MAn With HIV slept with 3000 men and women

Sarunga's Avatar
Oh crap....I was really hoping he would stick around for a while.
why is there so much hate on the board? I guess the lady is trying to inform us. Originally Posted by makerl57

And this is appalling! That is a really fucked thing and this guy deserves to get life in prison if not the death penalty. It's pretty much the same thing as killing 3000 people. He knew he had it and did this deliberately. HIV can be treated to slow down the process before get the actual AIDS virus, but it still won't matter once you contract it. It will eventually kill you. Maybe not in a week, 6 months, 2 years, but it will kill you. I feel bad for those people who caught it.

How did he get 3,000 people to have sex with him period, let alone UNPROTECTED sex?

Why do people act like they don't know about AIDS? Then again, maybe I'm the only one that's paranoid. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
He probably slept with a couple of girls and they then slept with a couple of guys and so forth. It's just like any other can spread fast. And some people who have unprotected sex probably don't think it could happen to them until it's too late. I think those people who think that are idiots because once you get it there's no cure. And you can get HIV not only by sex. You can get it by needles, getting a tattoo an using a dirty needle, and satistics show that most gays get it because they don't use protection. Well, anyone who does Greek without protection, girls or guys, and they have the virus then they're gonna get it.
Here's the thing. This will not be a popular opinion by the way. If your offended by what everyone else is really thinking and just never said then look away now.......

There are certain risks involved when you decide to do this business. Provider and hobbiest alike. Providers screen us. I screen providers. P411 is a joke. Eccie tries really hard but lets face it theres no real protection on these threads. I got a p411 account that has not a shed of truth about me. They don't even have my actual IP address. I'm sorry but providers are not real people to me they are the scum of the world put here for my personal amusement. There's no way I'd give a lowlife provider my personal information.

I know it's hypocritical to hobby and feel this way. Yet it's just the way I feel about it. I've called from numerous numbers to numerous providers. Finding their most vulnerable times were they would agree to anything for a wopper with fries. I test to see what they are really made of before I ever set foot in their room for a very long time. With disappearing covers and all the other B.S. hobbiests pull on providers. I'd say they pretty much feel the same way I do. Yet they kiss your vaginas because of whatever wierd reason.

I've literally had well known providers agree to bbfs for $20. A lot of them are here on ECCIE and they would never admit it. Yet I'm sure there will be a load of hate emails stating oh that was you!lol A big part of what makes me hot and bothered is seeing a woman pissed off and crying. Jew em down to $20 bbfs and walk away never actually touching them. So a guy running around with HIV and nothing left to lose spreading it like a common cold doesn't surprise me in the least.

How many guys have providers caught sabotaging the cover or simply removing it all together? How many accedental "breaks" have providers experienced? Far to many stories that I have heard to be able to count. At the end of the day in my opinion it is an acceptable risk to you if you have decided to become a provider. You are saying the money yall make is worth your lives. There is no way for any of you to stop or prevent contracting STDs. Just like vegas the house always wins and the provider always get AIDS. Originally Posted by biger
We are not scum! We are just like every other person. You're nothing special! We all have flaws, but nothing makes you better than anyone of us providers. Do you hobby...well you're just like us. Do you bleed when you are cut....well you're just like us. Who are you to judge someone by what they do in their life. ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE! Think twice before calling us scum because you're no perfect than the rest of us!
Here's the thing. This will not be a popular opinion by the way. If your offended by what everyone else is really thinking and just never said then look away now.......

There are certain risks involved when you decide to do this business. Provider and hobbiest alike. Providers screen us. I screen providers. P411 is a joke. Eccie tries really hard but lets face it theres no real protection on these threads. I got a p411 account that has not a shed of truth about me. They don't even have my actual IP address. I'm sorry but providers are not real people to me they are the scum of the world put here for my personal amusement. There's no way I'd give a lowlife provider my personal information.

I know it's hypocritical to hobby and feel this way. Yet it's just the way I feel about it. I've called from numerous numbers to numerous providers. Finding their most vulnerable times were they would agree to anything for a wopper with fries. I test to see what they are really made of before I ever set foot in their room for a very long time. With disappearing covers and all the other B.S. hobbiests pull on providers. I'd say they pretty much feel the same way I do. Yet they kiss your vaginas because of whatever wierd reason.

I've literally had well known providers agree to bbfs for $20. A lot of them are here on ECCIE and they would never admit it. Yet I'm sure there will be a load of hate emails stating oh that was you!lol A big part of what makes me hot and bothered is seeing a woman pissed off and crying. Jew em down to $20 bbfs and walk away never actually touching them. So a guy running around with HIV and nothing left to lose spreading it like a common cold doesn't surprise me in the least.

