NEW THREAD! As a Player in the Game way back....

Elephant's Avatar
You do know most Thai prostitutes have been sold into slavery/indentured servitude as young girls or boys by their impoverished parents right? Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
I don't think you have a clue about Thailand. Don't believe everything you read on the web.. I'm still waiting on the other 99,998 super bowl prostitutes to arrive in Dallas....
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Sorry, never that many. 230 Tops. Originally Posted by Elephant
At the time I wrote this post, Austin had 431 escorts advertising availability in Austin. I did a search with the only parameter being Austin, TX and it had 431 listings. Maybe some of them were traveling girls who had visiting ads in Austin or something, but that's what came up on the day I posted that, which was March of 2010.

I know I don't have any proof, but hopefully you will take my word for it that I wasn't making up the statistics. It's possible the p411 search function had a glitch, but I searched the numbers regularly last year and routinely found around 400 girls advertising in Austin.

I can't explain the discrepancy between the search numbers I pulled then and now, other than that P411 is working differently, or that a lot of ladies have jumped ship.
Elephant's Avatar

I know I don't have any proof, but hopefully you will take my word for it that I wasn't making up the statistics. It's possible the p411 search function had a glitch, but I searched the numbers regularly last year and routinely found around 400 girls advertising in Austin. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
I don't doubt that your search yielded those results. Maybe the client area is different.... I let my p411 account expire a few weeks ago, but before that I was frequently logged in and never saw over 230 listed in Austin. I guess something skewed your search results... I think Dallas only had like 450-500 the last time I checked so something must be off....
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
I don't think you have a clue about Thailand. Don't believe everything you read on the web.. I'm still waiting on the other 99,998 super bowl prostitutes to arrive in Dallas.... Originally Posted by Elephant
I hate to hijack this thread, so this will be the last I say on the subject.

So the numerous media accounts from well respected outlets, the countless interviews with victims, the film documentaries, and the reports of various NGO's aren't sufficient to convince you that Thailand has a problem with sexual slavery? What sort of source would be credible in your eyes? Is the U.S. State Department a credible source? This is what they had to say in their 2010 report:

Thailand is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of sexual exploitation and forced labor. Thai women are trafficked to Australia, Bahrain, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, Europe, and North America for commercial sexual exploitation. A significant number of men, women, and children from Burma, Laos, Cambodia, and the People�s Republic of China (P.R.C.) are economic migrants who wind up in forced or bonded labor and commercial sexual exploitation in Thailand. Regional economic disparities drive significant illegal migration into Thailand, presenting traffickers opportunities to move victims into labor or sexual exploitation. Internal trafficking also occurs in Thailand, involving victims from Northern Thailand, especially ethnic hill tribe women and girls. Widespread sex tourism in Thailand encourages trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation.

The Government of Thailand does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking; however, it is making significant efforts to do so. Thailand showed clear progress in applying greater law enforcement efforts to fighting trafficking and systematically screening hundreds of thousands of undocumented illegal migrants to identify and provide care for trafficking victims in their midst. The government also made modest progress in addressing widespread trafficking-related corruption within the ranks of the police, immigration services, and judiciary. In November 2004, the Thai Government began a new, intensified effort to improve the vetting procedure used by the police and immigration authorities to identify trafficking victims. While reports suggest increased efforts by police and immigration officials to provide protection to trafficking victims, international organizations and NGOs continue to play an important role in screening of trafficking victims, especially underage victims found in street work. There are reports that child trafficking victims continued to be incarcerated in and deported from Thailand without proper victim care or any attempt to investigate the trafficking crimes committed against these children.

During the reporting period, the Thai Government increased its law enforcement efforts against trafficking. Thailand has a law specifically prohibiting trafficking. In 2004, the government reported 307 trafficking-related arrests, 66 prosecutions, and 12 convictions � an increase in arrests over the previous year�s performance. Sentences handed down for trafficking cases remained light, with an average sentence of three years� imprisonment. However, a number of sentences in trafficking cases were severe, with imprisonment of up to 50 years. In early March 2005, a Thai court convicted a Cambodian woman for trafficking eight Cambodian girls to Thailand and Malaysia; the trafficker was sentenced to 85 years� imprisonment. As in previous years, the Thai Government made minimal progress in reducing trafficking-related corruption in the police, immigration services, and judiciary. Law enforcement officials continued to be implicated in facilitating trafficking, but only one police officer was convicted and sentenced to ten years� imprisonment over the past year; prosecutions of 18 others fired in 2003 for complicity in trafficking continues. Thailand is not able to adequately control its long land borders.

In 2004, the Thai Government continued to provide commendable protection to trafficking victims. The government continued to operate 97 shelters throughout the country for abused women and children, six regional shelters for foreign trafficking victims, and a central shelter outside of Bangkok with capacity for over 500 foreign trafficking victims. The government reportedly identified and provided protection to 108 women and children since the November 2004 institution of the new screening mechanism. Thailand�s overseas missions continued to provide support to Thai victims who wish to return home, but limited funding is available to assist their repatriation. The government also provided police and consular officials with training on trafficking issues and dealing with victims.

The Thai Government continued its efforts to raise awareness of trafficking. In 2004, the Thai police began an information campaign, which included the distribution of pamphlets and creation of a hotline for reporting suspected cases. The government also continued to support the work of NGOs and international organizations to carry out public awareness campaigns and provide victim support services.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I've been a P411 member for a long time and I don't ever remember any more than about 210 P411 ads for Austin ... certainly not 230 and nowhere near 400.

