
Thug4lyfefucyawife's Avatar
A gent can be a fly by night his whole life. When the dust settles, when it's near over, can you say you are happy with the results? Was it worth it? If I could go back would I have stuck my dick in that 100,000 dollar slut? That's for one to decide.
A gent can be a fly by night his whole life. When the dust settles, when it's near over, can you say you are happy with the results? Was it worth it? If I could go back would I have stuck my dick in that 100,000 dollar slut? That's for one to decide. Originally Posted by Thug4lyfefucyawife
As usual your comments confuse and amaze me and go right over my head most of the time. I guess I'm just not such a DEEP thinker as you? Either that or your just trying to BUWBS, you know Baffle Us With Bullshit...
Thug4lyfefucyawife's Avatar
As usual your comments confuse and amaze me and go right over my head most of the time. I guess I'm just not such a DEEP thinker as you? Either that or your just trying to BUWBS, you know Baffle Us With Bullshit... Originally Posted by KCFalcon77
I am a philosopher and my philosophy is this
Don't be no punk young homey if it's worth it take that risk.
Thank you KCF77. You nailed it. This shit gets so old. If ANYONE, is worried about ANYTHING in this game, they need to find other forms of entertainment. SMDH. Originally Posted by Boredinop
Thats the thing. This endeavor, is (or at least should be) all about choice. I choose to see someone, and she accepts the invite or not. After our encounter, we each make a choice as too whether or not a second and future visits are of interest. Each party weighs the risks and rewards from the encounter and proceeds accordingly. Here and on other sites there are ladies I've seen once and never again,some occasionally and some I've seen dozens of times. The reason for the latter is obvious, and I'd like to think that the lady found these continued visits too be beneficial to them as well, and not just financially. Just my two cents though....
As usual your comments confuse and amaze me and go right over my head most of the time. I guess I'm just not such a DEEP thinker as you? Either that or your just trying to BUWBS, you know Baffle Us With Bullshit... Originally Posted by KCFalcon77
Also constantly confused. Just learned how to use the ignore list for the first time ever.
I am a philosopher and my philosophy is this
Don't be no punk young homey if it's worth it take that risk. Originally Posted by Thug4lyfefucyawife
Me thinks you may have wandered onto the wrong board there Plato. This probably isn't the wine and cheese crowd..
Thug4lyfefucyawife's Avatar
I've seen things like blade runna,

Kept em coming back from winter to summa,

Compulsive behavior no wonda,

No sweat off my back, I stack.

Military mind, pat sajac

They love my words like Morgan freeman.
Yet don't understand me they think I'm schemin.

Been there, done that, how many times I gotta say that.

A million words said, long as the important ones stay in ya head.

Nevermind. In one, out the other.
One due time...
I have no long record of postings on here, so my standing among anyone here for anything I say means nothing to anyone here.

I have been in the hobby since 1981, believe it or not.

Anyone who uses an ID such as "thug for life fuck your wife" opens himself up to all sorts of bizarre thoughts from anyone here who sees it, whether you realize it or not. And no one is ever, ever going to take you seriously with an ID like this. I presume you have no clue about what I am stating. And I believe everyone here is absolutely nauseated by it all.

You are quite obviously one of two things: Either incredibly proud of your ignorance to use such an ID on here, or just plain and simple clueless and ignorant.

Don't know if you're black or some white trash to use an ID like that. It really does not matter, though it probably makes some people here curious which you are...

With an ID such as what you use, it simply shows that you're someone who knows he has a bullet waiting for him somewhere out there in this world that's going to get you, and you know your time here on this earth is not for much longer...

And I really don't care if the moderators or owners of this forum ban me or suspend me for what I just said above.

Anyway, all of your postings here on this forum have shown everyone what you are exactly: someone who is incredibly "self-absorbed" with himself and really clueless about so many things in life, and the incredible antithesis that exists to all that you've posted here thus far... You grew up in an incredibly bizarre home life environment here on this earth, and it shows in everything you've posted since you joined and started leaving your deposits here, just like a rabbit hopping around leaves his little round ball trails all over the grass...

Not sure why you post anything on here at all, period... Is it simply because you're so incredibly self-absorbed? Or is it because you're so incredibly bored with your incredibly sucky, sh*tty life? Either way, you feel you have the absolutely uncontrollable urge to take it out on everyone else here with absolutely Everything You Have Posted since you Started Here.

I believe that everyone here is totally nauseated by everything you have posted since day one...
Thug4lyfefucyawife's Avatar
I have no long record of postings on here, so my standing among anyone here for anything I say means nothing to anyone here.

I have been in the hobby since 1981, believe it or not.

