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S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 10-21-2012, 09:55 PM
Thanks to Matador's post, I won't have to read a detective novel for some time.
Thank you matador your effort is greatly appreciated and I hope this mess from this man comes to a stop and he can not take advantage of new providers any more.
Regardless of the involvement of your 'family member', I hope you get your P411 account back in light of all this.

When I picture myself in the same situation, it would most definitely come to blows if he wouldn't have deleted the file. And I would have DEFINITELY called one or more of my brothers to help me. Whether to blackmail me, out me, or for his personal stash, it's not cool to be video taped without your permission.

I don't feel like you asked to be put in a position to need help from anyone. Cuz could have stayed at home had he followed the rules. He brought that on himself being the deceitful person he was.
bojulay's Avatar
I think the review given her by FunLovin12 should be removed
in light of this information. Wouldn't everyone agree.

Seems like he's still winning his little game if it's not,
even though it has the disclaimer above it.
I think the review given her by FunLovin12 should be removed
in light of this information. Wouldn't everyone agree.

Seems like he's still winning his little game if it's not,
even though it has the disclaimer above it. Originally Posted by bojulay
THIS ^^^^. A lot of us will just see the "No" and write her off without ever reading the review itself, so it needs to be deleted or at least taken out of the reviews attached to her account.
bojulay's Avatar
THIS ^^^^. A lot of us will just see the "No" and write her off without ever reading the review itself, so it needs to be deleted or at least taken out of the reviews attached to her account. Originally Posted by eccienewbie
Yes, I would say delete it all together, if it's not that's kind
of adding insult to injury in my opinion.

Also might give someone else the idea that they can do the
same thing and get away with it.

And the numb nut that did this will get to go and look at it
when he wants to, like a little trophy, if it's not deleted.
And he would have gotten away with it, if it hadn't been for those meddling kids!
I am glad this got resolved, and agree the review should be removed.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Way to go Matador! Glad you were able to get to the bottom of this. Aliona looks hot and I hope she sticks around
Texasquest's Avatar
Just my opinion but i think Aliona deserves some apologys from some Gents who threw her under the Bus without all the info.....I J S
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Just my opinion but i think Aliona deserves some apologys from some Gents who threw her under the Bus without all the info.....I J S Originally Posted by Texasquest
Shit, that's the eccie way. See that shit all the time, from clients and providers alike. Fake alerts, bogus reviews, followed by an ass load of pile on'ers, only to find out later it was all bullshit. I just love it when the real shithead gets figured out.
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 10-22-2012, 07:54 AM
Similar to a detective novel, Mr B proved to be his own worst enemy by posting a review and ML thread under the handle which was not used to make the appointment.

Aliona, you should contact Gina if you haven't already. As she helped assist Matador's research, she may already know of its outcome.
It makes me wonder how many more are playing the BS game with multiple handles.
Thanks to Matador's post, I won't have to read a detective novel for some time. Originally Posted by S-Man
You always get full disclosure with Matador....he is the man!
matchingmole's Avatar
Definitely should have that negative review removed.When a new provider only has four reviews and one on them is negative (and a fake one at that)