This is how Republitards Play Government

posit? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Looks like he said "posit?" FetusEater...
I B Hankering's Avatar
No it didn't, Ohio is a midwestern state. Ask anyone. Notice how you didn't address anything else I said, because you know you can't prove it, you inveterate lying cum guzzler. So what if she was opening a post there? Is that against the law? 20/20 hindsight on your part means fuck all to me. You twist and manipulate the story so you can be an asshole on the internet. You are garbage, you are worse than garbage. You are human filth. Go break off a Mountain Dew can in your ass, you degenerate fuckstick. Originally Posted by WombRaider
There was no issue with funding in Benghazi, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas; Charlene Lamb testified to that fact.

Other testimony, e-mails and evidence has established that Hildabeast knowingly sent Stevens to Benghazi on the anniversary of 9/11 without proper security -- thus violating standing policy orders, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. To fulfill her plan, Hildabeast also directed Stevens to establish a constituent outpost to be opened later that year, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. That action, based the troubling 9/11 timetable and improper security she directed, was wholly Hildabeast seeking political aggrandizement, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Subsequently, Odumbo, Hildabeast and others lied their collective asses off trying to scapegoat a fuckin' Egyptian Coptic to cover their asinine foreign policy decisions and their collective incompetence, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

And that you continue to deny that Ohio is and was identified as being part of the "North" during the Civil War only underscores your idiocy and your willingness to lie in the face of substantial and overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.
There was no issue with funding in Benghazi, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas; Charlene Lamb testified to that fact.

Other testimony, e-mails and evidence has established that Hildabeast knowingly sent Stevens to Benghazi on the anniversary of 9/11 without proper security -- thus violating standing policy orders, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. To fulfill her plan, Hildabeast also directed Stevens to establish a constituent outpost to be opened later that year, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. That action, based the troubling 9/11 timetable and improper security she directed, was wholly Hildabeast seeking political aggrandizement, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Subsequently, Odumbo, Hildabeast and others lied their collective asses off trying to scapegoat a fuckin' Egyptian Coptic to cover their asinine foreign policy decisions and their collective incompetence, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

And that you continue to deny that Ohio is and was identified as being part of the "North" during the Civil War only underscores your idiocy and your willingness to lie in the face of substantial and overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So you're an isolationist, then? What standing policy orders? You're out of your fucking mind. Do you honestly think they wanted those people to die? Is that what you're fucking saying? Because if the answer is no, then all you've got is 20/20 hindsight, which doesn't make you special.

As for security, Stevens turned down the offer of more security, you gruberised odumbo minion, so it wasn't Hillary or Obama.

"In the month before attackers stormed U.S. facilities in Benghazi and killed four Americans, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens twice turned down offers of security assistance made by the senior U.S. military official in the region in response to concerns that Stevens had raised in a still secret memorandum, two government officials told McClatchy."
  • shanm
  • 06-11-2015, 10:22 PM
So you're an isolationist, then? What standing policy orders? You're out of your fucking mind. Do you honestly think they wanted those people to die? Is that what you're fucking saying? Because if the answer is no, then all you've got is 20/20 hindsight, which doesn't make you special.

As for security, Stevens turned down the offer of more security, you gruberised odumbo minion, so it wasn't Hillary or Obama.

"In the month before attackers stormed U.S. facilities in Benghazi and killed four Americans, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens twice turned down offers of security assistance made by the senior U.S. military official in the region in response to concerns that Stevens had raised in a still secret memorandum, two government officials told McClatchy." Originally Posted by WombRaider

He is as short-sighted as he is stupid.

He actually believes that Clinton deliberately sent Stevens to the gallows because she is an evil democrat overlord.

Can you say RETARD?
He is as short-sighted as he is stupid.

He actually believes that Clinton deliberately sent Stevens to the gallows because she is an evil democrat overlord.

Can you say RETARD? Originally Posted by shanm
He hoists himself with his own petard on a daily basis.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
When are you going to grow the fuck up, IBIdiot?

"You're the one who (fill in the blank.")

IBIdiot, you are a nightmare out of Pee Wee's PlayHouse.

You should be half as tired of your infantile behavior as everYbody else is. maybe then you'd shut the fuck up or leave in a late model HUFF.
I B Hankering's Avatar
So you're an isolationist, then? What standing policy orders? You're out of your fucking mind. Do you honestly think they wanted those people to die? Is that what you're fucking saying? Because if the answer is no, then all you've got is 20/20 hindsight, which doesn't make you special.

As for security, Stevens turned down the offer of more security, you gruberised odumbo minion, so it wasn't Hillary or Obama.

"In the month before attackers stormed U.S. facilities in Benghazi and killed four Americans, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens twice turned down offers of security assistance made by the senior U.S. military official in the region in response to concerns that Stevens had raised in a still secret memorandum, two government officials told McClatchy."
Originally Posted by WombRaider
Your lies abound, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, because everyone knows Stevens was directed not to request additional security.