Anyone who uses an ID such as "thug for life fuck your wife" opens himself up to all sorts of bizarre thoughts from anyone here who sees it, whether you realize it or not. And no one is ever, ever going to take you seriously with an ID like this. I presume you have no clue about what I am stating. And I believe everyone here is absolutely nauseated by it all.

You are quite obviously one of two things: Either incredibly proud of your ignorance to use such an ID on here, or just plain and simple clueless and ignorant.

Don't know if you're black or some white trash to use an ID like that. It really does not matter, though it probably makes some people here curious which you are...

With an ID such as what you use, it simply shows that you're someone who knows he has a bullet waiting for him somewhere out there in this world that's going to get you, and you know your time here on this earth is not for much longer...

And I really don't care if the moderators or owners of this forum ban me or suspend me for what I just said above.

Anyway, all of your postings here on this forum have shown everyone what you are exactly: someone who is incredibly "self-absorbed" with himself and really clueless about so many things in life, and the incredible antithesis that exists to all that you've posted here thus far... You grew up in an incredibly bizarre home life environment here on this earth, and it shows in everything you've posted since you joined and started leaving your deposits here, just like a rabbit hopping around leaves his little round ball trails all over the grass...

Not sure why you post anything on here at all, period... Is it simply because you're so incredibly self-absorbed? Or is it because you're so incredibly bored with your incredibly sucky, sh*tty life? Either way, you feel you have the absolutely uncontrollable urge to take it out on everyone else here with absolutely Everything You Have Posted since you Started Here.

I believe that everyone here is totally nauseated by everything you have posted since day one... Originally Posted by Alan50501
Thank you for chiming in. I know this is something you don't do often. I'm glad you're able to talk about your feelings.
Get it all off your chest man. Free speech. Unless it's threats of course. No sir you don't know me. If I offended you I apologize. I'm sure there was people who lived in this country who are great in some people's eyes, but radicals in others. Not here to stress you out. But glad you was able to put your two cents in for a change.
Not sure what that stands for but you didn't answer me about the date. Originally Posted by Thug4lyfefucyawife
Pick one T4FLW :
Thug4lyfefucyawife's Avatar
Pick one T4FLW : Originally Posted by JohnnyGleet
Thanks Johnny I love number 12! 😀
Thug4lyfefucyawife's Avatar
Forget about hooked on phonics, what about hooked on a bitch.
Thug4lyfefucyawife's Avatar
Then not 1 bitch, not 2 bitch,not 3 bitch, not 4 bitch...
Thug4lyfefucyawife's Avatar
You know there are other things you can do besides diving into the abyss of the unknown, kissing the soft unforgiving forbidden lips of a whore. Try picking up a trade. Learn how to sculpt. Go on youtube and find a recipe ��. Hell join a rugby team ��.
Thug4lyfefucyawife's Avatar
I have no long record of postings on here, so my standing among anyone here for anything I say means nothing to anyone here.

I have been in the hobby since 1981, believe it or not.

Anyone who uses an ID such as "thug for life fuck your wife" opens himself up to all sorts of bizarre thoughts from anyone here who sees it, whether you realize it or not. And no one is ever, ever going to take you seriously with an ID like this. I presume you have no clue about what I am stating. And I believe everyone here is absolutely nauseated by it all.

You are quite obviously one of two things: Either incredibly proud of your ignorance to use such an ID on here, or just plain and simple clueless and ignorant.

Don't know if you're black or some white trash to use an ID like that. It really does not matter, though it probably makes some people here curious which you are...

With an ID such as what you use, it simply shows that you're someone who knows he has a bullet waiting for him somewhere out there in this world that's going to get you, and you know your time here on this earth is not for much longer...

And I really don't care if the moderators or owners of this forum ban me or suspend me for what I just said above.

Anyway, all of your postings here on this forum have shown everyone what you are exactly: someone who is incredibly "self-absorbed" with himself and really clueless about so many things in life, and the incredible antithesis that exists to all that you've posted here thus far... You grew up in an incredibly bizarre home life environment here on this earth, and it shows in everything you've posted since you joined and started leaving your deposits here, just like a rabbit hopping around leaves his little round ball trails all over the grass...

Not sure why you post anything on here at all, period... Is it simply because you're so incredibly self-absorbed? Or is it because you're so incredibly bored with your incredibly sucky, sh*tty life? Either way, you feel you have the absolutely uncontrollable urge to take it out on everyone else here with absolutely Everything You Have Posted since you Started Here.

I believe that everyone here is totally nauseated by everything you have posted since day one... Originally Posted by Alan50501
I keeps it Thug Allen. That's what you don't like. Sorry buddy.