Giving it up for GOOD!

PoppyToyota's Avatar
You can do it!! We will be here for you! Your welcome to PM me anytime if you need someone to talk too. Always helps when you have a place to go too.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Good for you. Hang tough.
good for you. You will be glad you did it.
You will be fine Traci.

Never knew you had a problem, well the first step is admitting you have a problem. And that you did. Very proud of you. Hang in there.

I am Very Proud of you and wish you the Best of Luck can do it The ECCIE family is here for you.
Safire Sweet

Good for you. Like smoking, achieving a tough goal you desire, that's worthwhile isn't always easy. Stick with it, you can do ANYTHING you set your sights on!

If you should "fall off the horse" once or twice, make sure you don't get discouraged. Simply get back on and ride even harder. You can do it!!!

All the best.

Lana Warren's Avatar
You CAN do this, Girlie! Very proud of you!
Traci the hardest thing in life is admitting when you have a problem. You have conquered the first step in a real hard but good decision. I think it is admirable that you are a strong enough person to admit your problem in to your friends and people you don’t know. Stay strong it will be hard, but you can do anything you put your mind to. I will keep you in my thought and give encouragement when I see you in chat. Good job
pmdelites's Avatar
traci, welcome to the next phase of your life!!

admitting one has a problem and deciding to correct it is a tremendous achievement.
just surround yourself with folks who will support you on your journey. if anyone attempts to sidetrack you from your new goal, politely tell them to support you or to buzz off.

from everything i've read about you, you seem like a pretty sharp, intelligent, together, strong person. all good things to have in your backpack as you venture forth on this journey.

sending you positive energies, peace, and love!!
Phrodo's Avatar
Traci, I have 2 good friends that have recently decided the same thing and both are living well and enjoying the life they see now. Best of luck to you. Life will only get better for you. You do have the support of all of us here.
Thanks everyone. I'm actually regretting sharing just a little bit today. I want to say to all of you that I am NOT a weak person, I have battled addiction before, and won, and I WILL win this time as well. I'm confident and stubborn, two things that I think will help me immensely. All of your support, both public and private are extremely well received and I am very very grateful.

There have been one or two people that said or asked some things that may have been well-intentioned, but came across as judgmental and downright rude. I understand that you may mean well when you start to pry into people's motivations and history, but for the record, wait to be invited into such topics. Were I a weaker person, that kind of pushy prying can drive someone in the opposite direction than was intended.

The previous paragraph did not apply to most of you, so please disregard it. I just had to get that out because it made me very angry. Some people make no sense to me.

Again, I appreciate all the support and well-wishes, and please try to not judge me for being weak enough to develop an addiction. I'm not a weak person, I just couldn't see what I was doing. Now that I have seen it, it WILL be taken care of. You ladies and gents are truly awesome and a blessing to me and everyone around you. xoxo
FishGuy13's Avatar
You can do it! {{Hugs}} for when we finally meet face to face!
Int3rested's Avatar
Good for You....
rcinokc's Avatar
Good luck !
aRandyOne's Avatar
I'm a friend of Bill W. Too. I really needed a sponsor & regular meetings to stay sober. Good luck to you.