There's a very low selection of escorts on the internet here in Arkansas. Then a lot of the girls on backpage and adultsearch be using fake pictures. A lot of the providers who are desirable usually be from out of town and are only in Arkansas for a few days. I normally go see a private escort (she doesn't have any web pictures) and I've known her for 3 years, but if she decides to retire, then I'm gonna have a harder time being able to consistantly be with a escort because of the lack of options. Hopefully as time pass the American legal system will stop bullshitin with these invasive laws with providers and clients and maybe more women will feel more safe with being an escort
Originally Posted by warrior13
May I also suggest warrior that you acquire premium access on Eccie to truly be able to determine the benefits of this great board. Unlike alot of locales throughout the country, Arkansas not only has a very adequate supply of women to choose from, but also a great wealth of information on each one. Other areas utilize various types of forums etc to gain knowledge, however, I've always found eccie to be most helpful with my endeavors. It's a great advantage to have so much information and beautiful women in one place. With greater knowledge of the women in Arkansas, I'm positive you can find one if not several to your liking.