Posted in 2006 with about 22000 reads

nsafun05's Avatar
In comparison to to amount of time that SS has been in various local boards to you Liliana, it doesn't surprise me that you don't know who he is. While some of his posts may seem like spam to other folks, I appreciate his contributions as I appreciate all who contribute.

However I choose not to publicly voice approval or disdain for any post as it doesn't benefit or add any relevance to the topic.
malwoody's Avatar
Beating a dead horse SS. I believe there is a forum on here dealing with this kind of information.

Please stop spamming the site, who cares if these posts are from some other site. Originally Posted by Oenghus
He has beat enough dead horses to fill the OK corrall....soon we'll will hear his biography for the umteenth fucking time....

Yah I really don't get who this guy is. I saw a thread full of people kinda kissing his ass and I don't know why. Originally Posted by Lovely_Lilianna
Well the people were all Hookers protecting their cash flow...and they were probably there because he whined to them....
He has beat enough dead horses to fill the OK corrall....soon we'll will hear his biography for the umteenth fucking time....

Well the people were all Hookers protecting their cash flow...and they were probably there because he whined to them.... Originally Posted by malwoody
Mal, if you think I spoke up to protect my cash flow, then you really don't know me, and you don't know Ss. He never contacted me, and I will forfeit every penny I make for the next six months if he contacted any other lady to "whine" to them or ask them to speak on his behalf. That is just not his way. I could have kept my man pleaser shut and it wouldn't have made a lick of difference to how frequently he chooses to see me either. I recently ranted about others not speaking for me when it would have been appropriate to do so, so how can I do any less for someone else?

I spoke up because you can search every single post Ss has ever made, and not find one single post he has ever made that was in any way mean spirited or hurtful. He just might be one of a very small group of posters who can say that. I know I can't. On a board that loves to bully and tear others down, it is a quality to be admired and encouraged. We could all do with a little less anger and alot more tolerance and kindness. I include myself in that, and as my recents posts can attest, I am trying to walk what I talk. If Ss's posts seem pedantic and laborsome to you, please by all means pass them by. It is really not that hard to do. You can even block him if you choose to. I finally added a few people to my block list, and have learned to love the serenity it returns to the boards because of it. Give it a try, you might like it.
malwoody's Avatar
Mal, if you think I spoke up to protect my cash flow, then you really don't know me, and you don't know Ss. He never contacted me, and I will forfeit every penny I make for the next six months if he contacted any other lady to "whine" to them or ask them to speak on his behalf. That is just not his way. I could have kept my man pleaser shut and it wouldn't have made a lick of difference to how frequently he chooses to see me either. I recently ranted about others not speaking for me when it would have been appropriate to do so, so how can I do any less for someone else?

I spoke up because you can search every single post Ss has ever made, and not find one single post he has ever made that was in any way mean spirited or hurtful. He just might be one of a very small group of posters who can say that. I know I can't. On a board that loves to bully and tear others down, it is a quality to be admired and encouraged. We could all do with a little less anger and alot more tolerance and kindness. I include myself in that, and as my recents posts can attest, I am trying to walk what I talk. If Ss's posts seem pedantic and laborsome to you, please by all means pass them by. It is really not that hard to do. You can even block him if you choose to. I finally added a few people to my block list, and have learned to love the serenity it returns to the boards because of it. Give it a try, you might like it. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Oh come on just made my point...I think it's nice that you feel the need to protect him but let's be real here...he reviewed you how many times??
malwoody's Avatar
In comparison to to amount of time that SS has been in various local boards to you Liliana, it doesn't surprise me that you don't know who he is. While some of his posts may seem like spam to other folks, I appreciate his contributions as I appreciate all who contribute.

However I choose not to publicly voice approval or disdain for any post as it doesn't benefit or add any relevance to the topic. Originally Posted by nsafun05
My goodness....SS does actually have a non-Hooker who supports him...oh and your comment about not adding relevance...I could not agree more..problem is, I don't do facebook etc so I need some kind of social media to waste time on...
Oh come on just made my point...I think it's nice that you feel the need to protect him but let's be real here...he reviewed you how many times?? Originally Posted by malwoody
Well hell darlin, that just means he knows a good thing when he sees it. Can't blame a man for having good taste.

I better quit though before this starts looking like a threAD! LOL

And for the record Mal, I like you, I enjoy the conversations we've had. We'll just have to agree to disagree here.
nsafun05's Avatar
My goodness....SS does actually have a non-Hooker who supports him...oh and your comment about not adding relevance...I could not agree more..problem is, I don't do facebook etc so I need some kind of social media to waste time on... Originally Posted by malwoody
I hear ya. This has a tendency to be my facebook, lol
KCQuestor's Avatar
I have to admit, I haven't ever seen SS say anything mean or nasty about anyone. He takes a lot of abuse and derision and it just seems to roll off his back. I've heard lots of ladies say that he has helped them out or been sweet to them.

And it honestly seems like he is trying to be a good guy here. Trying to save a lot of what he considers to be valuable information is a good thing. It's just the execution that is lacking. And he does it all of the time. He'll copy and past the lyrics to a dozen songs that share a theme that he is trying to convey. Formatting, readability, and general appropriateness are incidental.

Here's a suggestion, SS. Host your own Web site to archive this stuff. Make a wiki or a blog -- it is free and easy to do. You can copy and paste all of this stuff there, and then post a link to it if anyone ever wants to see it (they don't).

Google Sites
Or post it in the forum dedicated to this shit. It's called Time Capsule for a reason.
In comparison to to amount of time that SS has been in various local boards to you Liliana, it doesn't surprise me that you don't know who he is. While some of his posts may seem like spam to other folks, I appreciate his contributions as I appreciate all who contribute.

However I choose not to publicly voice approval or disdain for any post as it doesn't benefit or add any relevance to the topic. Originally Posted by nsafun05
I simply adore the implication that he is somehow better or more important because he has been purchasing sex longer than I have been selling it. And this post of yours.........pretty fucking disdainful.

Irony is my bitch.
handsman98's Avatar
Damm your sexy LovelyLilianna...Nothing like getting your ass smacked from a hotty!!
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar

Irony is my bitch. Originally Posted by Lovely_Lilianna
This should be in your signature!
Omahan's Avatar
Fucking SPAM.
Or post it in the forum dedicated to this shit. It's called Time Capsule for a reason. Originally Posted by Lovely_Lilianna