Have you ever had a deaf provider?

So welcome to ECCIE, SilentFox! I know it will likely get old quick, but you might have to tell every new client you are deaf, because if you read lips well, they might assume you are uneducated or have a speech impediment. Of course we all like to hear a sexy voice, and deaf people can't duplicate any particular voice or inflection, but anyone who can read lips and use sign language has to be super-intelligent, and that can be even sexier than a sexy voice.
Since I don't see a provider unless talk to her a few times on phone first over "ideally sever years" no phone calls could mean she a guy playing a scam like when I got $300 medical books from a provider at door. She want to send them to Canada, I took a trip instead and scared some dude. Originally Posted by Ripmany

I think this applies to everyone, really. I know plenty of hearing providers that don't even do phone calls.
I have had many deaf providers. Not that they are truly deaf, but after letting them know what I like in a session, they did not hear what I said and instead, they just did what they wanted. You know how providers are, doing the least for the money. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
My very first experience with a Provider, in 2000, was with Nikki in Houston. A website called Bigdoggie that preceded ASPD claimed that she was the No.1 rated Escort in the entire nation. I figured that would be my best choice for a first-time. With dozens of superlative reviews, just a few days before our appointment she gets a "No" review from someone who claims that she faked her pleasure during their session because of the vocalization she did. He also criticized her appearance for poorly done breast enhancements.

Anyway, when I saw her, I was just amazed at how intelligent she was and how hard she worked to please her clients. Although she was seriously hearing impaired, she was so good at reading lips that I suppose you could think that she just had a speech impediment, which most all hearing-impaired people have.

Her body was terrific, like a fitness model, and I felt sorry for her because of the unfortunate scars from her breast implants. And as far as her vocalizations during the Act, I can understand how a deaf person would not know how to vocalize moans of pleasure. Anyway, she was wonderful - very generous with her time, and I was very happy that she was my first. Originally Posted by Pooyie!
Wow, interesting. Do you by chance know if she's still active? Did she do sign language?
So welcome to ECCIE, SilentFox! I know it will likely get old quick, but you might have to tell every new client you are deaf, because if you read lips well, they might assume you are uneducated or have a speech impediment. Of course we all like to hear a sexy voice, and deaf people can't duplicate any particular voice or inflection, but anyone who can read lips and use sign language has to be super-intelligent, and that can be even sexier than a sexy voice. Originally Posted by Pooyie!
Thanks for the welcome! Haha, yeah I think I am already aware of that. I think it's important to make a compromise before meeting. And surely, some may find that attractive and some may not. Just like with everyone else.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
I had a few sessions with young provider, who wore double hearing aids, and talked with a small speech impediment.

She was quite responsive, and very pleasant. Unfortunately, she moved on.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Hi everyone.. I am really curious whether anyone on this site ever had a deaf provider or ever knew of one. What was it like for you? Would you ever do them? Asking.. because I'm the one and am really curious what the public thinks of that Originally Posted by SilentFox
I really like your handle hon, very creative! You have a great personality, this is a great thread. Please do not forget to post in the Welcome Wagon as well so that you will get more exposure.

I am certain that you will do well, Welcome Aboard hon!
I seriously doubt that Nikki is still active, as she might be in her sixties by now. If she was, I’d sure like to thank her for being so kind to me way back then. I’m sure she knew sign language, but she spoke very eloquently except for the slight abnormal tone common to someone with a hearing impairment,
Bushjumper's Avatar
I started reading TER reviews about 12 years or more ago when I first discovered this marvelous 'Hobby'. There was a deaf or hearing impaired lady in Ft. Worth who had excellent reviews. As I recall her name was Violet or Vivian something that started with a 'V'. At least one reviewer reported that just before he would ejaculate she would start screaming "I can feel you starting to cum" as she could feel his penis starting to expand inside of her vagina. Hot stuff! Sadly for me by the time I could afford to start seeing the ladies and I had enough references accumulated she was no longer providing.