Vegetable Oil and a Plastic Tarp....

Txh64's Avatar
  • Txh64
  • 03-24-2010, 09:28 AM
Yes, very fun - and my experience has been that olive oil (extra virgin, of course, just like us) is lovely too. Originally Posted by EllaInAustin
Big fan of the olive oil slide. Best oil to use for this. Big fan of Ella's rear in her avatar also. Need to offer my olive oil rubbing services to her.
Very interesting...I've been guilty of bringing a plastic tarp into a session but the vegetable oil thing is intriguing.

Guest062716's Avatar
Okay, so here is a related joke.... From where do they get virgin olive oil?............

Answer: Ugly olive trees......
I have just discovered Johnsons baby oil gel, scented, it is fun as hell, i can only imagine sliding around with Ella, Alisha or Tess, what fun!!!! Originally Posted by thiswrench
All at once, you are a brave man!
I have just discovered Johnsons baby oil gel, scented, it is fun as hell, i can only imagine sliding around with Ella, Alisha or Tess, what fun!!!! Originally Posted by thiswrench
All at once, you are a brave man!
Tess Originally Posted by Topshelf Tess
And there you go Wrench, a good idea and three beautiful women. Any one of or all three --- slip sliding away -- slip sliding a ????
Miguel's Avatar
I have just discovered Johnsons baby oil gel, scented, it is fun as hell, i can only imagine sliding around with Ella, Alisha or Tess, what fun!!!! Originally Posted by thiswrench
Playing with oil is tons of fun! I would, however, caution you to do your homework when it comes to using baby oil for all over play. Baby oil (and other mineral oil based products) deteriorate latex condoms at a fairly rapid pace. This study claims that just sixty seconds of exposure can cause severe damage.

A quick search did not reveal any similar studies about natural oils (olive primarily) and its impact on latex. There is anecdotal evidence all around, but nothing formal.

As always, stay safe (and slippery)!
  • HOM
  • 03-24-2010, 11:29 PM
Oil Is my middle name H Oil M
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Oh my. this is H. Hh.. Hhh... Hhhhott!

This whole idea -- and all of the naughty thoughts of a slickered-down/oiled-up Alisha... and her being such a hot, sexy, little mess...all racing through my mind as a result-- is causing the my pants to tighten.

This sounds like an outstanding way to spend an evening!

Thank you Alisha. I'mma' be totally worthless (and chubbed..Heh!) the entire rest of the day now and it's all your fault.
Simply Alisha's Avatar
....Thank you Alisha. I'mma' be totally worthless (and chubbed..Heh!) the entire rest of the day now and it's all your fault. Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
You are VERY welcome

Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Slip & Slide fun is a BLAST! I've had a few clients enjoy this with me. The first bought a rather expensive massage/lubricant for the experience and it was quite enjoyable. I suggested we try a lesser priced alternative next time i.e. olive oil. I've read that grapeseed oil is another recent addition to preferred mediums but is also known to have poor effects on latex.

Another fella brings a bottle of Vaseline Total Moisture conditioning lotion which is definitely good for the skin. We pour some into a bowl for easier dispensing by the handful.

Ahhhh... the sensual pleasures of skin on skin is so very erotic.