Request for Advice from the Hobbyists

tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 12-02-2010, 10:40 PM
If you read the reviews, or look at P411 for those who have it, then you should already know what to expect.

PS: Tron Legacy will be at the Imax too...
Right. That is why people ask you stuff. Originally Posted by rontitan
I'm a little doped up with allergy medicine. Am I missing something here?

Perhaps I should change my website packages to include nothing but a laundry list of sexual activities and a specific rate for each one. That would be classy. And smart, on top of that.

What the hell is this, Burger King?

Welcome to ECCIE, where we can do it your way... but don't get crazy!
Whatever you want we do for you!! Accents you know the one! You so pretty like model. You have boyfriend? Why you not have? Because I won't talk specifics before dates and I won't get long nail! LMFAO Sorry, I had to.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 12-02-2010, 11:24 PM

What the hell is this, Burger King? Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
Or maybe an erotic dim sum establishment?

A little of this, then a little of that, then a little more of that, and a little more of that, then some of the other, ...

Man, that cart is really jam-packed!
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar

A statement like "I am not comfortable with this conversation. click" should do it. If they don't get the message from that, then do you really want to spend any time with someone who is that stupid? Originally Posted by tron

This is how most ladies feel we should handle it. My question is after we hang up on inappropriate questions but we have been clicking well before that, will the guy call back again, set up the appt and not ask the wrong questions and just let the session flow?
Whatever you want we do for you!! Accents you know the one! You so pretty like model. You have boyfriend? Why you not have? Because I won't talk specifics before dates and I won't get long nail! LMFAO Sorry, I had to. Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
I think a point that has been left out here is the fact that there are several providers out there (as well as in here) that DO discuss the gory details over the phone.

I've been clear on the "no explicit discussion of sex or $$" since the beginning. But several times I've rang up someone, and in the middle of the conversation I get, "so what do you like? You want just the oral session? You want an hour full service?" and "oh, it's usually this much but today I'm running a special and its only this much." Etc, etc...

This has happened to me a number of times, and a few times it actually made me feel like I was being tested, as if I were speaking to LE. Frankly, I was the one that wouldn't engage in said details, and with the exception of a couple of times, I chose to not see that provider on the very principle of which you speak.

So, now you have a hobbyist who has had the experience of these ladies going over explicit details and pricing, and then he calls you. He just doesn't know any better. I don't really have any advice here as to exactly how to handle the situation when it arises. Just thought id throw that aspect into the conversation.

Of course, a lot of these incidents are coming from the girls who advertise on BP, which I really haven't been a part of for a year or so now. It has happened very rarely in the case of anyone I've visited with on ECCIE or P411.

Just something to consider.
I once knew a girl who worked in a spa who had a regular come see her 10+ times. After getting comfortable with him she felt free to discuss unmentionable info and got busted.

Although the situation being in a spa is different, in that it is more of a target for LE, I still am not comfortable with discussing activities with regular clients.

I don't know if that is militant. I just would rather stay safe than get in trouble and say: "If I would have only stuck to protocol.

If a gent asks explicit questions that is on the menu, sometime even if they are a regular, I simply state: "My donation is for time an companionship but I'm sure we will have a great time. You have nothing to worry about"

I sound like a broken record but at least I CmyA.
Budman's Avatar
I don't believe that LE would have much of a case with a phone conversation. I understand not wanting to have these conversations for various reasons but do you really think LE would invest the man power and technology necessary to prosecute you if all they have is a recorded conversation. All you would have to say is "I have no idea what you talking about. I left my phone a Starbucks and apparently somebody thought this was funny". Discussing this shit face to face is another matter completely. I will not mention anything once I'm with a provider until after the session is over. Then I may inquire about other activities that may be on the menu. I wouldn't get to paranoid over a phone call.
I think a point that has been left out here is the fact that there are several providers out there (as well as in here) that DO discuss the gory details over the phone.

I've been clear on the "no explicit discussion of sex or $$" since the beginning. But several times I've rang up someone, and in the middle of the conversation I get, "so what do you like? You want just the oral session? You want an hour full service?" and "oh, it's usually this much but today I'm running a special and its only this much." Etc, etc...

So, now you have a hobbyist who has had the experience of these ladies going over explicit details and pricing, and then he calls you. He just doesn't know any better. Originally Posted by Damon Bradley
The general attitude of the providers the hobbyist has dealt with in the past definitely seems to have an impact on the way he will treat providers in the future. The situations where I feel the hobbyist probably doesn't even realized what he's doing are the ones that make me question my stringency. And then there are the ones that make me think, "RUDE."

I have my own hard-and-fast rules about the kind of behavior I will and won't accept in session (as everyone, both hobbyists and providers, should.) But it is so difficult to judge someone based on an email, or a text, or a PM. There are definitely cases where I will just ignore a message altogether if it's just downright inappropriate or disrespectful, and then sometimes I'm feeling feisty and just feel compelled to respond.

