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Hey, I tried to get Helicopter's comment removed, then the whole thread, then the one who started the thread tried and ECCIE would not do it. I asked for a no review policy, still no cooperation.

When a spanko or spankee seeks out a top, they are not looking for an escort. Helicopter's comment casts a shadow of doubt, which damages my reputation as a top. I will not stand for such carelessness. So, basically none of my clients will be posting on me here anymore because I will consider it a breech of our confidentiality agreement, therefore, the only posts we should be seeing from now on are from people like Helicopter who don't have any association with me and never will. They wouldn't grant me no review status so I've made it happen another way, while at the same time making the use of ECCIE an unfavorable option for all of my clients. ECCIE could have been more accommodating, but in the end the person I was dealing with wouldn't even give me the legal department information and told me to have my attorney "figure it out". So, in the meantime, this new policy of mine accomplishes my no review policy, more or less, and makes a few more people leary of using ECCIE. As well as this post, I have reached hundreds if not thousands of others with this information in several different countries all around the world through my web presence. ECCIE stood on the grounds of "free speech" as to why such slander and defamation was allowed to be published here. Well, I am using my right of free speech to make sure everyone I can reach is aware of exactly how they operate.
Hey, I tried to get Helicopter's comment removed, then the whole thread, then the one who started the thread tried and ECCIE would not do it. I asked for a no review policy, still no cooperation.

When a spanko or spankee seeks out a top, they are not looking for an escort. Helicopter's comment casts a shadow of doubt, which damages my reputation as a top. I will not stand for such carelessness. So, basically none of my clients will be posting on me here anymore because I will consider it a breech of our confidentiality agreement, therefore, the only posts we should be seeing from now on are from people like Helicopter who don't have any association with me and never will. They wouldn't grant me no review status so I've made it happen another way, while at the same time making the use of ECCIE an unfavorable option for all of my clients. ECCIE could have been more accommodating, but in the end the person I was dealing with wouldn't even give me the legal department information and told me to have my attorney "figure it out". So, in the meantime, this new policy of mine accomplishes my no review policy, more or less, and makes a few more people leary of using ECCIE. As well as this post, I have reached hundreds if not thousands of others with this information in several different countries all around the world through my web presence. ECCIE stood on the grounds of "free speech" as to why such slander and defamation was allowed to be published here. Well, I am using my right of free speech to make sure everyone I can reach is aware of exactly how they operate.

In response to DestinyInKC, perhaps you are unaware, but both of my business phone numbers are being used in association with reviews under other names I've never used for other services I have never provided. When one of my valued clients made me aware of this matter, I pulled all phone numbers from ads and my website. I don't do my appts by phone anyway. I am not sure how using my phone numbers on others' reviews in the least bit helpful to the person actually being reviewed. I know I am not going to set up appts for them, so why give out MY number??? Whoever the review is about isn't benefiting from that, so what the.....???? I can tell you the phone number in the ad you are pointing to has been disconnected for some time, so unless someone else has it now, it REALLY isn't benefiting the person that the review is about! That doesn't make any business sense at all to me.
I would love to. I am not saying I am better, but what I am saying is I am not the same kind of provider and to co-mingle the two is not beneficial to my kind of service. It would seem someone is suffering from a bit of low self esteem if all you hear is, "I am better than you." No, that is not what I am saying at all. If someone posted something about you calling you a narc and saying that you worked with the police to bust "John's" do you think that might damage your business, honey? Yeah, I bet it would put a question mark in some of your client's minds. That's why I don't like what helicopter said. I don't know him. I have never spanked him and I don't need him running his mouth in such a careless manner, much like you don't need him telling people you are a narc. You understand now?
I would have to know who the hell he is first. Besides, I am not so stupid as to mix business and personal things in that manner.
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Portia, you have every right to want to 'correct' what's been said about your offered services. I would guess every provider on this site has gone through that same effort to some extent. I believe it's your overreaction to the situation that is causing you all the grief. You stated what your 'menu' of services actually is. Be done now. You are not really helping yourself with your little freakout session here. Lots of providers of adult services have come on here to correct what's been reported in a review. Like I said, you have corrected Copter's comment already. Continued drama because nobody will delete the comment doesn't help you in the slightest.
  • SuzyQ
  • 11-01-2013, 07:54 AM
Portia, You just told hundreds, perhaps thousands of people you would do everything to expose Eccie's policies. Well honey, they beat you to the punch because they DISCLOSE them. They have a "disclosure policy" that is pretty comprehensive. You probably should have read it. Furthermore, if you are not a VP and it "hurts your rep," to be associated with such a site, you should have just removed yourself.

Telling us all what a specific hobbyist wants, is not news to us VP's! He is pretty vocal here and reviews OFTEN. Sounds like you should have done your homework about your potential client. You would have found information that would have prevented this foot in mouth situation. In my opinion, your safety should have come first!

If you have energy to cast your derision around the internet globe, perhaps you should put forth some for a new phone number, it seems you have old ads and reviews that are connected. It's no wonder you were solicited. Some marketing help may also be a good idea if your business is suffering. The course of action you are one now isn't going to help you one bit!

I must say, I am personally offended by your lack of discretion and use of "free speech." Clearly you felt you had been wronged and that is very hurtful and frustrating! One thing I like to do, is never stoop to someone else's level if I feel they have "done me wrong." I move on, dry my eyes and come up with a BETTER plan!

