
elghund's Avatar
You're wrong. He's allowed to have an opinion. His show is for entertainment. He's not professing to be a doctor or telling anyone what to do medically. He's only stated what he did based on his doctors recommendation. You think he shouldn't be able to mention it? Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
The problem isn’t him having an opinion, stating it, and disclaiming his opinion……it’s the fucking retards who take what he says as gospel, not opinion.

Willie Wanker's Avatar
The problem isn’t him having an opinion, stating it, and disclaiming his opinion……it’s the fucking retards who take what he says as gospel, not opinion.

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
Joe Rogan shouldn't be held responsible because idiots exist.
We didn't hold Tide responsible when idiots were eating detergent. Idiots will be idiots. That's not a justification to silence someone's conversation, opinion, or personal experience.
If dissenting opinions aren't allowed to be heard than Science means nothing. Challenging the existing Science is the way we move forward.
Presj22's Avatar
Based on that response, looks like the pandemic is here to stay
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Based on that response, looks like the pandemic is here to stay Originally Posted by Presj22
Like the flu? Maybe.
You're wrong. He's allowed to have an opinion. His show is for entertainment. He's not professing to be a doctor or telling anyone what to do medically. He's only stated what he did based on his doctors recommendation. You think he shouldn't be able to mention it?
Since you mentioned "misinformation" (ironically the term Orwell references in 1984) It's funny how Fauci's misinformation has been called science, and any other medical opinions you call misinformation. So far the misinformation has been more accurate than the science.
You're probably one of those guys that still uses the food pyramid as a dietary guide. That was called "science" too. 😉 Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Jim Jones anyone? He had opinions.
elghund's Avatar
Joe Rogan shouldn't be held responsible because idiots exist.
We didn't hold Tide responsible when idiots were eating detergent. Idiots will be idiots. That's not a justification to silence someone's conversation, opinion, or personal experience.
If dissenting opinions aren't allowed to be heard than Science means nothing. Challenging the existing Science is the way we move forward. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Absolutely he should bear the responsibility for his words. It’s called having a conscience.

The Tide comparison is a non sequitur.

As far as dissenting opinions…..sure, in the proper context. But when either politicized or marketed, that’s when there has to be a distinction between reality and entertainment……which most American are too stupid to understand.

Willie Wanker's Avatar
Absolutely he should bear the responsibility for his words. It’s called having a conscience.

The Tide comparison is a non sequitur.

As far as dissenting opinions…..sure, in the proper context. But when either politicized or marketed, that’s when there has to be a distinction between reality and entertainment……which most American are too stupid to understand.

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
That's absurd. He never gave anyone advice. He shared his Covid experience with guests on his show. Ressponsibility for what, thought crimes?
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Jim Jones anyone? He had opinions. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
Bad Dem.
elghund's Avatar
That's absurd. He never gave anyone advice. He shared his Covid experience with guests on his show. Ressponsibility for what, thought crimes? Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
One of the biggest crimes committed against American Democracy was the rescission of the FCC Fairness Doctrine, courtesy of the Reagan Administration.

This opened the door to all the political polarization we experience today. It allowed the lunatic platforms like Fox and CNN to proliferate unchecked.

Words spoken in a public format have cause and effect. And if someone speaks them, they own the consequences.

This whole current concept of “I can say anything I want and Fuck You” is pretty much an insanity spiral that we as a people need to correct. We are allowing the radicals on the right and left to control the dialog of the country…..and really, the majority of us do not want them in control.

Presj22's Avatar
One of the biggest crimes committed against American Democracy was the rescission of the FCC Fairness Doctrine, courtesy of the Reagan Administration.

This opened the door to all the political polarization we experience today. It allowed the lunatic platforms like Fox and CNN to proliferate unchecked.

Words spoken in a public format have cause and effect. And if someone speaks them, they own the consequences.