Case in point: After advertising a recent trip to West Texas, I received an email that said, "Do you do Nuru massage?" (No harm, no foul there.) "Will there be any chance for gangbangs on this trip?" (WTF?!) My response went something like, "I don't know where you got your information about my activities, but you're out of luck on both counts. Good luck finding someone to suit your needs." The guy didn't get the hint, because I had another email from him saying the exact same thing a couple days later. This kind of thing throws up a red flag for me every time. I don't really care whether he was a cop, or just a creep. He made my spidey sense tingle.

On another trip, I arranged for an incall with a hobbyist who has multiple reviews here, Okay's in the double digits on P411, and came across as very nice in our initial contact. However, he decided he wanted an outcall to his place about an hour from my hotel, and I just wanted prepared to take a cab to the middle of nowhere. I knew that even if he was nice, I would feel trapped and uncomfortable the entire session, and we wouldn't enjoy ourselves. So I told him no. His response to me was unbelievable, full of insults and ending with, "Fucking hookers are the scum of the earth."

Yep. Glad my intuition served me on that one. I sent an email to P411 with the correspondence between us just as a heads up to Gina and put him on my DNS list.

I once knew a girl who worked in a spa who had a regular come see her 10+ times. After getting comfortable with him she felt free to discuss unmentionable info and got busted.

Although the situation being in a spa is different, in that it is more of a target for LE, I still am not comfortable with discussing activities with regular clients. Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
I definitely don't agree with the theory that once someone has been screened, explicit discussion is okay. That's just inviting trouble. We all know stories of hobbyists and/or providers who have a good reputation until LE forces them into a corner. Every so often, one of them caves and decides to help LE, for whatever reason. And sometimes hobbyists are well-behaved for a few sessions, then lose their minds. People are infinitely surprising in their ability to go from 0 to crazy in 5.2.

I don't know if that is militant. I just would rather stay safe than get in trouble and say: "If I would have only stuck to protocol.

I sound like a broken record but at least I CmyA. Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
A hobbyist I respect here sent me a PM about this thread, and said something to the effect of, "I'd rather see someone call you a bitch for being too strict that see something bad happen to you."

He has a very good point.
I don't believe that LE would have much of a case with a phone conversation. I understand not wanting to have these conversations for various reasons but do you really think LE would invest the man power and technology necessary to prosecute you if all they have is a recorded conversation. All you would have to say is "I have no idea what you talking about. I left my phone a Starbucks and apparently somebody thought this was funny". Discussing this shit face to face is another matter completely. I will not mention anything once I'm with a provider until after the session is over. Then I may inquire about other activities that may be on the menu. I wouldn't get to paranoid over a phone call. Originally Posted by Budman
A very good point.
True... even though Texas is a one-party state, recorded conversations are too sketchy to serve as the sole source of evidence in a case.

Email correspondence, on the other hand... that can get ugly. I've interviewed juries in civil cases where a single email thread was the deciding factor in a very, very large punitive amount of punitive damages.

I'm afraid people think I'm paranoid now. Oh my god. Hold on. A woman in the grocery store is looking at me. I think she knows. Oh my god. She definitely knows who I am. She's going to tell everyone! This is awful. My life is over! I have to go now.
Perhaps I should change my website packages to include nothing but a laundry list of sexual activities and a specific rate for each one. That would be classy. And smart, on top of that. Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
Not at all and let me try again without any contention. Here is a snippet from your site: "Cocktails & Dinner: 3 hours to savor cocktails, enjoy a delectable meal, & become more intimate.$800"

From the perspective a new person reading your site it would be challenging for me to determine what savoring cocktails means. You also stated that you are not with any specific emails from a potential date asking specifics, telephone conversation is out, and you agree that specific conversation bcd takes away from your fantasy. So the person is supposed to go with the flow and hope they get what they want?"

I acknowledge that reviews answer a good deal, and you have many good reviews, but then again gfe has become nebulous from provider to provider. There must be some way to ask for what you want?
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Just use very subtle innuendos.

Can I put my salami between your buns?
How about hotdogs in the milk factory? Is that against health code regulations?

See, being subtle is key to evading LE.
I didn't say telephone conversation was out, honey.

Any seasoned hobbyist should know that most providers in my donation range will tell you that you are paying for time and companionship, and not specific services.

I agree that the term GFE has become quite nebulous, but then again, I do feel it's up to a hobbyist to research the providers he wants to see, just as it's my job to screen gentlemen who contact me. Between my reviews, comments on the board, and my website and P411... Since I rarely get asked what my services are, or ger asked to agree to specifics, I would think most hobbyists are able to determine whether I would be someone he would want to see.

But again, this thread wasn't about whether I should expect to be asked questions about my services. It was about how I could politely communicate to a hobbyist that doesn't listen the first time I tell them that explicit conversation is not welcome, without alienating him completely, on the off chance that he really just didn't know any better. Thanks to everyone who's responded on topic.