Are you better off..

Same shit, different day...I'm not hurting for any necessities now and I wasn't three or four years ago either. Well, I have a puppy now and I didn't then so I guess that's an improvement though I don't think Obama should get the credit for that one. :P
dwl318's Avatar
oh hell yes. no wife that is the biggest difference. which equals out to no big medical bill. she has bill coming out the butt. no female saying i need more make-up, more cloths, new shoes and hand bag. now i can afford to play more golf and join a nice country club.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Remember this one?

"Everything that's up should be down. Everything that's down should be up."

It was a lie then, but true now.

Unemployment - up.
Income - down.

Gasoline prices - up.
Home values - down.

Government spending - up.
Savings - down.

This "ass-clown" is well on his way to outspending every previous Presidents' combined. Want to take a look into the near future? Check out Greece, Italy, Spain, or Ireland. We're heading down the same path. We will long for the days of Jimmy Carter. Worst President ever!

Unemployment - up. Originally Posted by gfejunkie

Unemployment peaked in Oct. 2009 @ 10.1%

Income - down. Originally Posted by gfejunkie

"projected increases to base pay will be 2.9% in 2011. This is up from 2.7% in 2010 but less than 3.2% in 2009."

Gasoline prices - up. Originally Posted by gfejunkie

Gasoline prices peaked in August 2008 @ $4.12 per gallon under Bush.

Home values - down. Originally Posted by gfejunkie

The average home price in the U.S. has remained relatively flat since the bubble burst in 2008.

Government spending - up. Originally Posted by gfejunkie

By all accounts, government spending is expected to be reduced dramatically over the next few years.
"Under current law, CBO projects, budget deficits will drop markedly over the next few years—to $1.1 trillion in 2012, $704 billion in 2013, and $533 billion in 2014. Relative to the size of the economy, those deficits represent 7.0 percent of GDP in 2012, 4.3 percent in 2013, and 3.1 percent in 2014. From 2015 through 2021, the deficits in the baseline projections range from 2.9 percent to 3.4 percent of GDP."
You should perhaps get your facts straight before forming an opinion.
KosherCowboy's Avatar
'Facts' can be skewed every which way you want, I watched FOX news last night and it appeared the economy was in shambles, I switched to the Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC and wow!; what a difference. The economy was thriving, her #'s and guests made it look like the roaring 20's and America was on top of the world..

Point being, #'s can be created, twisted, skewed etc. for either side to make a point.

But the ' over the next few years' is part of what I feel is the problem. We heard that almost four years ago. There are more ' Joe the Plumbers' out of work today than than. The rich will always be rich, most of the guys on this board who have been here for 3+ years can afford a 'luxury item' such as a hooker or a meal at Sullivan's just as they could 'yesterday.' But we're not going to see the votes of the unemployed in this poll, they can't afford to spend $ like we do and dropped off.

They don't trade Vaginal Futures like they do Crude in the trading pits in lower Manhatten but some ladies, not all, are offering cheap half hours, even 15 minutes and in some cases Blow and go's, not like years ago. I can get an hour today for $150-$200 ( or more) but 3 years ago+ had to pay $200-$300. There were no 15 min sessions ( unless skank) back than and 30 minute sessions than were probably reserved for regulars or offered by only 25% of the ladies, and those rates were what we pay for an hour today in some cases...

So the guys voting aren't really hurting ' that bad' , P4P is not for the broke.

but Main Street America is, they don't have time to wait. The kids need food tomorrow, not in 4 years. The mortgage payment is due tomorrow, not in four years. The phone, gas, electric and cable TV/internet bill are due tomorrow, not in four years. Little johnny graduated high school last month but wants to go to college this fall, not in four years.

Unless Obama is going to pay the bills for them himself those folks are tired of hearing ' tomorrow'; they were promised ' tomorrow years ago' and now that tomorrow has come and is called ' today' they are no better off than they were when the empty promise was made.

I'm not better off than I was four years ago, doing about the same. I can't afford to fly to Paris to shop, to dine 2-3 times a week at 4-5 star restaurants or buy shirts for over $50.00 but at the same time I am grateful I'll never have to worry about food to eat or a roof over my head or not having health insurance and money to get get my Hebrew National All Beef Hot Dog sucked and fucked..

but sadly, less of America can say that today than yesterday, IMHO..