This whole current concept of “I can say anything I want and Fuck You” is pretty much an insanity spiral that we as a people need to correct. We are allowing the radicals on the right and left to control the dialog of the country…..and really, the majority of us do not want them in control.

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
Truth. 100%. Despite what anyone thinks (and I've said this before), I am N O T a Democrat. I'm in the middle. I do not think the majority of Americans are radical..politicians get that way I believe and pry on people's fears
Willie Wanker's Avatar
One of the biggest crimes committed against American Democracy was the rescission of the FCC Fairness Doctrine, courtesy of the Reagan Administration.

This opened the door to all the political polarization we experience today. It allowed the lunatic platforms like Fox and CNN to proliferate unchecked.

Words spoken in a public format have cause and effect. And if someone speaks them, they own the consequences.

This whole current concept of “I can say anything I want and Fuck You” is pretty much an insanity spiral that we as a people need to correct. We are allowing the radicals on the right and left to control the dialog of the country…..and really, the majority of us do not want them in control.

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
I believe the breakdown had to do with the media colluding with political parties and the blackout of news that doesn't fit their narrative. Social Media, and corporations choosing to align with political ideology. Also corruption at the top levels of the acronym oversight organizations FBI, CIA, etc.

Back to Rogan. You have a string opinion on this. What do you believe he said that was irresponsible or dangerous?
elghund's Avatar
I believe the breakdown had to do with the media colluding with political parties and the blackout of news that doesn't fit their narrative. Social Media, and corporations choosing to align with political ideology. Also corruption at the top levels of the acronym oversight organizations FBI, CIA, etc.

Back to Rogan. You have a string opinion on this. What do you believe he said that was irresponsible or dangerous? Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
First, you keep mentioning the “media”…….who controls that? Corporations, who are dictating what you can hear……corporations who own the political lives of politicians……all for keeping us at each other’s throats. For a profit.

Rogan? Never listened to him. Got better things to do.

But ANYONE who has a public platform, be it right or left, owns the after effects of what they say.

Willie Wanker's Avatar
Yep they're corporations.I break it down rather than call the whole blob bad. Some good companies still exist. I especially call out media because their impact is more direct and to a large audience every day.
I suspected that you never listened to Rogan. You would probably like his podcast. Give it a try sometime when you're runnong low on those better things to do. Or, listen in the background while also doing better things.
Presj22's Avatar
You know what I find funny though? Some people feel that they need Joe Rogan - but you really don't. Cmon, back when we were all kids, we all had that one friend with an older brother that was a complete loser that would smoke pot in a room with blacklight posters and tell you that Mayans invented the internet.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
[QUOTE=Presj22;1062738422]You know what I find funny though? Some people feel that they need Joe Rogan - but you really don't. Cmon, back when we were all kids, we all had that one friend with an older brother that was a complete loser that would smoke pot in a room with blacklight posters and tell you that Mayans invented the internet.[/QUOT Henry RoE]

You know what I find funny though? Some people feel that they need Joe Rogan - but you really don't. Cmon, back when we were all kids, we all had that one friend with an older brotherk that was a complete loser that would smoke pot in a room with blacklight posters and tell you that Mayans invented the internet. Originally Posted by Presj22
Lol. That's not all the show is about. It's one of the only shows that covers a genuinely diverse list of guests and topics, regardless of politics or subject matter. He's had guests that you might not expect like: Oliver Stone, Steven Pinker, Neil Degrasse Tyson. Bernie Sanders, and Henry Rollins.
Also guests you proabaly dislike: Alex Jones, Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard The long format and Rogan's relaxed interview style gets people to let their guard down and open up. The discussions are almost always interesting and entertaining.

Rogan has been a target long before the Covid bullshit because some people can't handle that a show that would have Bernie Sanders on one day, and Alex Jones the next. That's exactly what I like about it.
It doesn't matter If Spotify decides to not host his show, he still won't be canceled. His show has more than enough viewers and support to survive a change of platform or even to go Independant.