Getting Old

Please forgive my old ass miss Reid��
shortblkguy's Avatar
I don't buy beer or anything else with my hobby money.that would defeat the purpose of setting a budget.I went way over budget last year,I have to play smart this year.I can't drop another 7k on you girls,I'm blue collar after all,not rich. Originally Posted by peter north77
I am in the same situation, dramatically reducing hobbying in 2016.

You know you are old when a reading good book seems better than chasing great ass.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
I love books too
when you look in the mirror.
when you look in the mirror and it breaks . Originally Posted by notequiteatroll

When you remember "the bomb" drills in school.
  • Sandy
  • 01-23-2016, 03:24 AM
You know you are getting old when:
You dye your hair blue so you can call yourself,
A beautiful blue haired ole lady~
When most of the provider ads show their ages to be younger than your own children. When your weekly list to the store cost more for prescriptions than food. And most of all,, when you wake up in the morning with "Morning Wood" and you can only use it for your wash cloth and no longer use it as a towel rack on the way to the shower.
when you read a review that says great older lady.
and laugh when her bp says 36.
was expecting maybe 50.
You know you're old when:

You misspell a provider's name twice on the same thread even after she commented Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
Or when you continually run doubles ads with that providers name butchered... even after she corrects you on the spelling multiple times.

You know you're getting old when Giner is at the end of you tool and you know you're a one pop guy.
You know you're getting old when Giner is at the end of you tool and you know you're a one pop guy. Originally Posted by Never2Old
Ha! You know I won't give up. Let's try it again soon!
Never say never, Never2Old!