shared incalls............. blah

[quote=sixxbach;179240]sorry just venting...... i was running behind today and could not see a lovely this morning. well, i thought we could push back the session......... no the incall is booked solid all day.

I didunt know that streetwalkers had shared incalls, unless you are talking bout having more than one SW in your front seat at the same time.
now that statement assumes facts not entered into evidence!
governmentguru's Avatar
Great point, when an incall becomes a ' baby brothel' it is an accident waiting to happen, in potentially several forms.

Two ladies have posted in this thread with good alternatives, one posted how one girl uses it during the day and one at night, that's great. Sure there is a potential overlap but in general it is like only one provider being there, I'd visit a lady with an incall set up like that..

Another posted how one day she uses it the next day the other, that's also ideal.

But when 2-4 girls all at once share an incall, in the eyes of a stranger such as neighbors and apartment managers/landlords not to mention LE ( if they did take an interest due to a complaint) , they see it all. And what they see is a parade of men in and out and now and than a female comes and goes. Doesn't take a NASA specialist to figure out what is going on in that unit.

Anything over 2 ladies is pushing and/or entering the danger zone, make sure to peak around before you enter, most likely someone else is already. Hobby safe, we all create our own boundaries of safety. Originally Posted by KosherCowboy
And here I thought I was "casting pearls" with my bons mots...

Thank you for noticing...
sixxbach's Avatar
originally posted by sexykitten72

I didunt know that streetwalkers had shared incalls, unless you are talking bout having more than one SW in your front seat at the same time.

toots learn how to spell before u try to mouth off. i think you are that one girl who has that awful grammar that no one could understand the other day... i thought i recognized you

oh yeah, i have a question.... does 72 represent the year of your birth or your IQ? just wondering because that post of yours the other day makes one wonder.....
Six check your PM

Folks I suggest you read the forum rules.
Nibbles_n_Licksx's Avatar
sorry just venting...... i was running behind today and could not see a lovely this morning. well, i thought we could push back the session......... no the incall is booked solid all day.

I didunt know that streetwalkers had shared incalls, unless you are talking bout having more than one SW in your front seat at the same time. Originally Posted by sixxbach

Sexykitten sorry to say but please keep your drama in S.A we are trying to bring our little side of the world together and don't need little kittens stepping in to stir the pot. *wink*

Sixx sorry your appointment didn't work when you wanted it to. But, on the other hand good things some to people who wait.

~Kisses Jen
sixxbach's Avatar
thanks Jen... i was not going to try and argue my warning since she took a jab at me first and i simply responded.of course i went a tad over the top (well maybe) but that is to be expected of me. i was only venting about the practice not the ladies who partake.
Nibbles_n_Licksx's Avatar
Sixx your good sweetie there is no need for all the bs and frankly I'm sick of hearing it. I thought your post is very informative. I am currently looking for an incall at the moment and have been going back and forth weather to share or get my own. Reading your post has given me allot of information from hobbyist and providers on the subject. Thank You!

~Kisses Jen
Sharing an incall is a pain in the ass (or at least it was for me). I worked with a girl who had an ability to book several days/weeks in advance and I had several regulars who were more likely to contact me an hour or two in advance. Soooo...I would turn down appointments while she was making money. Then she'd limit her appointments to make room for my guys and I'd feel like an ass when no one called and I kept her from making money. I suppose it might have been better to share with someone less popular (or someone with terrible TCB skills). It also lead to some unnecessary strain on a good friendship from things that were out of our control.

But, it leads me to my next point: if you are sharing an incall and routinely turning down at least one appointment a week due to incall scheduling, I would say look into getting your own place. You can get a decent place at $550 a month, and if you're charging $200/appointment, that leaves you with an extra $250 a month profit. An incall by yourself is kind of lonely, but you can always offer it to a trusted friend from time to time, just to recreate the thrill.