One person familiar with the events said Stevens might have rejected the offers because there was an understanding within the State Department that officials in Libya ought not to request more security, in part because of concerns about the political fallout of seeking a larger military presence in a country that was still being touted as a foreign policy success.

“The embassy [Stevens] was told through back channels to not make direct requests for security,” an official familiar with the case, who agreed to discuss the case only anonymously because of the sensitivity of the subject, told McClatchy.
"Reports that senior State Department officials told security personnel in Libya to not even make certain security requests are especially troubling."

[T]he State Department extended the Special Security Team’s tour from February, and then informed the embassy, “We do not want to see you make another request for an extension of the SST.”
“Despite the denial of Ambassador Stevens’ request, Embassy Tripoli officials persisted in their requests for additional security. In July 2012, for example, RSO Eric Nordstrom alerted DS officials in Washington that he intended to submit a formal cable request for an extension of the SST and MSD teams. DS personnel in Washington alerted Mr. Nordstrom that Ms. Lamb, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security, was “reluctant to ask for an SST extension, apparently out of concern that it would be embarrassing to the [State Department] to continue to have to rely on [Defense Department] assets to protect our Mission.” Moreover, in response to Mr. Nordstrom’s intent to request an MSD extension, Ms. Lamb responded, “NO, I do not [I repeat] not want them to ask for the MSD [Mobile Security Deployments] team to stay!”

BTW, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, it is standing policy that the Secretary of State IS responsible for the security of U.S. Ambassadors, and it is so stated on its website:

"The Secretary of State, and by extension, the Chief of Mission (COM), are responsible for developing and implementing security policies and programs that provide for the protection of all U.S. Government personnel (including accompanying dependents) on official duty abroad."

He is as short-sighted as he is stupid.

He actually believes that Clinton deliberately sent Stevens to the gallows because she is an evil democrat overlord.

Can you say RETARD?
Originally Posted by shanm
Noticed you have nothing to offer but ass and mouth, shamman; hence, your lying-ass needs to adjourn to the deviant forum since you cannot backup your lies in this forum with substantive citations.

He hoists himself with his own petard on a daily basis. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You'd be the retarded jackass left holding your ass on a daily basis, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas

When are you going to grow the fuck up, IBIdiot?

"You're the one who (fill in the blank.")

IBIdiot, you are a nightmare out of Pee Wee's PlayHouse.

You should be half as tired of your infantile behavior as everYbody else is. maybe then you'd shut the fuck up or leave in a late model HUFF.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
lustylad's Avatar
So what if she was opening a post there? Is that against the law? 20/20 hindsight on your part means fuck all to me. Originally Posted by WombRaider

So you want to defend Hildebeast's foreign policy judgment? Really? Are you fucking kidding me? True to her naive, dumbass "progressive" interpretation of the Arab Spring, she thought she would position the US to be on the right side of history. If she had studied history at all while attending Wellesley, she would understand that revolutions follow their own dynamics. As Secretary of State, she was in a position to evaluate the opposition to Qaddafi in Libya. She told us they were secular pro-Western democrats who shared our values and were deserving of our protection. She couldn't have been more wrong. She was stupid and naïve enough to think she would be welcomed in Benghazi as a liberator. She sent Stevens ahead to prepare for her triumphal visit. That worked out about as well as her cozying up to Egyptian President Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood did. After Morsi's ouster, Hildebeast did a volte face and declared him to be a simpleton unfit for Egypt's presidency. She will pretend to have a special relationship with you, then throw you under the bus in a heartbeat. That's very reassuring to our friends and allies. Plainly, the bitch has terrible foreign policy judgment and will sacrifice anyone and everyone for her political ambition. She did it to Stevens. She did it to Morsi. She will do it to the country if we're dumb enough to let her.


So you want to defend Hildebeast's foreign policy judgment? Really? Are you fucking kidding me? True to her naive, dumbass "progressive" interpretation of the Arab Spring, she thought she would position the US to be on the right side of history. If she had studied history at all while attending Wellesley, she would understand that revolutions follow their own dynamics. As Secretary of State, she was in a position to evaluate the opposition to Qaddafi in Libya. She told us they were secular pro-Western democrats who shared our values and were deserving of our protection. She couldn't have been more wrong. She was stupid and naïve enough to think she would be welcomed in Benghazi as a liberator. She sent Stevens ahead to prepare for her triumphal visit. That worked out about as well as her cozying up to Egyptian President Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood did. After Morsi's ouster, Hildebeast did a volte face and declared him to be a simpleton unfit for Egypt's presidency. She will pretend to have a special relationship with you, then throw you under the bus in a heartbeat. That's very reassuring to our friends and allies. Plainly, the bitch has terrible foreign policy judgment and will sacrifice anyone and everyone for her political ambition. She did it to Stevens. She did it to Morsi. She will do it to the country if we're dumb enough to let her.


