some folks. But its all for not, if you are in poor health, over-stressed, and taking a ton of meds. Nothing says "BOING" (getting a erection) like good health. Good luck and happy hunting!