Baltimore Fires Police Commisioner

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
And therein lies the problem. It's not a flag, it's an entire system of privilege. Having been constructed over the better part of 400 years, I don't expect it to be torn down in short order. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Really? When was the last time you sold your gardner or you bought a trannie?
  • DSK
  • 07-10-2015, 10:03 AM
And therein lies the problem. It's not a flag, it's an entire system of privilege. Having been constructed over the better part of 400 years, I don't expect it to be torn down in short order. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Therein lies the real problem - not taking responsibility for their own fucked up communities but blaming whitey.
And therein lies the problem. It's not a flag, it's an entire system of privilege. Having been constructed over the better part of 400 years, I don't expect it to be torn down in short order. Originally Posted by WombRaider
It's an entire system now encompassing over 4 generations, started by Lyndon Johnson, that said, " vote Democrat, we will take care of you".
Really? When was the last time you sold your gardner or you bought a trannie? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Listen, I know you're kinda stupid, so I see how you would need it explained to you. It's nothing as blatant as that, shitsipper. Who do you think the war on drugs targets and has targeted since its inception? Is it a coincidence that with the rise of the war on drugs, we began mass construction of prisons? Stop and frisk policing? It's targeting young black men and we now have the largest prison population in the world. Blacks account for 13 percent of the population but 40 percent of the prison population. Something is off. By age 18, 30 percent of black males have been arrested at least once. Let that sink in. Almost one third, by the age of 18, have been arrested at least once. By age 23, that number increases to 49. Half.

So you can crack jokes about gardeners and trannies, but you would be the fucking idiot that is missing the real issue. It's a system of privilege that was built over time. Blacks are less likely to get home loans. Less likely to be called back for a job, even with the same qualifications as a white counterpart. These are facts that have been documented over and over again. And you wonder why they are upset. Would you not be upset over this treatment? The system is in place. It's why violence erupts. They have reached the point of not being able to take it anymore. People spend their entire lives under this system, constantly being told they are not equal, not good enough. You can laugh and make your jokes, but it shows the utter disconnect you have from reality and what is really going on. By any means necessary, is what Malcolm X said. What lengths would you go to if you lived under a system of oppression that gave you no quarter?

We are not bearing witness to love, justice or truth. It's time for that to change. We ALL have work to do, in this regard, by being transparent about the system itself.
Batts firing is part of the PLAN!

How has stop and frisk contributed to unwarranted incarceration of blacks?

Didn't stop and frisk save black lives?

Right now, today, not some bygone past, the biggest oppressors of blacks are other blacks. Should the police just let them continue in their oppression?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Listen, I know you're kinda stupid, so I see how you would need it explained to you. It's nothing as blatant as that, shitsipper. Who do you think the war on drugs targets and has targeted since its inception? Is it a coincidence that with the rise of the war on drugs, we began mass construction of prisons? Stop and frisk policing? It's targeting young black men and we now have the largest prison population in the world. Blacks account for 13 percent of the population but 40 percent of the prison population. Something is off. By age 18, 30 percent of black males have been arrested at least once. Let that sink in. Almost one third, by the age of 18, have been arrested at least once. By age 23, that number increases to 49. Half.

So you can crack jokes about gardeners and trannies, but you would be the fucking idiot that is missing the real issue. It's a system of privilege that was built over time. Blacks are less likely to get home loans. Less likely to be called back for a job, even with the same qualifications as a white counterpart. These are facts that have been documented over and over again. And you wonder why they are upset. Would you not be upset over this treatment? The system is in place. It's why violence erupts. They have reached the point of not being able to take it anymore. People spend their entire lives under this system, constantly being told they are not equal, not good enough. You can laugh and make your jokes, but it shows the utter disconnect you have from reality and what is really going on. By any means necessary, is what Malcolm X said. What lengths would you go to if you lived under a system of oppression that gave you no quarter?

We are not bearing witness to love, justice or truth. It's time for that to change. We ALL have work to do, in this regard, by being transparent about the system itself. Originally Posted by WombRaider

You know you almost make a valid point but you screw it up with politics. Of course you will accuse me of politics but it is actually history. You go back to the war on drugs and stop. Go back to the post Civil War period.

The slaves were freed, the south was in disarray, but the men who led the south were not the kind to take thing sitting down. What happened? Northerners came to the south to teach the freedmen to read and write, to register to vote, and to take their rightful place in society. The response? The KKK was established to intimidate the freedmen from voting and running for office, and to prevent commercial competition against the white majority. New laws were made. Not just Jim Crow but the chain gang came into being. Where a black man could be convicted of a misdemeanor and end up serving years on a chain gang working for selected white business owners. Who said slavery was over?

Jim Crow, separate but equal, lynchings, poll taxes, testing were all inventions by the south to keep the freedmen down. We are still in the 19th century!

We can fast forward to segregation, blacks fighting for the United States but not getting full rights for two world wars, more lynchings, more abuse, women getting the right to vote but not black men or women, and things begin to change. Harry Truman reasonably thinks that if a man can fight for his country then he should be able to serve as an equal. The US military is integrated. The democrats split their party and almost cost Truman the election. Then we get into the Civil Rights movement, peaceful protests, Selma, and MLK. Still no war on drugs.

I think I've made my point. You gloss over 100 years of history because you want some cheap political attack about drug laws. I have news for you. People were using drugs for a century before the war; Opium dens, heroin, cocaine were common in the larger cities. Damn it! Being called away again. Probably more later because you will probably have some stupid snarky comment that has nothing to do with the topic...

I'll leave you with this, things have changed. It is not 1950 anymore. You talk about getting no quarter... bullshit. You talk about bad times for black people... bullshit. You need to accept that some things...most things are the result of bad decisions by people.