OK... Guys... It has been suggested that a few of us might be considered "rude, crude and socially unacceptable".... Lacking in class and culture.... So what do we do about it?

Isn't couth something a girl calls another girl when they are really mad at them? Originally Posted by Anonymous170
So then, uncouth would be when she apologizes...
some people were taught that EVERYTHING is eaten like a sandwich...or you may not get to eat.
runswithscissors's Avatar
It happened while I was putting my Filet Migon between halves of my Biscuit and garnishing it with some salad.... I think Sixx just held his steak by an end and chomped his way through it.... Originally Posted by Whispers
My God, man, any civilized male on the planet knows you slather a filet mignon with ketchup before building a biscuit sandwich.....
nuglet's Avatar
Sixx was saving his biscuit to use as a napkin after chowing down on the steak.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I JUST lost all my manners and find myself in need of massive amounts of tutoring.
blenderhead's Avatar
Being crude and socially unacceptable is part of who I am. Might as well give me a lobotomy if you want to take that away from me.
I.. <belch> scuse me.. don't understand where <frumph> this could be cuming from. Hmph, uh, can you crack that window for me? Scuse me, I'll be right back....

Gawd, I can see it now... donations must be left in crisp pink linen envelopes, positioned with a slight lean, and no cant. Visible from all entrances to the room. Appointments must be RSVP'd, and please take the side of the bed with your name-card on the pillow...
Whispers's Avatar
For those that have asked.... We are not doing Brunch tomorrow....

It is still in the planning stages and we are looking for the right lady to assist us in developing more socially acceptable skills....

A couple of us are putting on our finest Hawaiian Shirts, Khaki Shorts and Sandals and visiting a couple of spots recommended to us that we scout as possible locations for the First Brunch.....

We will be getting back to you soon.....

Naturally I'm looking for the right place that can accommodate us at a reasonable expense and SixxBach is in charge of determining if the menu selections and servings provide the necessary value....

I've never understood "Brunch" myself.... The thought of combining two meals into one seems so..... I don't know.... So..... threatening....
Baloney Pony's Avatar

OK... Guys... It has been suggested that a few of us might be considered "rude, crude and socially unacceptable".... Lacking in class and culture.... So what do we do about it? Originally Posted by Whispers

Being crude and socially unacceptable is part of who I am. Might as well give me a lobotomy if you want to take that away from me. Originally Posted by blenderhead

Howdy, Folks!


Nail. Head. Hit.

Or, howzabout...

"OK... Guys... It has been suggested that a few of us might be considered 'rude, crude and socially unacceptable'.... Lacking in class and culture.... So what do we do about it?"

Pay for sex, and keep on keepin' on.

I love Capitalism.

Baloney Pony's Avatar
Howdy, Folks!

Sunday Brunch is my favorite meal of the week.

They gotta have good coffee, though. To this day, I cannot figure out why Fonda San Miguel serves Cains at Sunday Brunch.

Said it HERE, I'll say it again:

[...they kill me with the coffee. It's COFFEE, fer crissakes. Some of the finest coffee is grown in Mexico, and they serve Cains. WTF are they thinking? Hell - Ruta Maya is imported and roasted in Austin! It would be PERFECT for them to serve it! But sadly, they don't. Hence, no 3 Star Michelin Rating - but a worthy 2.]

Gotta have good coffee...
Whispers's Avatar

I didn't make a lot of progress yesterday but I did manage to get discounts agreed upon at Dennys, Jims and 2 different IHIOPS if we select any of those places...

Sixx checked out the Buffets at Ryans and Hometown and has yet to report back......
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
Whispers's Avatar
Come on darlin.... Start something I can sink my teeth into!

No need to bump my threads... I can do that myself just responding to what people say and staying on topic!
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 11-08-2010, 11:15 PM
omg! I love my Ihop coupons!

I dunno what they did to the on the 35 before Parmer, but their country fried steak so so GOOD! New menu, maybe new recipe?

Generally I'll stick to an omelet cause the steak just doesn't taste as good, but this time, damn it was yummie!
machina70's Avatar
Comes with the territory.

Just like we should never forget that this is a business for the ladies the ladies should understand that "hobbyists" are what they are.. and part of that includes a certain lack of(or refusal to conform to) generally accepted social skill.