But the search parameters on that site can be misleading too. I've discovered that the hard way whilst on the road. I was in Savannah, GA and I was seeing ads from ladies as far away as Charleston, SC and Jacksonville, FL, both of which are farther away from Savannah than SA is from ATX.

But I think the game/hobby/business has been affected by a lot of external events unrelated to the game/hobby/business. Socially, economically, intellectually. It's a new world out here ... and the world's oldest, er, whatever, will continue to undergo midstream corrections.
Elephant's Avatar
So the numerous media accounts from well respected outlets, the countless interviews with victims, the film documentaries, and the reports of various NGO's aren't sufficient to convince you that Thailand has a problem with sexual slavery? Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Yes, like any other country Thailand suffers from child prostitution/sexually slavery, but the majority of guys visiting are looking for 18+, and the girls are working by choice and a lot of them probably make more than you do! The media likes to pump up the figures to garner extra attention for various causes/charities. Thailand is a very complex and corrupt country. It's not easy to sum up everything in a few paragraphs..

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 02-17-2011, 06:37 PM
I have to agree with Woody. In the "old days" we always did seem to have a suitable number of younger "attractive" ladies in town, and frequent visitors from Dallas and Houston and elsewhere to keep things fresh. They also tended to be good values... great skills at reasonable rates.

(I certainly don't mean to demean our local ladies, but some of us old guys do like the fantasy of the younger, fit, attractive ladies... feeds our fantasies and offers a big contrast to the lady we might be coming home to every night. I understand different guys like different body types, but I think I know the type Woody is referring to here.)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I have to agree with Woody. In the "old days" we always did seem to have a suitable number of younger "attractive" ladies in town, and frequent visitors from Dallas and Houston and elsewhere to keep things fresh. They also tended to be good values... great skills at reasonable rates.

(I certainly don't mean to demean our local ladies, but some of us old guys do like the fantasy of the younger, fit, attractive ladies... feeds our fantasies and offers a big contrast to the lady we might be coming home to every night. I understand different guys like different body types, but I think I know the type Woody is referring to here.) Originally Posted by ztonk

Amen Ztonk! I do pretty well at home. Certainly want to make sure my extra terrestrial activities are with hotter aliens than the one in la casa!
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Kiley King at $260
Tiffani at $250
Ava at $260

Maybe it's unfair to say quality was better back a few years ago, certainly, selection was better if your tastes matched Woody's. However, seeing what sells beer, cars, and aftershave on TV, I think it's safe to say that a pretty large percentage of male population does appreciate Woody's taste.
Whispers's Avatar
I have to agree with Woody. In the "old days" we always did seem to have a suitable number of younger "attractive" ladies in town, and frequent visitors from Dallas and Houston and elsewhere to keep things fresh. They also tended to be good values... great skills at reasonable rates.

(I certainly don't mean to demean our local ladies, but some of us old guys do like the fantasy of the younger, fit, attractive ladies... feeds our fantasies and offers a big contrast to the lady we might be coming home to every night. I understand different guys like different body types, but I think I know the type Woody is referring to here.) Originally Posted by ztonk

MAybe they are running a lower profile for some reason...... There used to be talk of visiting ladies having their visits undermined by local ladies and their WKs......

You will find 4 Dallas Spinners at the Luncheon next week if that helps!

Look to the back channel announcements for their names
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Whispers's Avatar
Nope.... Providers
Although 2 used to strip
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So did I ... but then I quit the Boy Scouts!
sixxbach's Avatar
No but I think this thread is tacky. What exactly are you trying to accomplish? What if I posted a thread like this:


Don't you think the quality of hobbyists in this town is sub-par? I'm used to hobbying in Philadelphia, Los Angeles and Denver where I regularly pull $400/hr. Am I wrong for this? Or are guys in this city just cheap? I'm no HDH, but I want guys whose pockets and generosity are bigger than their egos and mouths."

I'm not sure that thread would be accepted too well. I'd probably be to told to go where the money is. And that is what I will offer you: go where the "hot" girls are and please stop bashing the selection here. Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
This is a board for hobbyists. Providers are free to offer their services FREE of charge. Hobbyists are consumers and free to post their opinions. I am going to assume you consider your time on the board a business? What other business people complain about their consumers? Maybe on a business geared publication but certainly not on a medium that is shared by consumers and business. You want your time treated as a business but you don't act like one in certain areas. It seems to me, you want to have your cake and eat it too...

LadiesFan's Avatar
I have a wide range when it comes to finding women attractive. I am not limited to any certain race, or age.. I like tiny spinners, I like BBWs, and I like those in between... mostly. I don't find every woman attractive, or more importantly find that I am willing to pay for her time.

I first started p4p with strippers, I like that I can talk to them first and decide if I like them. I have had some success with providers, but have seen very few more than once. There are some providers that I would like to see again, but most of the time I had buyers remorse after the session. Maybe I was spoiled with the strippers, they were all attractive to me, and I never ever had buyers remorse.

Generally, and I do mean this generally, I find that most providers are asking more than I am willing to pay for their time... and I am basing this on their advertised rate. Whether they are 150/hr, or 400/hr, I consistently find myself saying, damn.... if only she were asking x/hr, instead of y/hr.

Maybe if I were to see a provider more than once I would be offered a reduced rate... dunno. I hear that many guys get grandfathered in at reduced rates. Maybe I am only seeing the "sticker price" in the ladies ads, and their regular rates are more in line with what I am thinking?

Anyway, I am not complaining, just sharing my thought out loud.

Adding a smiley so that every thing I say comes off as happy and polite