Originally Posted by lustylad
If she's doing it for her own political ambition, why all the pretext? Why the exhibition of 'terrible' foreign policy judgement? If she's truly doing it for political reasons, wouldn't she want things to work out? She didn't send Stevens there, knowing what would happen. Of course you're the dipshit who just wants to start bombing everybody, fuck diplomacy, right? Do you ever stop to consider that foreign diplomacy is a fluid situation and not static, like your sex life? Things change, people change. When dealing with human beings, anything is possible. All you have is 20/20 hindsight. The fact that you think you could have done better makes me laugh so hard I'm pissing my pants.

That's all you and IB do. You come in after something has happened and you shit all over it. Any fucking retard can do that and you two are proof positive. I thought you were done with me anyway. You can't resist my heat, can you?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm amazed! Republicans growing some balls? I hope it's contagious, they might become a separate party from the Democrats. But I doubt it. This action is refreshing, however short-lived it is.
dirty dog's Avatar
[QUOTE=WombRaider;1056827473]Do you honestly think they wanted those people to die? Is that what you're fucking saying?/QUOTE]

No but the real problem is that they don't want to take responsibility for the fact their orders/instructions resulted in the deaths. As I have said before, her refusal to take responsibility, because of her fears of how this would affect her politically, is the whole reason that this matter has not been settled. Furthermore, her refusal to release information, her deleting memos from her illegal server further work to keep this alive. The problem is not really what happened, because if the truth had been told it would have been over by now, no the cover up is the problem i.e. Watergate.
I B Hankering's Avatar
If she's doing it for her own political ambition, why all the pretext? Why the exhibition of 'terrible' foreign policy judgement? If she's truly doing it for political reasons, wouldn't she want things to work out? She didn't send Stevens there, knowing what would happen. Of course you're the dipshit who just wants to start bombing everybody, fuck diplomacy, right? Do you ever stop to consider that foreign diplomacy is a fluid situation and not static, like your sex life? Things change, people change. When dealing with human beings, anything is possible. All you have is 20/20 hindsight. The fact that you think you could have done better makes me laugh so hard I'm pissing my pants.

That's all you and IB do. You come in after something has happened and you shit all over it. Any fucking retard can do that and you two are proof positive. I thought you were done with me anyway. You can't resist my heat, can you?
Originally Posted by WombRaider
You're a cock-sucking, lib-retarded jackass, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

In the face of evidence showing mounting threats and dangers, and evaluating that the risks weren't worth the lives of its personnel, Britain -- a major U.S. ally that shares its intel with the U.S. -- pulled its personnel out of Benghazi. U.S. Libyan assets repeatedly warned the State Department of the mounting danger, but Hildabeast's response was not to increase the security, nor did she have enough regard for Steven's life to pull him out of Benghazi before the 9/11 anniversary.

Worldwide, since 2001, U.S. installations, military and civilian, have taken a "stand-to" position of heightened security awareness on the anniversary of 9/11, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. That's called being pro-active and responsible, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

But under Hildabeast's direction, Stevens was sent to Benghazi on the anniversary of 9/11 without proper security, and then she allowed the ridiculous to happen, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. In the face of tangible, mounting threats and ignoring the pleas of U.S. personnel in Libya, the security force in Libya was fuckin' reduced! And the only hindsight, 20/20 shit-fest that has happened was propagated by Odumbo and Hildabeast who tried, but failed, to hide their shitty foreign policy behind a shitty little lie about a "video", you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

And you'd be one of the "#Grubered" Odumbo minions that sucked the shitty lie down -- hook, line and sinker -- and then reflexively regurgitates that lie on command, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Faggot faggot gruber#gruber goober cocksucker retard.

Fill in the blanks with anything else and it's still a Corpy thread.

When are you going to grow the fuck up, asshole?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm not withholding funds from the state department because I'm a crybaby bitch who's had 8 committees on Benghazi, but still isn't satisfied with the outcome. So besides wasting money on this bullshit, now they're taking it away from the State Dept., when budget cutbacks are the reason that Benghazi was so understaffed as it is? That makes absolutely no sense. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Now we all heard the money master of the state department when she testified, there was no money problem at the state department. Hillary just refused to call for more security when it was requested.
We can have more committees until we get all the information like Hillary's email, who said stand down, why wasn't the extra security provided, and why was the ambassador there on the 11th of September.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Faggot faggot gruber#gruber goober cocksucker retard.

Fill in the blanks with anything else and it's still a Corpy thread.

When are you going to grow the fuck up, asshole? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Assup! What's the matter with you? It's like you're giving up. If you don't step up your game, WormRaper is going to take your title away! You've worked too hard to be our preeminent Dipshit to let that happen. C'mon, Assup! We believe in you!