Trump's Physician Is A Lying Diseased Rhino Pizzle

bambino's Avatar
Boy howdy! Can’t sneak nothing past you, brother!


And, thanks for the Sid Crosby comment. He’s a pertnear decent hockey player.

But to the poI’d feel a lot safer with Ben Carson in the operating theater than the Cabinet room. I suspect those who interact with HUD agree.

To the topic of this post, I also believe Carson would be better qualified to prove and analyze the “brain” in the White House than the chain of fools who regularly are tasked with evaluating the rest of his godlike body.

He’s not dumb enough to lie about the results.

But stupid enough to do it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Carson has a far higher IQ than anybody on this hooker board. But then again, that’s not saying much.
themystic's Avatar
Carson has a far higher IQ than anybody on this hooker board. But then again, that’s not saying much. Originally Posted by bambino
Uncle Ben Carson is a moronic idiot
Boy howdy! Can’t sneak nothing past you, brother!


And, thanks for the Sid Crosby comment. He’s a pertnear decent hockey player.

But to the poI’d feel a lot safer with Ben Carson in the operating theater than the Cabinet room. I suspect those who interact with HUD agree.

To the topic of this post, I also believe Carson would be better qualified to prove and analyze the “brain” in the White House than the chain of fools who regularly are tasked with evaluating the rest of his godlike body.

He’s not dumb enough to lie about the results.

But stupid enough to do it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
More gibberish.

If you have a point, please — for the benefit of those of us who don’t use gibberish — try and express yourself in complete and cogent thoughts. Otherwise, we won’t be able to present contrasting or complementary viewpoints.

Thank you.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The President’s doctor gives him a clean physical, so he must be a liar. I’m glad I don’t have to carry around the kind of hate that deranged thinking like that requires.

I wonder when we’ll see Ginsberg’s bill of health?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The President’s doctor gives him a clean physical, so he must be a liar. I’m glad I don’t have to carry around the kind of hate that deranged thinking like that requires.

I wonder when we’ll see Ginsberg’s bill of health? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

fo' shizzle my nizzle!!