COVID Chinese Virus

  • H&H
  • 12-18-2021, 06:03 PM
What's the problem with testing? Without a test you don't really know if you've got a cold, the flu or COVID.

If you know you've got COVID you can stay home and avoid spreading it to the aged and the unhealthy. If you yourself are aged or unhealthy, you can get a monoclonal antibody infusion. If you so choose you can take ivermectin. Soon you'll be able to pop a Pfizer pill that will dramatically reduce your chances of going to the hospital.

I agree with Chung Tran. We need more tests and cheaper tests. This is one of the areas where the Biden administration and the American health care system have fallen flat. Europe is far ahead of us on this front.

That said, I agree with you H&H, the antigen test isn't as accurate as we'd like. Originally Posted by Tiny
What difference does it make? If you are sick with anything at all, stay home and get better! Covid is something showing up in a test and sometimes not showing up in a test when you have it. You can get a test at the store for $18. How much cheaper and unreliable do you want it??

Chung: I'm not an anti vaxer. Fully vaccinated here.
  • Tiny
  • 12-18-2021, 06:17 PM
What difference does it make? If you are sick with anything at all, stay home and get better! Covid is something showing up in a test and sometimes not showing up in a test when you have it. You can get a test at the store for $18. How much cheaper and unreliable do you want it??

Chung: I'm not an anti vaxer. Fully vaccinated here. Originally Posted by H&H
If people stayed home every time they got a sniffle or a sore throat nothing would get done.

The tests cost $1.00 in Germany. Like everything else associated with our health care system, we pay more than other countries.

Right, the home tests don't work very well for the asymptomatic. But the antigen tests are reasonably reliable for people with positive viral cultures, meaning people who are more infectious. If I had classic symptoms of COVID like loss of sense of taste or smell and had a negative result from a home antigen test, I'd definitely follow up with a PCR test. And yeah, if you've got a bad cold or the flu or especially COVID, it's best not to go around exposing other people.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
What will it take to end all of the needless testing for the Chinese Virus?

90-100% vaccination rate per year

New President in Office of the United States

Biden's controllers come to their senses and end it before he is out

Never, it will never end ever

A newer, more important bioweapon or war emerges to trump it

2nd coming of Jesus Originally Posted by H&H
U left one out.

Biden's controllers will not come to their senses and end it before he is out
  • H&H
  • 12-18-2021, 06:38 PM
If people stayed home every time they got a sniffle or a sore throat nothing would get done.

The tests cost $1.00 in Germany. Like everything else associated with our health care system, we pay more than other countries.

Right, the home tests don't work very well for the asymptomatic. But the antigen tests are reasonably reliable for people with positive viral cultures, meaning people who are more infectious. If I had classic symptoms of COVID like loss of sense of taste or smell and had a negative result from a home antigen test, I'd definitely follow up with a PCR test. And yeah, if you've got a bad cold or the flu or especially COVID, it's best not to go around exposing other people. Originally Posted by Tiny
Everyone is hypersensitive to Covid now. Someone gets sniffles or aches, go get tested. Positive could be Covid but maybe not. Negative, could still be Covid.

Stop testing for it is the only reliable conclusion.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Everyone is hypersensitive to Covid now. Someone gets sniffles or aches, go get tested. Positive could be Covid but maybe not. Negative, could still be Covid.

Stop testing for it is the only reliable conclusion. Originally Posted by H&H
I completely disagree that people are quick to test.

Your answer seems to be to ignore the virus, que sera sera..
  • H&H
  • 12-19-2021, 07:40 PM
For the most part yes. It can't be tracked with any reliability and hasn't been since the start. Since we are going to have the vaccine option for it like the flu each year lets just approach it that way. If they discover variants, adjust the vaccines. But the sun up to sun down headline news and hospital capacities, deaths, testing, etc needs to end.
As a country we should focus on supporting the discovery of its origins and making sure something like this doesn't happen again in anywhere on earth.
Chung Tran's Avatar
It sounds like you just want people vaccinated, then kind of just deal with it? Works for me, except no amount of begging and incentives, let alone science, will move that 1/3 that REFUSE to get the shots.

Meanwhile, many Countries barely have any vaccinated. Due to inability to obtain vaccines. The Anti-vaxers bitch about shutdowns and lockdowns, but to the extent those happen, which has not been much in the US, it is on them for refusing to get vaccinated, and promoting conspiracy bullshit.
HedonistForever's Avatar
What's the problem with testing? Without a test you don't really know if you've got a cold, the flu or COVID.

If you know you've got COVID you can stay home and avoid spreading it to the aged and the unhealthy. If you yourself are aged or unhealthy, you can get a monoclonal antibody infusion. ( If you live in Florida ) If you so choose you can take ivermectin ( if you are a Democrat, that is heresy and will not be allowed!!! ). Soon you'll be able to pop a Pfizer pill that will dramatically reduce your chances of going to the hospital.

I agree with Chung Tran. We need more tests and cheaper tests. This is one of the areas where the Biden administration and the American health care system have fallen flat. Europe is far ahead of us on this front.

That said, I agree with you H&H, the antigen test isn't as accurate as we'd like. Originally Posted by Tiny

When I started having a really bad cough and fatigue, I went for a test and it came back negative for Covid. I was relieved but still had to endure covid type symptoms for weeks. Not fun. Still don't know what I actually had. One doctor said "acute bronchitis", my ENT said no ( I asked him how he knew it wasn't and he said "because I'm a doctor" in a joking manner ) but it was some kind of respiratory virus of which there are many he said. Better now but my chest/ breathing feels "different". Maybe my imagination. Maybe it will go back to normal or what I perceive to be normal.
  • H&H
  • 12-20-2021, 12:31 PM
Hedon- I hope you get to feeling better. So much of this stuff going around. I have a good friend recently diagnosed with pneumonia. 2 shots plus booster plus flu shot plus pneumonia shot. It's all still very much in play even with the vaccines.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
What's the problem with testing? Without a test you don't really know if you've got a cold, the flu or COVID... Originally Posted by Tiny
Tell us of this test of which you speaketh sage one. What doth said test go by the name of? I would dearly luv to wizz all over it for you, if thouest might only name it, for a test by any other name may smell as if from the rear of an elephant.

<Rod Serling voice over> Imagine if you will; a virus so deadly that you need a test to find out if you even have it.