Do you think this next election will have an affect on the hobby?

Tazion's Avatar
I'm sick and tired of ignorant Trump cultists! Quit posting your ignorant political bullshit theories on amp reviews! Originally Posted by txpilot3

I'm curious as to what makes Trump supporters 'ignorant'?
lol what doesn’t. 1. Believes in literally every cooky conspiracy theory? It was once said, conspiracy theories make stupid people feel smart.

Still the worst review ever, definitely a hard pass on this girl…
Right! Too hell with all politicians. Tards making them their gods. Pfft

So anyone have any info on Malibu providers haha Originally Posted by MongyBull

Gonna second that inquiry for an update on malibu
lol what doesn’t. 1. Believes in literally every cooky conspiracy theory? It was once said, conspiracy theories make stupid people feel smart.

Still the worst review ever, definitely a hard pass on this girl… Originally Posted by tylerdurden35
It always amazes me how people (that really are ignorant) label everyone else ignorant/dumb/conspiracy theorist etc.....
Fall into two categories :
a. they are really fearful of said situation or
b. they don't have depth of mind to actually think critically and/or grasp said situation, conversation, etc.... and respond in a intelligent and respectful manner.
Calling others names or labeling them ignorant, stupid, etc... just because you may not agree with their beliefs or implied beliefs just proves that one does not have tact/intelligence/depth of thinking to actually have a civil discussion about a given topic/situation.
Really no reason to be rude or ugly to anyone on this forum as we all share a common interest in the hobby and are here for many of the same reasons (sharing information)
Happy hunting everyone.
Demolition's Avatar
I'm sorry, but this is a totally worthless thread. No one has a crystal ball, and opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and most are full of shit. I come her to get info on the good amps and share my experiences in reviews for others to use. You all might want to get back to what this community is for and stay away from the political banter
I second this bull shit tread - finding pussy is our hobby - let keep the game rolling.....
This is a bullshit thread. But on a monger note since mods haven't closed down this thread.

Anyone know if Serena from 7 star is ever gonna return?
Republicans have been in control of this state for 30 years. It wasn’t the other party that made this hobby a felony…
Democrats have been in control of CA for over 30 years. I don’t like every piece of conservative legislation that comes out, like the felony, but I’ll still take what TX looks like right now over CA every day of the week.
Demolition's Avatar
I'm sure your all you all's ranting and finger pointing is going to change someone's mind concerning the election (sarcasm intended, shaking my head). Give it the fuck up and take it to the election booth. This site is about information exchange concerning pussy, not politics
Thanks to the original Jackass who started this's never ending. Why isn't the Mod moving this stupid thread?
All you fucking idiots who are dying to hawk tuah and spit on Trumps orange dick are clearly showing how uneducated you are.

The price of gasoline is influenced by a variety of factors, many of which are beyond the direct control of the President of the United States. Here's a breakdown of the key elements that impact gas prices:

1. **Global Oil Prices**: The most significant factor affecting gasoline prices is the price of crude oil, which is determined on the global market. Supply and demand dynamics, geopolitical events, production decisions by major oil-producing countries (especially OPEC), and speculation in oil futures markets all play a role.

2. **Refining Costs and Profits**: The cost to refine crude oil into gasoline also affects gas prices. This includes operational costs, maintenance, and profit margins for refineries.

3. **Distribution and Marketing Costs**: Getting gasoline from refineries to consumers involves transportation, distribution, and marketing expenses. These costs can vary based on logistical challenges and market conditions.

4. **Taxes**: Federal, state, and local taxes significantly impact gasoline prices. These taxes are set independently of presidential influence and can vary widely across different regions.

5. **Regulatory Policies**: While the President can influence regulatory policies that affect the oil and gas industry, such as environmental regulations or drilling permits, these changes often take time to implement and their impact on prices is indirect and delayed.

6. **Market Speculation**: Traders in commodity markets buy and sell oil futures contracts based on predictions about future supply and demand. This speculative activity can lead to price fluctuations that are not directly tied to current supply and demand realities.

7. **Exchange Rates**: Since oil is traded globally in U.S. dollars, fluctuations in the value of the dollar can affect oil prices. A stronger dollar can make oil more expensive in other currencies, potentially reducing demand and lowering prices, and vice versa.

While the President can influence certain aspects of energy policy, such as encouraging alternative energy sources or influencing international relations that might affect oil supplies, these actions tend to have a more gradual and indirect impact on gasoline prices. Immediate changes in gas prices are typically driven by the aforementioned market factors that are largely outside the President's direct control.
Trump denies any knowledge abt or interest in Project 2025. If P2025 didn't get written by Trump's policy wonks, then really, there's no association betw the two. I'm not a DJT fan by any means. I am instead a realist and I deal in facts. Facts are, DJT has 0 to do w/ P2025.
Slowschool's Avatar
Regardless who wins the November Election, this country will be in economic/social collapse. The stage has been set, we only need a trigger to get the show started. I ask my fellow mongers to be prepared!