What? No thread about Allen Weisselberg pleading guilty to more than 12 felonies?

(double post)
... You misunderstand, WTF.

Do you know what the fellow was charged with?
Failure to pay taxes on perks and bonus gifts.

Not sure how THIS is gonna bring down the Trump Organization.
But the FBI continued LIES to the FISA Judge surely did
its fair share!

#### Salty
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-21-2022, 01:01 PM
... You misunderstand.

Do you KNOW what the charged this fellow with?
Failing to pay taxes on perks and benefit gifts.

Not sure how THAT is gonna lead them to bring down
the Trump Organization. ... The LIES told by
the FBI to the FISA Judge has already done its fair share.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Do you seriously think that Trump had no knowledge of this defrauding of taxpayers?

You think Wiseman isn't going to flip Trump or who ever?