Senator Mitch McConnell changes his stance on Obamacare

LexusLover's Avatar
It means the state of Kentucky is running their own website instead of Healthcare.Gov. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
"McConnell reiterated his support for repealing the Affordable Care Act at a press conference in Louisville, Kentucky, ...."

Did you read the "whole article" or just the headline?

You read the part you wanted to read.

If the ACA is "repealed" does that mean the State's program is repealed?

Oh, contrary to yours and BigTits announcement ... this is not a "drawing board" ... ACA is a waste basket.

Texas had a "pool" website for insurance options and insurance programs for "economically challenged" families long before Obaminable thought about cranking up a campaign for the White House. It was successful and still is.

And after the ACA gets shit canned, it will still be successful.
LexusLover's Avatar

If you are a family of 4 and make > $24,000 and < $94,000 you will get a subsidy to help pay for your premium.
Originally Posted by flghtr65
The provision is a tax credit through IRC ... taken monthly or annually. In addition Kentucky has additional assistance ... The state systems have been running better than the Fed system as far as access to coverage, which has been consistently reported. To say he supports "Obamacare," because he supports their state system is hype. He's not playing on words ... you are.

The majority of the original opponents sought a state solution (portal), which Texas has had (like I previously posted) with an option of seeking coverage in other states (shopping across borders) .. employers have been able to do the same and by shifting responsibility for health insurance coverage to unions employees have available coverage from other states, which can provide competitive rates. BCBS is one example. Texas employees covered by BCBS of Illinois for example.

But any straw in a storm! (Before you get all anal BigTits .. yea, I know!)

Bottom line is .. if you're correct, flight, Kentucky will be "to the drawing board" when ACA is repealed .... but they won't be; neither will Texas or the other States divorcing themselves from the Federal mess.

The ACA administratively has been a disaster .. just like the Post Office and now the VA. Incompetence is systemic to all of them. Please remember you voted for a "community organizer" ... removing insulation from the housing project is not like running the executive branch of the U.S. government ... or even a large super market.

I will never forget him suggesting a elderly heart patient get pain killers.

This guy wouldn't know how to order pencils to sell down at the freeway.
flghtr65's Avatar
Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
"McConnell reiterated his support for repealing the Affordable Care Act at a press conference in Louisville, Kentucky, ...."

Did you read the "whole article" or just the headline?

You read the part you wanted to read.

If the ACA is "repealed" does that mean the State's program is repealed?
Originally Posted by LexusLover
The state of Kentucky accepted the expanded state Medicaid of the ACA. Which means that any family of 4 that makes < $24,000 will qualify for the Kentucky state Medicaid. IF the ACA is repealed the thousands of people who fall under this category will not get the Medicaid. Yes, Kentucky had their own state program before the ACA but expanded Medicaid provision of the ACA allows for more citizens to be covered.

The bottom line if the ACA is repealed a lot Kentucky citizens will lose their state Medicaid.

From the over $400,000 link.

Approximately 80 percent of enrollees qualified for coverage under the Medicaid expansion with the remaining 20 percent purchasing a private insurance plan. Of those who purchased private insurance plans, 72 percent qualified for some level of premium assistance.

LL, again McConnell and you are playing with words.
LL, again McConnell and you are playing with words. Originally Posted by flghtr65
I don't know about McConnell but LexiLiar has a long history of "playing with words."

Ask him about the ill fated and ill advised spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq, WMD's & "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED." LL's got lots of words to play with on those subjects!

And LexiLiar lies and calls himself a Democrat (yet another LL play on words).