How many guys have providers caught sabotaging the cover or simply removing it all together? How many accedental "breaks" have providers experienced? Far to many stories that I have heard to be able to count. At the end of the day in my opinion it is an acceptable risk to you if you have decided to become a provider. You are saying the money yall make is worth your lives. There is no way for any of you to stop or prevent contracting STDs. Just like vegas the house always wins and the provider always get AIDS. Originally Posted by biger
You my dear sound like a serial killer in the making, you need to get that shit checked out. Seriously you are a creepy mofo, it's no wonder why you would associate yourself with ladies who would risk their life for $20. IJFS
You my dear sound like a serial killer in the making, you need to get that shit checked out. Seriously you are a creepy mofo, it's no wonder why you would associate yourself with ladies who would risk their life for $20. IJFS Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
"A big part that makes me hot and bothered is seeing a woman pissed off and crying"...Yep that sounds serial killer to me.
fools are born every day.....then there are the ones that listen to the fools....
joe bloe's Avatar
You are a terrible person.
Lets just agree to not feed the trolls!
dearhunter's Avatar
me neither I am afraid now....... I am seriously thinking about cbJ's now that will upset alot of people Originally Posted by Super Head 713
Was this the intent of the set the masses up for "CBJ"?

I would thinck a name change should be in order....ijs.
ilsjs's Avatar
  • ilsjs
  • 01-13-2012, 10:16 AM
Yes, that guy should be shot to death.
The risk in the hooby is always there, that's why I only see the woman I "believed" I can trust: my ATF ... lol

Why is so hateful to the ladies, some of them have no alternative, just saying ...
  • biger
  • 01-13-2012, 10:18 AM
You my dear sound like a serial killer in the making, you need to get that shit checked out. Seriously you are a creepy mofo, it's no wonder why you would associate yourself with ladies who would risk their life for $20. IJFS Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou

I have been checked out several times. If you don't like me or the way I think then you should take your computer and throw it out the window. I have aspergers syndrome. So yeah I think and act a bit different than everyone else. Bill gates has aspergers syndrome too. So without people like me you wouldn't be typing right now on the keyboard you are typing on. You probably wouldn't have most of our modern technology of today either.

"A big part that makes me hot and bothered is seeing a woman pissed off and crying"...Yep that sounds serial killer to me. Originally Posted by Jemma Martin

I probably think like one. Thing is a serial killer would never admit these thoughts to anyone. They don't live in reality.

Do I think you ladies are scum? Yes I do. I have my opinions and their mine. No one not even the mods can take my freedom to have that opinion away. So yeah they can ban me and it's not like a new ip is hard to get. So in the end my opinion remains the same and I might be a little quieter about it if I choose to be. I've heard all the justifications on here from ladies that do this. "we are like 400 girls on here". Yeah there are 5 million people in houston. Out of 5 million people you 400 decided you can only do this for a living. Congratulations.

My point is this. I'm working on a system that works. Something that can be a real useable tool to you guys and gals. So let's not ignore the real problems. Such as p411. Why would a guy give up all his personal info to a woman who will basically do anything for money? A woman who probably has a "manager" staring over her shoulder all the time. This is blackmail waitting to happen.

Lets just agree to not feed the trolls! Originally Posted by KatelynDesire
I swear Katelyn if you don't answer with a yes post I won't come by today. You know me and you know it. Do you want me to come by? You just texted me asking me to.
  • biger
  • 01-13-2012, 10:44 AM
Yes Originally Posted by KatelynDesire

told yall I tell the truth. lmao
joe bloe's Avatar
I have been checked out several times. If you don't like me or the way I think then you should take your computer and throw it out the window. I have aspergers syndrome. So yeah I think and act a bit different than everyone else. Bill gates has aspergers syndrome too. So without people like me you wouldn't be typing right now on the keyboard you are typing on. You probably wouldn't have most of our modern technology of today either.

I probably think like one. Thing is a serial killer would never admit these thoughts to anyone. They don't live in reality.

Do I think you ladies are scum? Yes I do. I have my opinions and their mine. No one not even the mods can take my freedom to have that opinion away. So yeah they can ban me and it's not like a new ip is hard to get. So in the end my opinion remains the same and I might be a little quieter about it if I choose to be. I've heard all the justifications on here from ladies that do this. "we are like 400 girls on here". Yeah there are 5 million people in houston. Out of 5 million people you 400 decided you can only do this for a living. Congratulations.

My point is this. I'm working on a system that works. Something that can be a real useable tool to you guys and gals. So let's not ignore the real problems. Such as p411. Why would a guy give up all his personal info to a woman who will basically do anything for money? A woman who probably has a "manager" staring over her shoulder all the time. This is blackmail waitting to happen.

I swear Katelyn if you don't answer with a yes post I won't come by today. You know me and you know it. Do you want me to come by? You just texted me asking me to. Originally Posted by biger
No way you've got Asperger's syndrome which is a form of autism. Asperger's syndrome patients have a lack of emotion and feeling towards others; they lack empathy. What you have is not a lack of emotion, but hatred. I do think it's interesting that you find it necessary to try to excuse your hatred for fellow humans by hiding behind a medical disorder.

If you're looking for an excuse for the way you are. I would suggest you are probably a sociopath, someone who has no conscience. Or possibly you're just evil.