Success and happiness is often the best revenge, (within reasonable circumstances of course!). I'm sure I'm not alone when I say; Move on, it's not worth the effort!

Best wishes!! Stay safe!
I ONLY signed up to this site to read the reviews I'd been told were being posted. I don't want to be on here. This site is clearly for providers that do something other than what I do. I happen to know this is damaging my reputation and putting question marks in the minds of those that do not know me yet because of another lady in the industry who has had potential clients come right out and ask her about Helicopter206's comment!! Now that pisses me off! To be allowed to publish false defamatory comments and do so pretending to be protected by the right of free speech is ridiculous. Cases have been dismissed when the information is true, but when the information is false, that is another matter entirely! Then to top it off ECCIE stands upon the soap box of free speech while at the same time telling me I can't post commentary about members of theirs here or anywhere online or they will take action. A. If that information is so private, how the _______ would I know who and who are not members of theirs. B. If my comments are in regard to a client who has a separate business relationship with me directly, what business is it of ECCIE's? C. How exactly are they going to jump into something that isn't their business without outing their own membership to do so?
Come on! If they are going to stand there and tell me they can publish false information under the right of free speech, then how can they also stand there and in the same breath tell me that I can't publish information of any nature or they will take action? When did they earn a larger chunk of free speech than me? The fact is, they didn't. They are just bullying me at this point and that is not gonna fly.
You should just take take everyone's advice and let it go. You can't win, no matter how much you bitch and moan about it. Not EVERYONE on here gets positive reviews or true comments said about them at all times and sometimes tempers flare, but you just post your side of the story and move on. That's really your best bet. You are keeping the drama going, you've made your point, move on from it.
Wow girl, I missed this. The idea of a paying someone to spank a guy is so repulsive, and I think a guy who would pay for that is just weird. Why do they do that, I just don't get it; so I just passed over this stuff. But, thanks for mentioning that the three reviews were done by new members. I looked it up: they all posted just the one review within a few days of joining.

Wow, the probability of that happing three times is so remote that it is almost impossible. Just too many matching circumstances. Yes, I have worked in the field of statistics and probability theory. Just look it up and do some reading if you doubt the statement.

This is an example of manipulation and control by someone who hates others. Look up the definition of a sociopath.

This is a woman that we all need to watch, and be aware of.

When I was in the Marine Corps, there were always one or two guys in the outfit who everyone watched because we all knew that sooner or later that guy would do something really strange, strange enough that others could be hurt. We watch the one percent people so that they don't hurt us.

In short, do your homework before you call a lady; if you want a lady who will treat you nicely.

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Come on man cut some slack on what you think of as weird sexual behavior.
Does older men who like younger women fit your profile of what is acceptable?
CryptKicker's Avatar
We never said we could or would take action on what you do away from ECCIE. But when you threaten ECCIE members on our site we will sanction you by a warning and/or points. When you post on our site you follow our rules.
I ONLY signed up to this site to read the reviews I'd been told were being posted. I don't want to be on here. This site is clearly for providers that do something other than what I do. I happen to know this is damaging my reputation and putting question marks in the minds of those that do not know me yet because of another lady in the industry who has had potential clients come right out and ask her about Helicopter206's comment!! Now that pisses me off! To be allowed to publish false defamatory comments and do so pretending to be protected by the right of free speech is ridiculous. Cases have been dismissed when the information is true, but when the information is false, that is another matter entirely! Then to top it off ECCIE stands upon the soap box of free speech while at the same time telling me I can't post commentary about members of theirs here or anywhere online or they will take action. A. If that information is so private, how the _______ would I know who and who are not members of theirs. B. If my comments are in regard to a client who has a separate business relationship with me directly, what business is it of ECCIE's? C. How exactly are they going to jump into something that isn't their business without outing their own membership to do so?
Come on! If they are going to stand there and tell me they can publish false information under the right of free speech, then how can they also stand there and in the same breath tell me that I can't publish information of any nature or they will take action? When did they earn a larger chunk of free speech than me? The fact is, they didn't. They are just bullying me at this point and that is not gonna fly. Originally Posted by portiamistressofkink
I think you should sue him (Helicopter) and take it all the way to the Supreme Court...I believe that all providers should have the right to sue for false reviews.....
You go girl!

Folks this could be a landmark for future law cases in America and its fight for free speech..........Spankers unite!!!!..."One for all and all for a good spankin"
CryptKicker's Avatar
LOL- it wasn't even a review from him... it was simply a comment on someone else's review where he speculated that she had performed other services and it was perhaps under a different name.
LOL- it wasn't even a review from him... it was simply a comment on someone else's review where he speculated that she had performed other services and it was perhaps under a different name. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
OK sue him for speculation......Right Portia......How dare he?

Let us know how it works out...we will be watching the nightly news for updates!!
We never said we could or would take action on what you do away from ECCIE. But when you threaten ECCIE members on our site we will sanction you by a warning and/or points. When you post on our site you follow our rules. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Thank you Crypt! She threatens us all on Eccie with her nostalgic posts.
malwoody's Avatar
I think you should sue him (Helicopter) and take it all the way to the Supreme Court...I believe that all providers should have the right to sue for false reviews.....
You go girl!

Folks this could be a landmark for future law cases in America and its fight for free speech..........Spankers unite!!!!..."One for all and all for a good spankin" Originally Posted by BigDeal
What's really shocking is that Helicopter is entangled in drama with a provider..