AP source: Suspect in Portland death killed by investigators

rexdutchman's Avatar
Old fashion gun fight between good guys and bad guy , However ignorance is bliss to facts for some people
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
ah yes. let the spin begin. this far left website goes to great lengths to defend this antifa asshole and portray the "far right" as the instigators. the video shows a different story. so when is this asshole's "friend" going to speak? my bet .. never.

Instead Of Arresting The Portland Man Suspected Of Shooting A Far-Right Protestor, Police Killed Him


Just hours after Michael Reinoehl spoke to VICE News about fatally shooting a member of the far-right group Patriot Prayer during a rally in downtown Portland, police shot and killed him near Olympia, Washington. According to the U.S. Marshals Service, investigators who were part of a federal task force moved to arrest Reinoehl Thursday night after a Multnomah County Circuit Court judge issued an arrest warrant.

“The fugitive task force located Reinoehl in Olympia and attempted to peacefully arrest him,” the U.S. Marshals Service claimed. Law enforcement officers at the scene allege Reinoehl, 48, was armed with a firearm at the time of his arrest and was “threatening the lives of law enforcement officers” but no other witnesses have corroborated this account of events. Officers ultimately shot and killed him during the attempted arrest.

Reinoehl had been a person of interest in the police investigation into the killing of Aaron “Jay” Danielson, the Patriot Prayer member who was participating in a pro-Trump car caravan on August 29 in Portland. In an earlier conversation with VICE, Reinoehl said he was acting in self defense when he shot Danielson.

“I had no choice. I mean, I, I had a choice. I could have sat there and watched them kill a friend of mine of color. But I wasn't going to do that,” Reinoehl said. He also detailed how Danielson threatened him and a friend with a knife, adding, “Had I stepped forward, he would have maced or stabbed me.” After the incident, Reinoehl told VICE News that he went into hiding and relocated his children after shots were fired outside his home, and said after speaking with attorneys he felt he had “a viable case for self defense and protection because there’s a definite threat to my life.”

Reinoehl regularly attended racial justice protests in Portland over the last three months since national uprisings began after Minneapolis police killed George Floyd in May. He was previously arrested during an action in July for carrying a loaded gun and resisting arrest.

Reinoehl had been a person of interest in the police investigation into the killing of Aaron “Jay” Danielson, the Patriot Prayer member who was participating in a pro-Trump car caravan on August 29 in Portland. In an earlier conversation with VICE, Reinoehl said he was acting in self defense when he shot Danielson.

Photo: Beth Nakamura/The Oregonian/AP Images.
Michael Reinoehl

Not long before reports of Reinoehl’s killing circulated, President Donald Trump tweeted that the Portland Police Department should be arresting him, writing “Do your job, and do it fast.” Anti-racist demonstrators say it’s obvious police have taken a side in the escalating fight for racial justice, and Reinoehl's killing is only the latest in this battle. Last month, police apprehended 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse after he shot and killed two anti-racist protestors in Kenosha, Wisconsin — as the president came to his defense — but did not act with the same restraint when arresting Reinoehl on Thursday night.

There have been dozens of attacks on anti-racist protestors since May. In just the last few weeks in Portland, the far right and Trump supporters were suspected of carrying out two attempted pipe-bomb attacks, one drive-by shooting, and pulling guns on protestors, according to the site It’s Going Down. And, on Thursday night, someone drove their car into a Black Lives Matter protest in Times Square in New York City in the latest attempt to attack protestors..
Because local LE has been neutered by Portland's DA, Mike Schmidt, who is an honorary Antifa member. It was the Feds who found this POS. Fucker lied brazenly in that VICE interview and decided to go out in a blaze of bullets. Originally Posted by lustylad
I wonder if the only thing that got the Feds involved is that he crossed state lines.

If he stayed in Portlandia he might have been marked safe by the Dims.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Reinoehl was lying his ass off in that Vice video interview.

read some details on the Reinoehl shooting.

btw, Jay daniels was apparently holding a can of Bear Mace which exploded. this was the first shot which hit the bear mace can then other shots followed.

now the shootout with the FBI, the Daily Mail article says he was using a rifle instead of a handgun. so which is it?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Reinoehl was lying his ass off in that Vice video interview.

read some details on the Reinoehl shooting.

btw, Jay daniels was apparently holding a can of Bear Mace which exploded. this was the first shot which hit the bear mace can then other shots followed.

now the shootout with the FBI, the Daily Mail article says he was using a rifle instead of a handgun. so which is it? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

he's dead. one less ANTIFA faggot to execute. a good start.

yes it's too late to argue with then ,., it's time to shoot back