Ever Have a Provider Give You Money Back?

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-02-2014, 11:27 PM
However, with my ATF, we had such a good relationship it was almost like a FWB. She refused to take more than $$$$ no matter how long we were together for the evening and would return anything more than that when offered. She has since retired much to my grief. Originally Posted by rare2prtk
Broken clocks--now that is a whole different situation....
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I chose 'considered it a tip'.
Can't recall someone coming in and not knowing the rate or w/e beforehand so if extra was left never thought it as an accidental "over-payment".
One time I did try to give some money back ... about 1/3 but not for a bad reason. It was a regular that always booked 90min but never stayed more than 1hr (he refused it).
One client wanted me to give him back his money because he said "I owe my uncle money and I can't spend it." He told me this AT THE END of our date. I gave it back to him because he was a complete ftard during the date and he came back to my room an hour later, but I was with a client so I didn't answer the door.
Not exactly but once I saw a local favorite of mine and was about to pay her usual fee when she told me of a special she was running. Saved me $50.
Yes I have given money back. In fact I didn't realize once it was suppose to be a two hour date. When I realized I had more than I should I called him and made arrangements to bring back overpay. He lived an hour away too. This in fact happens on occasion and I always call to see if they would like a future credit or simply for me to return the extra funds.

I have also given back the full donation in cases of miscommunication, discomfort, lack of compatibility and an emergency need to leave.

If I have ever canceled and it was avoidable (the fault was in my hands from overbooking, going over time in a previous date or simply forgetting) I do a 20-65% discount for the future. Leaving it to the gentleman to decide what his time was worth. It is only fair. If they cancel on me I am more than willing to add a fee to the next possible date of my own choosing that reflects the lost time or money I may have put into that canceled date.

If the fault was not mine and I still had to cancel due to an emergency I offer a 10-20% discount. If the gentleman cancels and the fault was not his and was an unavoidable emergency I do not request a cancelation fee on our next date. (if it is repeated over and over though a fee will eventually crop up)
Cpalmson's Avatar
Yes, I booked an hour with a girl. Due to physical issues on my part based on reaction to prescription drugs, I was only good for one pop. I was there only 30 min. She gave me back the difference between her 30 min and 60 min rate. I gave her a $20 tip for being generous/honest. Normally, I don' tip.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Normally, I don' tip. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Touching! Thanks for sharing!

I, for the first time, did so yesterday. A very nice gent had booked a two hour, in and among some personal things that also required my attention, and the way our responses were not jibing back and forth and I was having a hard time deciphering where the responses were, so I must have erased the part about 2 hours, and I did get a couple other two hour requests, that I was not able to schedule. Anyway, I had also scheduled a personal lunch after the appointment, and while I never rush, he was actually here an hour and fifteen mins, I did have to tell him I was expected elsewhere and we got it together, so he could go. When I came back to clean up the "play room", I noticed the donation was way more than it should have been and I knew I had screwed up. I immediately ran downstairs and thank goodness, he had not yet pulled away. I felt like a total heel, but he was extremely nice about the situation and left a generous tip to boot. Some gents are just awesome and I'm a lucky, even if occasionally distracted, SW! LOL
I've given part of the donation back on several occasions, and have declined a tip a few times as well.

Had an appointment where, not to put too fine a point on it, the guy was a straight up asshole. About 15 minutes into the appointment it was obvious that we were just NOT clicking. I got off the bed, picked up the envelope, split the donation in half and gave him back half of it.

There have also been several situations where a client planned a longer appointment, but for one reason or another, wound up staying far less than the time he paid for. When this happens, I always adjust the donation to a shorter time frame - one hour paid for, but he stayed a half hour, I adjust to my half hour rate, etc. Not only is it only fair to do so, but this is just one of the reasons why my regulars remain regulars. I value my regulars highly, and make every effort to demonstrate that they are important to me.

On several occasions, a client has brought the full donation while I was offering some sort of special. I always let a client know up front if I"m running a special, especially if he is a regular and I know he may not be aware of the special. I always let them know they can take the envelope back and adjust the donation. Again, I like my regulars, and want them to stay regulars

I am happy to accept a tip if one is offered, but on one occasion the gentleman laid down an additional $100 on top of the donation. While extremely gratifying, that is way too much for a tip. I folded it up and put it back in his pocket, and told him my favorite kind of tip is simply a good review and a return visit Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I've had guys be dicks with me as well, I didn't care to even keep him around to split it, I just made him take the donation and leave...him giving me the creeps was the last straw
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I've had guys be dicks with me as well, I didn't care to even keep him around to split it, I just made him take the donation and leave...him giving me the creeps was the last straw Originally Posted by Eva Damita
I had one slip in that we were just in no way compatible, something that doesn't happen to me often, but he left most of the 2hr fee and I, in no way, offered to give it back. Nope...He didn't do his homework, he didn't shower since early that morning, didn't wanna shower, and hate that he didn't get any, but not my fault. It never fails, but I had another offer I had turned down for this party fail, so yeah.....he left all but 50 of my 2 hour fee.

That's a shame. However, had it been my bad.....great....take it and find someone more suited to ya next time. AND....do urself a favor and wash your stinkin' butt, cause ladies share that kinda info..... normally. He hasn't used me for a ref and to be fair, he got my point and understood it wasn't on me and didn't flinch about leavin' the money, nor did he give me a hard time about it, so I guess that's good.
Solitaire's Avatar
What a great thread!
Cpalmson's Avatar
Touching! Thanks for sharing! Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
Really, was that called for?

Tipping is an individual choice. There have been many threads about this. I'm firmly in the camp that believes providers are professionals like attorneys or doctors. Do you tip your doc?
Really, was that called for?

Tipping is an individual choice. There have been many threads about this. I'm firmly in the camp that believes providers are professionals like attorneys or doctors. Do you tip your doc? Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Was your response called for? Sounds like she was saying thank you to you for sharing a nice story.
James1588's Avatar
Define "overpaid."

A provider that I've seen a couple of times lists a rate that seems clearly too low to me (meaning significantly below going rates in this area). When I've prepared the envelope for her, I've adjusted it upward to something that I think reflects the market. I don't know what she thought about it -- we don't discuss her consideration. Maybe she considered it a "tip;" I don't know, since it wasn't mentioned. But maybe by "overpaid" you mean something accidental, or some kind of miscommunication.
RochBob's Avatar
So far this Thread has been more active and engaging than I originally thought it would be. To clarify a couple of things. I normally rotate between the same 2 Providers. And "Yes", I know what their normal hourly rate is going in. And to answer James1558's question. An "overpayment" would be accidental due to a miscommunication regarding length (or the need to shorten it for whatever reason) of a session after it is in progress or a Special/rate reduction taking place after the appointment was scheduled. The overpayment was intended as the "normal" gift for the session and was not intended to be a "tip".
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Really, was that called for?

Tipping is an individual choice. There have been many threads about this. I'm firmly in the camp that believes providers are professionals like attorneys or doctors. Do you tip your doc? Originally Posted by Cpalmson

Awwww.......of course you are, hon. It's cheaper to be on board with that and for some gents, there's nothing more important than property and money, and why be generous....I get it!

Does your doctor get naked between the sheets with you? If so, I hope he's hot and sexy!

Also, I'm not anything like any doc I ever met. Although there was this one with these gorgeous blue eyes, however, other than book smarts and pretty eyes....he just didn't have a whole lot goin' on...ya know? And lawyers.....don't they tip themselves, we don't need to. Although, I do know there are exceptions to every rule and have actually met a couple of upstanding docs and lawyers that I shared intimate moments with in this professional work environment I provide.....