Ryan/Romney fiddlem while nation collapses

The Dems plan is endless debt.
Endless recession.
The end of SS has we know it.
The end of medicare as we know it.
$4+ gasoline prices.
Higher taxes.
Higher unemployment.
Less GDP.
Algae energy.
Cut and run.
No missile defense.
Nuclear Iran
Nuclear N. Korea.
Nuclear Japan.
Nuclear Saudi Arabia.
No Israel.
Free birth control.
Open borders.
More Nancy Polosi
More Harry Reid.
Political censorship.
More BigLouie.
No budgets.
Endless spending.
Free birth control.
Free stuff, free stuff, and more free stuff.
Election fraud.
More expensive health care.
Shitty health care.
Shitty electric cars.
Gun control.
Bigger Unions.
Bigger government.
Class warfare.
Branches of government warfare.
Racial warfare.
Sex warfare.
Small business warfare.
Age warfare.

The party that wants abortion on demand but wants me to make a moral and ethical decision on what car I choose to drive.

Less money, less health, less happiness, less freedom.........

Yep! That's the party for me! Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

shame your mother wasn't pro choice.LOL
  • Laz
  • 04-24-2012, 07:50 AM
I pick that we can't have an economy that thrives when the government buries us in debt. I always have chosen that. Raise taxes on the rich all you want, I won't oppose you, but it won't do any good. There isn't enough wealth out there to save us. Congress and the President MUST QUIT SPENDING!!!! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If you raise taxes on the rich they will find ways to avoid it. The rich have options that the middle class and poor do not. When are people going to realize that raising taxes does not always increase revenue to the government. But more important than that is that even if they pay the tax it will NOT solve the problem. Even they do not have enough money to cover the governments massive over spending.

Just look at Buffet. He is fighting some taxes the IRS wants him to pay. If he did not care about taxes he would simply pay them even if they were incorrectly applied to him.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That was my point, Laz. Raise taxes on the rich all you want, but it won't make a difference. First, there isn't enough money there to make a dent in anything, and the rich will find a way around it. That's why they're rich.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-24-2012, 03:49 PM
seems to be a popular misconception ..

do tell how one evades the capital gains tax ..
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Like kind exchanges. For one.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-24-2012, 04:10 PM
Like kind exchanges. For one. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
thanks ... theres several ways actually.

so now 100% of the people dont pat taxes
BigLouie's Avatar
Congress and the President MUST QUIT SPENDING!!!! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You have a better chance of going down to Galveston and commanding the tides to stop rolling in. The people who put people in Congress want their cut and their tax breaks. As long as their are people like the Koch brothers to pay off, Congress will keep spending.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Don't forget George Soros, BL
waverunner234's Avatar
seems to be a popular misconception ..

do tell how one evades the capital gains tax .. Originally Posted by CJ7
Really? ..................
This one is even more funny, most of my "normal" income is taxed with the capital gains rate. And it is completely legal.
You just have to be smart.
The Ryan plan at least got the support of his party, Obama couldnt get 1 vote for his budget and hasnt passed one in like 3 years.
BigLouie's Avatar
That was my point, Laz. Raise taxes on the rich all you want, but it won't make a difference. First, there isn't enough money there to make a dent in anything, and the rich will find a way around it. That's why they're rich. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
the rich aren't affected by taxation, its only the guys trying to be rich by working and making money...earnings....that taxation destroys...along with the associated jobs and freedoms and the sucking of desire and incentive out of people

thats why the super rich tend to be democratic...they want to apease the nonworker/union/lefties, those who want things without effort, as much as possible so they arent stormed....