pimp jump

dreamvacationdates's Avatar
I am sure we are each seeing the pimp through our different experiences. I know I was pretty young and impressionable at the time, and while it was "fascinating" it was also very disturbing. Like a radio station promo I've heard, "like watching a monkey swallow a hand grenade".

I completely accept that you saw a different slice of things, in a different city, at a different time (I suspect I have a few years on you since mine was pre-Superfly). I won't claim my experience and mental image are the only reality out there, but it's a visceral part of my mindset that I know will not change.

If we ever wind up at the same airport or bar I'll buy you a drink--I suspect the conversation would be well worth it.

Stay safe. Originally Posted by Old-T
Hermosa's Avatar
You been watching way too much TV, there are different types of pimps, you do understand that, not just the street thug kick a chick in the ass type pimps, some wear business suits and ties, some run their thing as a business and do take care of them, so before you start making these proclaimations you may want to figure out what's going on, cause you'll most likely be in a box real quick if you remotely tried to do what you just wrote,
know who and what you're dealing with. a lot of those street guys you see these days aren't pimps, they're gangsters and they will kill you with the quickness. back in the day most of the action was run by gangs out of houses.carry your ass into a latin hood these days and fuck with them, they don't play, and if you're not latino you won't get in anyway.
a real pimps doesn't attack the customers and rob them, that's their bread and butter, if you're getting robbed you got set up by the very lady you want to try to protect, and the guy attacking you isn't a pimp. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
I'm surprised at the responses I've seen. Clearly there was some sort of misunderstand here. I responded to a punk ass, abuser of woman, pimp. Not a "assistant". I think I also sense a generational gap here also. In my world, real men never hit a woman, EVER! In my world, real men never stand by or turn away when a woman is being abused, EVER!
When bad behavior happens and we don't care, or don't stand up and object, then our sport is put in danger. In the real world, LE rarely cares what two consenting adults do. Unless, something happens that demands their attention. Pimps beating girls. Girls stealing from customers. People behaving badly, brings attention to us. Nobody cares about the massage parlor until underage girls are found. Nobody cares about strip clubs until shootings, underage girls, fighting start happening. Nobody cares about a protector of ladies. But an abuser who drugs up, forces into prostitution, beats and abuses someone, and now LE cares. Then they look at everyone. Problems happen and BP is all over the news. So is our site, so is any other site that we love to look at for our play
If we can't make a stand then something will happen that really gets LE focused on us. A young girl disappears and they go to the computer. You think your pass word protection is a problem? You feel secure because your connected to a "Safe" site that protects your data. You really think LE can't get your data? You trust smart guys to encrypt your messages. You think LE doesn't have guys just as smart who can break your encryption? Who's watching too much TV now? We are safe because we learn how to play nice. We are safe because we protect each other. We are safe because we don't condone any one who endangers our fun because they do things that force LE to look at us.
"Be safe out there". Now that's what I got from watching TV.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
I'm surprised at the responses I've seen. Clearly there was some sort of misunderstand here. I responded to a punk ass, abuser of woman, pimp. Not a "assistant". I think I also sense a generational gap here also. In my world, real men never hit a woman, EVER! In my world, real men never stand by or turn away when a woman is being abused, EVER!
When bad behavior happens and we don't care, or don't stand up and object, then our sport is put in danger. In the real world, LE rarely cares what two consenting adults do. Unless, something happens that demands their attention. Pimps beating girls. Girls stealing from customers. People behaving badly, brings attention to us. Nobody cares about the massage parlor until underage girls are found. Nobody cares about strip clubs until shootings, underage girls, fighting start happening. Nobody cares about a protector of ladies. But an abuser who drugs up, forces into prostitution, beats and abuses someone, and now LE cares. Then they look at everyone. Problems happen and BP is all over the news. So is our site, so is any other site that we love to look at for our play
If we can't make a stand then something will happen that really gets LE focused on us. A young girl disappears and they go to the computer. You think your pass word protection is a problem? You feel secure because your connected to a "Safe" site that protects your data. You really think LE can't get your data? You trust smart guys to encrypt your messages. You think LE doesn't have guys just as smart who can break your encryption? Who's watching too much TV now? We are safe because we learn how to play nice. We are safe because we protect each other. We are safe because we don't condone any one who endangers our fun because they do things that force LE to look at us.
"Be safe out there". Now that's what I got from watching TV. Originally Posted by Hermosa
Just trying to give you a little advice, you can do what you want, make sure you look before you leap, because unlike TV everyone doesn't get up off the floor and go home after the scene is over. a man has to know his limitations, take a listen to Kenny Rogers, The Gambler, listen, really listen to the words.