Once again, pathetic conservative racist Trumpjugend commits TERROR

Wrong again, no president has been more dehumanized than Obama. All the racist shit spat at him, all the false baseless conspiracy theories, even saying he wasn't born here. Yeah, because he didn't LOOK American enough, to certain people. It's almost as if there was this one word they wanted to call him, but couldn't, so they called him everything else under the sun, lol. I'm surprised he survived office, to be honest. And he endured it all with dignity and grace. Never went on a twitter outrage like a 5 year old. The calmer he was, the more pissed the racist shit heads were at him. He was a real President.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
It's almost as if there was this one word they wanted to call him, but couldn't, so they called him everything else under the sun, lol. Originally Posted by supercold1
I recall Joe Biden called him a "clean, articulate black man". I wonder why he hasn't endorsed 'ol Sleepy Joe yet?

I'm surprised he survived office, to be honest. Originally Posted by supercold1

Meaning what exactly? You are surprised that your loathed Republicans didn't do him in. Is that it? Doesn't that kinda pretty much prove all of your other diatribes about Republicans pointless and rooted in your own propaganda?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
That's because nobody repeated Obama's talking points when shooting up a place. Christchurch, El Paso, and many others, repeats Trump's talking points, verbatim. Originally Posted by supercold1

Not need to use short hand of "many others", feel free to list them out. Most here are adults and can handle actual facts.

We know the scope and brand. The loon in Christchurch wanted to accomplish exactly what you are advocating. Odd, huh? Is it even more odd to see some other loon attempt the same here? Especially given the hate mongering from the looney-left?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I recall Joe Biden called him a "clean, articulate black man". I wonder why he hasn't endorsed 'ol Sleepy Joe yet?
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
According to Biden, he has asked Obama not to endorse anyone until after the Democratic nominee is decided. He wants no favoritism.

Shortly after Joe Biden launched his 2020 presidential campaign bid on Thursday, a spokeswoman for his former boss, Barack Obama, said adding Biden to the ticket is "one of the best decisions" the former president ever made.

But Obama didn't offer a formal endorsement of his vice president in a statement issued by spokeswoman Katie Hill.
“President Obama has long said that selecting Joe Biden as his running mate in 2008 was one of the best decisions he ever made. He relied on the Vice President’s knowledge, insight, and judgment throughout both campaigns and the entire presidency. The two forged a special bond over the last 10 years and remain close today," the statement said.

Biden later told reporters at an Amtrak station in Wilmington, Delaware, that he'd asked Obama not to issue an endorsement.
"I asked President Obama not to endorse," he said. "Whoever wins this nomination should win it on their own merits."

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
According to Biden, he has asked Obama not to endorse anyone until after the Democratic nominee is decided. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

The thing I like about 'Ol Sleepy Joe is that he makes so many lame-o remarks, aka gaffs, that you are hard pressed to find a comprehensive list. Instead, lists are kept by category, as he is so prolific and all over the map.
  • Biden in the 1970s opposed desegregation busing, which he claimed “codifies the concept that a black is inferior to a white.”
  • In 2007, Biden’s campaign stumbled after he attributed Iowa’s educational successes to the lack of minorities in the state.
  • Biden sparked backlash in 2007 when he praised Obama for being an “articulate” black politician.
  • “I promise you, the President has a big stick. I promise you.”

pleasurem's Avatar
Well, The first two posters here are idiots!!!
I honestly can't believe you all come to this website to argue about this stuff. It is like you are all fucking retarded.
Oh oh - you actually said retarded? Wow, you must not be a liberal because you can't say that anymore. However, you can say fucking all day long. As you know - it's a hooker board. Ha

I honestly can't believe you all come to this website to argue about this stuff. It is like you are all fucking retarded. Originally Posted by curi0usguyy
Trump was spot on when he called him Sleepy Joe. What I see is a man who should be enjoying his retirement instead well.....here we are in America.

The thing I like about 'Ol Sleepy Joe is that he makes so many lame-o remarks, aka gaffs, that you are hard pressed to find a comprehensive list. Instead, lists are kept by category, as he is so prolific and all over the map.
  • Biden in the 1970s opposed desegregation busing, which he claimed “codifies the concept that a black is inferior to a white.”
  • In 2007, Biden’s campaign stumbled after he attributed Iowa’s educational successes to the lack of minorities in the state.
  • Biden sparked backlash in 2007 when he praised Obama for being an “articulate” black politician.
  • “I promise you, the President has a big stick. I promise you.”

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I honestly can't believe you all come to this website to argue about this stuff. It is like you are all fucking *tard*. Originally Posted by curi0usguyy

Wrong forum for you? The one you want is - hmmm, can't recall the name of it - but it's easy to spot with it's animated GIF of a Unicorn farting out rainbow skittles and the first sticky post in it are the words to Kumbaya. There everyone agree with everyone else and each 10th posting are the lyrics to Kumbaya.

Or maybe you were looking for the self-aggrandizing forum. Try Variety.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Jussie Smollett is a dumbass, but he didn’t commit terror. Originally Posted by supercold1

Just a normal, everyday, hate crime perpetrated to start a race war, by imitating and pointing blame at the non-socialists. Nothing to see there. Move along kiddies...

/sarc This year's Academy Award for casting minorities in a traditionally white role goes to... Jussie Smollet for hiring the Osundairo brothers. Collecting the award for Jussie is Kamala Harris and Kim Fox.
It’s really hard to respond to a statement as dreadfully retarded as this. You’re bringing up Smollet and equating his “hate crime” to the real hate crime in El Paso. I don’t know if he was trying to start the race war. I think he was just an attention whore trying to drum up publicity to help his career, and it backfired appropriately. However, it seems that it’s Trumps fans who are actually FIGHTING the race war, spurred on by their dear leader.
Okay, Biden has a few gaffs. He’s never been successfully persecuted for racism and discrimination, unlike dear leader. And do you really want to try and compare a list of Biden’s gaffes with Trump’s? No, you don’t. I do t even fucking support Biden, never said I did, so don’t know why you keep bringing him up, but I’ll take him over trump in a second. I’ll take the crystal healer over trump. I’d take a monkey at a typewriter over trump
Supercold the fact that your dumb ass is trying to make it a political issue makes you just as stupid. It's a mental health problem masquerading as a political/gun problem. Dudes are doing it because they don't have a lot to live for. Lots of millenials don't have friends, can't find a date, and have poor career prospects. You never see one of these guys do it and then people talk about who his girlfriend was.

Also people like you are absolute scum. You are super eager to use this tragedy to further your rabid political agenda. Your standing on bodies that haven't even started to cool, man. Oh and one of them was a rabid lefty (Dayton) with his pronouns in his twitter bio. What's that tell you? Maybe it's not who they want to vote for.

Also dude given your political leanings you do NOT want to start talking about crime statistics. That's not a fight you're gonna win. The vast majority of mass shooters aren't angry white incels and if you factor out inner city violence the homicide rate for the US drops to something like Norway. Which is another serious problem you're happy to ignore if it suits you.
Tomorrow is August 8th, I understand a big day for you Trump supporters.