Small & Tall Providers

5'8" in my bare feet...
Beer Slut's Avatar
Let's switch the convo to smaller providers. Can anyone provide a list of sub-5'0" providers?

Alana Nicole comes to mind. Mmmm mmmm cute.
Beer Slut's Avatar
Sorry about hijacking this thread. A separate small-girl thread is out there. Resume talking about those beautiful leaf-eaters.
yes what about the shorties i am only 4'11 hehe ! lol
Alana, You are Just right....
Im only 4'11" & 3/4 but always wear 5-6 in heels!
Sparkplug's Avatar
The "leaf eater" comment gave me a chuckle.
Silverstream's Avatar
I always found it interesting that women generally have the perception that men like taller than average women in our socioculture. I guess it comes from their assumption that their own preferences are reflected in the opposite sex.

Just think of all the money (and aggravation) that women spend on high heeled shoes!!! The irony is that it actually lessens their general level of attractiveness.

If you don't believe me, do some research. Here's a pretty good link
The ONLY time I ever wore high heels was when I was married to me ex. He was 6'5".

I was always taller than just about everyone growing up so I don't mind being on the average to shorter end now...
I know (from first hand experience lol) that the general populace prefers shorter women (though I wouldn't say height "lessens their attractiveness" Sheesh... harsh!). But there is a certain niche of men who prefer taller women. I met a guy this weekend who (who was like 5'7") told me I was too SHORT.
Silverstream's Avatar
(though I wouldn't say height "lessens their attractiveness" Sheesh... harsh!). Originally Posted by VeronicaMoore
Which is why I put "lessens their general level of attractiveness" to indicate that it was a statement made in a general sense.

Personally I'm only 5' 8" which is four inches shorter than the "Ideal" height for men. I fully recognize that all other things being equal except height, I would be considered on average less attractive than a six foot man.

Fortunately for me and for all of us that are not the "ideal", there is obviously a great deal of variation in what is considered attractive and since, for all but the most shallow individuals, we consider attraction on a more aggregate basis than a single attribute. For example, the person we choose to make a long term commitment to is much more likely to be average in height than those whom we choose just to play with.
From my perspective it's nice to be with a woman that approximates my height; namely 6'3". Don't get me wrong, I've humped plenty of munchkins but there are times when I want a tall(er) woman. Had a 6'1" girlfriend in college that was the absolute best when it came to standing doggy, blowjobs on her knees and several other things we tried as youngsters.