But yeah, if you're low volume and mostly happy with your sharing situation, then good for you! Hotels blow. Also, also, if you are unclear that you will still be providing within a year, six months (the terms of a lease) then sharing might be best as well.
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
I thought your post is very informative. I am currently looking for an incall at the moment and have been going back and forth weather to share or get my own. Reading your post has given me allot of information from hobbyist and providers on the subject. Thank You!

~Kisses Jen
Originally Posted by nibbles_n_licksx
I thought this thread also could provide great views from both sides that would be a learning experience for both hobbyists and providers and hate the BS brought into it.
Thank you.
Jay Walker's Avatar
I have found that there can be an upside. I can remember at least three occasions where it turned into a 2 for 1. Anyone remember the Lake House? Ahhh the memories.

I am sorry you experienced that unfortunate incident. I mostly operate out of luxurious 4-5 star hotels in the cities I travel and spend a minimum of around $220.00/night + tax and valet, but that is okay since a typical session runs around a minimum of 3 hours with my regular clients, so the donation compensates for part of my suite with only one client per day on the days I work. I never share incalls, period. I do, on the other hand, understand why girls choose to do so. Economically, it sort of makes sense, but sharing incalls really isn't for me for several reasons.

I do keep an incall in Austin that I use, maybe 5-7 times a month (if that) with only 3-4 of my repeat clients who each book me once or twice a week in Austin. Mostly, it is more of an office for me to work out of. I don't like sharing because I do not want other girls to be nosy with regard to my personal life and I tend to be a bit OCD about cleanliness and keeping the best quality linens, luxurious bar comprised of about $1,000.00+ of the finest, aged liquor, so I can imagine that some might abuse my personal space if not careful about who I room with. To each their own, but I will never share. I'm too private.


sorry just venting...... i was running behind today and could not see a lovely this morning. well, i thought we could push back the session......... no the incall is booked solid all day.

i understand that lotsa girls share but from a male point of view, that bites. i am a spur of the moment hobbyist. with work im on a schedule but when im not, i dont follow a schedule. i also did not like that there could be some guy waiting out in the parking lot if he arrives early since there is a 15 minute gap between the end of a session and start of a new one.

the lovely gal (who i cant wait to see tomorrow) turned around and went back home when i knew i could not make the time and not be a few minutes late. not a knock on her at all (ultra sexy phone voice too) but damn shared incalls suck! Originally Posted by sixxbach
sixxbach's Avatar
Thanks Angelina, as always spoken with class
Mojojo's Avatar

I do keep an incall in Austin that I use, maybe 5-7 times a month (if that) with only 3-4 of my repeat clients who each book me once or twice a week in Austin. Mostly, it is more of an office for me to work out of. I don't like sharing because I do not want other girls to be nosy with regard to my personal life and I tend to be a bit OCD about cleanliness and keeping the best quality linens, luxurious bar comprised of about $1,000.00+ of the finest, aged liquor, so I can imagine that some might abuse my personal space if not careful about who I room with. To each their own, but I will never share. I'm too private.

Angelina Originally Posted by Angelina Adams
Its hard enough in the civilian world. Like Angelina stated privacy tends to become a big killer between roommates as well as cleanliness. I think if you can afford your own incall its not wise to share, sometimes that extra income can jeopardize your business. Neighbors might begin to become nosy of all the activity going on, etc.
Guest062010's Avatar
I fully agree with the vast majority of what's been offered up here! Specially the "baby brothel"..ahahahha.. tff. But I really gotta side with Jay Walker about it can work if done right with two chics and absolutely turn into some AWESOME 2 for ones! ...There are many here who can attest to that just from their visits to my various apartments/lofts! Of course it hasn't always been roses, but that just taught me how to spot immediately situations that just weren't going to work. Sharing has always been vital to me even if it only involved me letting one or two women use it occasionally to supplement my expenses. Maintaining two residences is CRAZY expensive when you really know the details of the expenses we bear when furnishing and stocking an incall properly. So ya take the good with the bad, learn from it and roll on. .......
Either way, this has actually been an overall really good thread that brought out some great insights. Rock on Sixx!