
Willen's Avatar
Psychoanalysis without a license is foolish, but I'm in that sort of mood. I can't help thinking that often attitudes such as the one under discussion are really projections of some underlying guilt on the guy's part for being in the hobby. If what I/we are doing is 'wrong,' it's at least better that the women who are involved are 'no good' anyway. Yeesh.

Actually, almost all the women I've been with have been really good. {wink}
topsgt38801's Avatar
I was contacted by a gentleman who needed a dinner date however do to the short notice I was unable to help him. So I send him a follow up email asking how dinner went. To make a long story short after a few emails he made some statements the were very negative and judgmental based on society's views of us and what we do. I promptly and nicely set him straight and after we talked he commented "You are intelligent,well rounded so why do what you do?"...I replied because I choose to. I do not like when people think because of what we do they think it defines who we are and that we are low class. Hopefully he realized we are just normal people.... Originally Posted by Irish Vixen

I might put you in the above normal class just looking at pics and reading about you.

you are making me blush...update on this guy he called me yestersday and we chatted and he mentioned my "job" three times in 10 min. so i emailed him and nicely told hime that I doubted a friendship was was possible since he seemed unable to seperate what I do with who I am as a person. He replied that him was joking and "didn't give a shit what I did ans was only teasing"....I guess he thought I was born yestersday...wow so we shall see....
I might put you in the above normal class just looking at pics and reading about you.

Top Originally Posted by topsgt38801