As to home prices, a few pockets of America have seen increases, average them in with the losers than one can make a case home prices haven't fallen much if you toy with the numbers but reality is in your local MLS in all 50 states. Have your realtor look up your subdivision and your zip code and pull all the comps to the Bush years, 90% of folks who do that in America would more likely than not be told they lost value..
SCBOY's Avatar
  • 07-12-2011, 07:58 AM
F-Sharp quit acting like an ass and pushing your BS on everyone else.
  • Booth
  • 07-12-2011, 08:41 AM
F-Sharp quit acting like an ass and pushing your BS on everyone else. Originally Posted by SCBOY

I don't think SCBOY likes the prospect of 4 more years.

FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS! As this poll indicates, things are looking up.
house prices are down in 20 major cities,

house prices are down in 20 major cities,
Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
facts are a foriegn concept to F-Sharp
  • E2
  • 07-12-2011, 09:56 AM
Not just no but fuck no. Originally Posted by Budman
+1 !!

but I am sure that it is not all attributable to a single man in the White House.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The company I work for had record gross and net earnings in 2010. Look at the results of other companies and I bet you will see that the majority had increased profits in 2010 over 2009. My 401k died in 2008, the last year of GWB, and soared in 2009 and 2010, and despite problems in other parts of the world, is up in 2011. I know some will say that the President has almost nothing to do with such things, but he catches Hell when 401k's go down.

We got a 2% bonus in our pay this year when Obama lowered the Social Security Tax. Despite tales about how much the new health plan was going to cost us, my bill went up the usual few dollars over last year. Increase had nothing to do with the health plan.

So yes, I am better off today than I was the day Obama took office.
The Republicans will never return to the progressive tax rates of the 1990s [which brought us the boom of those years] because they believe that hedge fund managers, stock speculators, and currency traders are the "job creators" our economy needs.

I think they're right.

Our only problem is that the rich are not rich enough.

If we only let them earn what they need to help the rest of us without burdonsom taxes they would build for us the economic paradise we all yearn for.

Eliminate all taxes on speculation and gains from markets I say!

Let the billionaires do what they do best - grow the economy for the rest of us. And then we who only work at the jobs they've created can pay for what the government needs out of what has been given to us which we otherwise wouldn't have anyway! for all the economists who point out that government spending is an economic multiplier....they can be easily ignored.

while we're at it we can ignore all the bankers who point out that with this much money being created by the Fed we don't need any more private investment from anyone because they don't have enough customers for the money they're holding onto now.

Afterall it's not THE ECONOMY that creates jobs, it's the creative individuals within it who do it all completely on their own and not responding to anything outside of themselves. They are the giants! The great ones! The Gordon Gekkos to whom the rest of us should thank our lucky stars we have! Frankly I think only these people should have the right to vote. They have shown their intellectual superiority through results. We all would be better off if they could eventually form a monarchy also so the rest of us can wipe them when they soil themselves.

Or as Sarah Palin says, Heck yeah!
house prices are down in 20 major cities,
Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Since when? Not since Obama took office as the question was posed. Take another look at your chart. Home prices nose-doved at the end of Bush's term in 2008. Obama took office Jan. 2009. Home prices have been relatively flat since that time, and overall, up. Take a look here at the pre-bubble trend, the graph continues to go up and it's pretty clear home prices have avg. about 160k - 175k since Obama has been in office.

You and GFE stand corrected once again.

F-Sharp quit acting like an ass and pushing your BS on everyone else. Originally Posted by SCBOY
Don't get me wrong, I am no fan of Obama these days but it isn't *my* BS. These facts are readily available directly from the source and you're welcome to make an attempt to dispute them. I can't help you if you happen to be one of the factually challenged around here.
'Facts' can be skewed every which way you want, I watched FOX news last night and it appeared the economy was in shambles, I switched to the Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC and wow!; what a difference. The economy was thriving, her #'s and guests made it look like the roaring 20's and America was on top of the world..

Point being, #'s can be created, twisted, skewed etc. for either side to make a point.
Originally Posted by KosherCowboy
Facts can and will generally be skewed by those with an agenda. If you want unskewed facts, you need to go to the source and stay away from propagandinistas like Fox and MSNBC. I avoid pulling my information from such sources.