such as ",the avatar of
ANSLEY AYERS is property of Ansley and may not be used in any promotions, contests, games of chance or whack off sessions without the expressed and written consent of
ANSLEY AYERS any violation will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If in the occasion you have already whacked off to said material please submit the equivalent to 1 hour of [
ANSLEY AYERS companionship rate to avoid criminal prosection. If you have included
ANSLEY AYERS avatar in any on line polls please remove picture , any mention of said picture and
ANSLEY AYERS unless you have received prior written consent. quote=London Rayne;775621]I don't think she minds people looking at it, otherwise she would not have made an effort to make it so spectacular. She likely just does not want to be in a contest she did not volunteer for.